Spider-Girl is a fanfilm created by Max Carroll, utilizing the toy brand Minimates. The first entry into the Marvel Minimate Universe 2, the film follows high school sophomore basketball star May “Mayday” Parker as she begins her second year of high school. She begins to develop unusual abilities and powers and eventually learns that her late father, Peter Parker, was once the legendary costumed adventurer/super hero known as Spider-Man, who was killed during his final confrontation with the original Green Goblin. Meanwhile, a serial killer known as Crazy Eight goes on a rampage of destruction and death across New York City. Now, May must suit up as the costumed heroine known as Spider-Girl in order to take down Crazy Eight, all while trying to juggle her personal life and family responsib
Identifier (URI) | Rank |
dbkwik:resource/s8FZxtt4LO3XKe6gTG94nQ== | 5.88129e-14 |