Unlike other Super Sentai series, the monsters Bioman fight do not start small and become giants when defeated. Instead, Gear uses the Five Beastnoids (ジューノイド五獣士 Jūnoido Go Jūshi?), recurring mechanical monsters that fight the Biomen at normal size. Zyuoh is Monster's underling, and while the other members of Big Three sometimes display a preference for a certain Beastnoid, he is the only one to be designated a "master". In episode 31 and in the movie, all five Beastnoids are present and perform their very own roll-call, similar to the Biomen led by Beast King. The Five Beastnoids were considered the prototype Evil Sentai team due to their roll calls that are parodying Biomen's roll call. The English version of the show calls them the Cybernoid Five, or simply Cybernoids.
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