First Love Sisters(初恋姉妹Hatsukoi Shimai) is a Japanese manga originally conceived by Mako Komao with original art designs by Reine Hibiki, and illustrated by Mizuo Shinonome which was first serialized in the now-defunct yuri shōjo manga magazine Yuri Shimai on June 28, 2003 under the title Koi Shimai(恋姉妹). The manga was transferred to Comic Yuri Hime, Yuri Shimai's successor, published by Ichijinsha. The final chapter was published in the eleventh issue of Comic Yuri Hime, and three bound volumes have been released, with the final one on April 18, 2008. The manga has been licensed by Los Angeles-based company Seven Seas Entertainment and the first volume went on sale in January 2008, but the series is now on hold due to rights issues. Three drama CDs based on this series have been released,
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