Hiccup (v.o.): Everybody has lost something they thought they couldn't live without. Sometimes to find it again you have to be willing to do anything. Even look fear right in the eye. Just make sure you don't blink. Stoick: Where is he? He's been late before, but never this late. Gobber: Are you sure Trader Johann even has it? Stoick: I'm sure! I heard from Jorgensen, who heard from Stevenson the Shepard who told that Toldstad the Fisherman who said he saw Johann put it on his boat himself. Gobber: Well, it doesn't get anymore sure than that. Hiccup: You know, it might help if I actually knew what we are looking for. Stoick: We're looking for Johann. That's all you need to know. Gobber: Not to worry, old friend. It'll arrive safely and in good time. Hiccup: Come on, bud. You and me are go
Identifier (URI) | Rank |
dbkwik:resource/yEuK3cv1Pk_Dp8BZo-yUyQ== | 5.88129e-14 |