Bleach (ブリーチ, Burīchi; romanized as BLEACH in Japan) is an ongoing manga series authored by Tite Kubo that has appeared in Weekly Shonen Jump magazine since August 2001. This particular spin-off, entitled as Bleach: Twilight (ブリーチ薄明, Burīchi Hakumei) follows the adventures, trials, and tribulations of Sannoto Nageki, a young college student clueless of his true heritage, as he rises to fully realize his true power and become a full fledged shinigami. Along the way, he gathers friends and enemies alike, learns in victory and defeat, lives life to the fullest, and uncovers the truth surrounding his absent father, Kai Nageki, that left his family when he was but an infant. The story is authored by Zicoihno.
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