On the Transformers' homeworld of Cybertron, Blaster is trying to meet up with his partner Scrounge, who has stumbled upon a transmission sent by the Decepticon Soundwave and is subsequently captured. Despite the misgivings of base commander Perceptor, Blaster convinces his fellow Autobots to try to find Scrounge. Their inquiries lead them to the smelting pool, a pit that serves the dual function of execution chamber and raw materials processing for the Decepticon war effort. Blaster allows himself to be captured by the Decepticons in order to be thrown into the pool and find Scrounge. Although Scrounge is already too badly damaged to be saved, he is able to pass on a recording of the Decepticon message to Blaster, who is pulled out of the pool by his Autobot teammates. When the Autobots r
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