Lohth (Lohtish: Lüþ, Reyshi: Niegetßtat, "Knight's State," Anasic: Lod, Celmetish: Lod, Eiharish: Lod, Vrankish: Loto) called the Lie is one of three city-states not counted among the Eight States of Western Parthalenn, the others being Saia-Saia and the City of the Pass. Lohth is the largest of these cities, and indeed, is larger than Eiharu, Haruirrin, and Thunderstruck. Loth is a city that grows despite itself; Lohth is a hive of cruelty, and villainry. It is the Universe's drainage, where all "corrupt" chains of creation fall into. Here, on CC: 01/9/4,728, Ükndélé of the House of Meknn was born. On that exact day, in another world, Myklas and Landeles were doing battle over the Vyk. Ukndele's birth caused the sky to tear apart in that world, as he was the Child With Many Names; he was
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