Vociferous is a character from the animated television program, Dragon Booster. He is the sly, smooth-taking leader of the distrustful Voice of the Dragon Crew and their representaion on the Council of Twelve. At times, he will assume the identity of a director. Like Moordryd and his Dragon Eyes, Vociferous and his Voices will use deceptive tactics, but to blind others instead of rousing a high level of suspicion. He works together with Spynn, a female lieutenant of the Voices (and at some times, behind the camera). His dragon is Swavvy, but her appearance isn't really confirmed. For example, in episode 20, "Artha the Drac", and episode 24, "The Mechanist", Vociferous is shown riding a Bull-Class-like dragon with light green coloring. But in episode 33, "The Defiants", and episode 37 "Cain
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