Lyssa. Location: Outnumbered. Level: 14 / Scaled. Element: Poison. Damage: Scaled. Damage Type: Melee. HP: Scaled. MP: Scaled. Stats: STR: 0, INT: 0, DEX: 0, END: 0, CHA: 0, LUK: 0, WIS: 0. Defenses: Melee: 5, Pierce: 5, Magic: 5, Parry: 0, Dodge: 0, Block: 0. Offenses: Crit: 2, Bonus: 0, Boost: 0%. Resistances: Immobility: 65, Energy: -150, Fire: -150, Water: 200. Attack Type 1 - Shoots a waterball at you for one hit of melee damage (Uses 10 MP). Attack Type 2 - Attacks with a shower of acid that may do DOT for one hit of melee damage (Uses 10 MP). Attack Type 3 - Swaps places with other Hydra.
Graph IRI | Count |
---|---| | 13 |