Gryphonmon is a Mythical Animal Digimon whose name and design are derived from the mythological Gryphon. It is a fusion Digimon which possesses the head, wings, and forelegs of a Bird Digimon, and the body of a Beast Digimon with a snake-like tail attached to it. Although it is able to fly about the skies with its wings, it is said that it usually inhabits desert regions and mountain caves. Also, Gryphonmon's offensive power is extremely great, and because it makes sport of enemies with its keen movements, it is difficult to analyze any way to defeat Gryphonmon. To make the best use of those abilities, it serves as a guard defending against illegal penetrations of the Internet, and is used for the security of confidential information. A Gryphonmon attends Murmukusmon, who uses it as its ha
Identifier (URI) | Rank |
dbkwik:resource/g_bHMpeEn7XrW7YTPiuiAQ== | 5.88129e-14 |