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Kingdom Hearts Wiki:Project Enemy/DESIGN
For any of you who decide to help - thank you in advance. DESIGN * The Inexistent 23:26, May 16, 2010 (UTC)The_Inexistent * 20:52, May 30, 2010 (UTC) * 03:20, May 17, 2010 (UTC) * 03:50, May 17, 2010 (UTC) * [Ѧüя◎ґ] I hope I have enough edits to partake. * Dan - O BYDDED I'R HEN IAITH BARHAU! * maggosh 04:43, August 6, 2010 (UTC)
Two things, 1st)I like the etymolygy Maggosh. Though I'm still probably a Nobody, and my word may mean nothing but, I say you did great on them. 2)I have the game pre-ordered already and usually beat most games with the first two weeks so as soon as it comes out I can volunteer myself to help in any way possible on this project, if needed. It's probably a bit early to be saying that but I'm happy to help the wiki anyway I can.
Thanks, and the quality is fine!
I think so, and I promise I'll finish the etymologies as soon as my exams finish! ^_^ About the Artful Flyer, Sky Grappler, Air Battler and Aerial Master's names being references to academic degrees, the only thing I can find so far is the "Master's degree"... I don't really think it's enough for an etymology... I'm very, very, very, very, very sorry for delaying these etymologies for so long, I'll start on them now. Oh, and the Wyvern is lacking a proper design section. Awesome, I'll get to the gummi etymologies soon. Just one thing, the Wyvern is still lacking a proper design section, if someone could handle that, it would be great. I have a bit of spare time now, as I only have a couple of exams left, so over the next few days, I'll be combing through etymologies. Oh, and if anyone notices a Heartless that has a Design section, but is lacking an etymology, could you please add " - needs etymology" next to its name on the list? Thanks! =D
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Indeed, I've noticed that as well as I've been writing descriptions; in spite of the fact they can look so dissimilar at first glance, they still have a unified appearance because of those little traits. Even ones without these immediately apparent will have them hidden somewhere; I'm particularly fond of the zig-zag filament in the Angel Star, for example, since it mirrors the standard Heartless jaw. Come to think of it, the only ones with out the pointy jaws are the Mushrooms. I'm sure that's not by accident. Sounds like a good start. Lapis, if you'll take the KH2 Heartless, I'll snag the ones from the original game. That leaves CoM & Re:CoM , 358/2 Days, and the Final Mix+ from the appropriate games. Inexistent, do you want to tackle any specific types to start with? Just realize there's probably going to be some overlap here and there. And also, if anyone is unsure of a etymology or having issues with a description, feel free to tag another project member, of course! Just as an update, I have descriptions prepared for all of the Unversed except for the Trinity Armor. As for the Sneak Army, go for it, GrandUnversed. So from what I can tell, the only non-Unversed and non-Gummi enemies we have left are the Sneak Army and the World of Chaos. Are we missing any others? All Unversed now have descriptions up, including Vanitas's Sentiment. Most lack etymologies, which I suppose we'll wait on. So, I believe our progress as it stands now is: *Kingdom Hearts: Done. *CoM/Re:CoM: Done. *Kingdom Hearts II: Done. *Final Mixes: Done. *358/2 Days: Done. *Kingdom Hearts Gummi Enemies: On hold due to lack of info. . *Kingdom Hearts II Gummi Enemies: Descriptions done, several etymologies needed. *Birth by Sleep: Descriptions done. Etymology on hold due in anticipation of name changes. I still have the remaining Final Mix and Boss Heartless to do, but those should be finished by tomorrow at the latest. Ooo, good thought, Lapis. I'll give them their own sections... Went and got the descritpion for the Sneak Army, improved the one for the Trickmaster, and started the one for the World of Chaos. None of 'em have etymologies. If someone wants to finish up the World of Chaos, be my guest, it's still missing the description of the battleship as a whole. By the way, I'm prepariing descriptions for Unversed for when we start on them, so once BBS comes out we can get started again quickly. I'm noticing that Heartless have a lot of common traits, despite how different they seem to look. Spherical heads that are usually dark-colored, yellow, circular eyes, jagged mouths, and some kind of curled antenna or horn. Just something I noticed. And on more constructive terms, does the Bolt Tower have a different Final Mix coloration? On the subject of the Unversed, unregistered contributors and other users are adding descriptions to them anyway, so maybe we should just get those out of the way. We can hold off on etymologies in anticipation of name changes, but the physical description of the enemies probably won't change much. Thoughts? EDIT:Okay, been I while since I brought this up. No opposition to me putting up the Unversed descriptions? Suggestion. Obviously for bosses who are also actual characters we wouldn't give their bosspages design sections, it would be redundant to the Appearance section on their main page. But for characters who have multiple forms during boss fights I think we should contain the descriptions of the multiple forms on the respective boss pages. For example, what I did with the descriptions of Xion and Xemnas' various armored forms. Thoughts? I'm thinking, similar to other similar projects, we need to make a list of who's doing what. I have a couple of ideas of how we can divide this up to make it easier for everyone: 1. Enemies by World - There's going to be a bit of overlap here, since some critters appear in more than one area, but there are also quite a few unique to their areas, enough that dividing it this way is not going to confuse everyone greatly. 2. Enemies by Game - So far, that would be Kingdom Hearts, Kingdom Hearts Chain of Memories, et. al. My only concern is some people might feel a bit overwhelmed, unless a couple of us tackled each game at a time. 3. Enemies by Type - We have a few established Heartless-types, the black mage-esque ones being perhaps the most prominent. If someone wanted to snag all the Shadow-types, Soldier-types, etc, that could work. 4. A couple work on etymology, the others work on description - Just another idea to split the load. So, my designing women friends, any input? Alright, guys. Since we have quite a few volunteers for this project, I thought I'd just go ahead and pull it out of here and make a new topic for it. As a reminder of what we're doing ... Yeah, we really should wait on the Unversed until September; there will be name changes, and might be slight appearance changes between versions, like what happened with the Undead Pirates. However, I'm not going to criticize work already done. ^_^ Okay, the way things appear to me: *Kingdom Hearts: Basic enemy descriptions done, some bosses need filling in, some etymology needed. *CoM/Re:CoM: Done. *Kingdom Hearts II: Done. *Final Mixes: Kingdom Hearts II descriptions done, some etymology needed. Kingdom Heart descriptions partially done, some etymology needed. *358/2 Days: Descriptions done, some etymology needed. *Gummy Enemies and Birth by Sleep: On hold due to lack of info. It really doesn't look like there's much more to go here. So if someone would like to fill in the missing stuff this weekend or in the upcoming week, we should have this all wrapped up! Great work, guys! ^_^ Looking closer, I seem to have been grossly mistaken with the images. The U.F.O., Reaper's Wheel, Ring Tank, Hunter, Driller, Crawler, Cannon Ball, and Black Ghost all have decent images. The Core, Dragonfly, Grappler, Hunter X, Knight Head, and Mad Rider all need better ones. All others simply don't have images. Not to mention the fact that the KHI Gummi Enemies don't even have articles. I still think they should have design sections but it's looking like this is a project in its own right.
I think the Dustflier's name may be a reference to meteors, because of its meteor breath, which would make its Japanese name "Debrisflow" make more sensede, but I'm not too sure. Be sure to put your signature on the sign-up above, No.1xemnas, and let us know what you want to help with! By the way, The Graveyard and Toy Soldier are giving me a little trouble. I can't tell where the Heartless emblem is on the Graveyard, and I don't remember in detail what the two of them looked in their alternate forms. If anyone could get images of the alternate forms and put them in the gallery, that would be great. I'll save them for last, and if we don't get images, I'll just check KHII. Something's just occurred to me. Should we make a design section for the Gummi ship enemies as well? We have pictures for most, if not all, of the KHII ones . Though we don't even have articles for the KHI enemies...
*Graveyard back view: I have some images that should clear the confusion : *Graveyard front view: *The Toy Soldier has the same Jack-o-lantern as the Graveyard:
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Okay, finished the KHII enemies. I think I'll finish up the magic uing Heartless , and then I guess I'll move on to Days Heartless. Just a couple of etymologies left. Also, could someone else get the World of Chaos's description? I do believe I finished the Days Heartless . Think now I'll go back and get the Final Mix appearances for the KHII Heartless that ShardofTruth uploaded. What should I do after that? I tend to be kind of haphazard in selecting the sections, and I already finished several that I haven't put up here yet. The ones I've finished so far are the Darkball, Gigas Shadow, Mega-Shadow, White Mushroom, Black Fungus, Rare Truffle, Pink Agaricus, Black Ballade, and Blue Rhapsody. Other than those, which I'll get up either today or tomorrow, I can take the Kingdom Hearts II Heartless if we orgnanize it by game. Though any way we organize it is fine with me. EDIT:'Kay, got those guys up.
For any of you who decide to help - thank you in advance. DESIGN * The Inexistent 23:26, May 16, 2010 (UTC)The_Inexistent * 20:52, May 30, 2010 (UTC) * 03:20, May 17, 2010 (UTC) * 03:50, May 17, 2010 (UTC) * [Ѧüя◎ґ] I hope I have enough edits to partake. * Dan - O BYDDED I'R HEN IAITH BARHAU! * maggosh 04:43, August 6, 2010 (UTC)