an Entity in Data Space:
Aaron Prod's movie-spoofs and this is a parody of Don Bluth 1992 animated movie "Rock-a-Doodle". Chanticleer - Timon [The Lion King] Edmond - Isabella [Phineas and Ferb] Patou - Alex the lion [Madagascar] Peepers - Aaron [Assouline Family] Snipes - Pumbaa [The Lion King] Goldie - Daisy [Super Mario Bros] Stuey - Rafiki [The Lion King] The Farm Animals - Various Cartoon Heroes Edmond's Mom Play By Linda Flynn Fletcher From Phineas and Ferb Edmond's Dad Play by Lawrence Fletcher From Phineas and Ferb Edmond's Brothers Play By Stacy From Phineas and Ferb The Grand Duke of Owls - Merlin [Sword in Stone]
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