Race: outsider Alignment: lawful evil Armor class: 18 (including the size modifier) Hit points: 3 to 170 Attack bonus: +6 to +40/+35/+30/+25 Damage: at level 1: 1d4 piercing damage, on-hit: quasit venom at level 40: 1d8 + 5 piercing damage, on-hit: quasit venom Hit dice (level): 1 to 40 Challenge rating: 1 to 27 Size: tiny Trained skills:(‡) hide, listen, move silently, search, spot (No skills improve after level 30.) Feats: darkvision, dodge, weapon finesse, weapon proficiency (creature), toughness (at level 15) Blueprint:(‡) nw_fm_imp01 to nw_fm_imp40
Entity | Attribute | Value | Rank |