MagnaGarurumon is an Android Digimon whose name and design are derived from "Magna" (Lat: Great) and Garurumon. It is a Transcendent-species Digimon that possesses power over Light which is said to have surpassed even the might of the Ten Legendary Warriors. It specializes in moving at light speed, and when its aviation unit is equipped, it is able to fly at subluminal speeds. Also, its "Charge Phantom" chest armor, its long-range firing "Sniper Phantom" on its right arm, and its mid-range firing "Strike Phantom" on its left arm are capable of being detached, although this decreases a portion of its firepower. By spinning at high altitudes, the "Laser Sights" on its chest are capable of locking onto all anti-air and anti-ground targets, so as soon as it spins at an extremely high altitude
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