Mrs. Read: Come on, D.W., time for school. D.W.: (rising excitedly) Oh boy! School! D.W.: All finished! (backs out of her chair) We should go, Mom, or we might be late! (gets up and heads over to her chair) Why don't you take your cereal with you? Mrs. Read: D.W., we've got plenty of time. Arthur: (facing and speaking to the viewer) D.W. really loves school. Sometimes I think it's her favorite thing in the whole world. D.W.: (zipping down a slide) Wheeee! D.W. and Classmates: With a moo-moo here and a moo-moo there. Here a moo, there a moo, everywhere a moo-moo! D.W.: Thank you, Ms. Morgan. ~~~~
Identifier (URI) | Rank |
dbkwik:resource/iMkSb7Kk7W7ibEqF3xrXUg== | 5.88129e-14 |