Posh's Cyber World is an American animated television series that aired from Febuary 14, 2005 to November 30, 2009 on Toonbarn and from January 20, 2010 to October 30, 2010 on Cartoon Network. The show is mix of 2D traditional animation and Anime animation and a spin off of the 1991 animated cartoon series Josh and His Pals. The show focuses on the title character having moved to a house that she found during a night trip (as shown in the series first episode) and founds a TV with lots of computer-related objects (keyboards, hard drives, etc.) and that happen, the screen on the TV act as a portal. Posh needs to dress up a pretty outfit in order to go to a technology place called Cyber World. There are two forms of her. Her first form is a Cartoon Form. She was still little just like the sp
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