In 1989, CBS aired a special, "Marvin, Baby of the Year." Bea and Roy Arnold lost their retirement savings in the 2008 recession and had to move in with Jeff and Jenny; Janet did not have enough room. In 2010, the Millers got new neighbors, the Purfects, who are so perfect they make the Millers feel inadequate. Rodney Purfect has a Ph.D. and is a company president, has won the Heisman Trophy and climbed Mount Kiliminjaro. He is six feet five inches tall and very manly. Barbie Purfect is a housewife who attended cooking school in Paris, was a cheerleader, class president and sorority president. Rodney Perfect II is two and a half but reads at a third grade level, performed his Piano composition for Queen Elizabeth II and was potty trained at 6 months.
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---|---| | 27 |