The Deathraven was the personal starship of a mercenary pilot named Erron Kell, who constructed the ship sometime after the formation of the New Republic from two Slayn & Korpil B-wing/E2 starfighters with the help of engineers at Kuat Drive Yards. The thirty-two meter-long vessel combined the two B-wing hulls, which were obtained from Kell's contacts in the New Republic, around an enlarged central cockpit. Due to the addition of two light ion cannons, the Deathraven was more heavily armed than the two B-wing/E2s combined, and it boasted a Class 1.0 hyperdrive, two months of fuel and consumables, and many other improved systems. Kell flew the ship while working as a pilot-for-hire during the reign of the New Republic and the Yuuzhan Vong invasion, although Kell still preferred to transport
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