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Renown class
This class of two ships are currently the last word on the development of the contemporary battlecruiser. After the famous victory at the Falkland Islands, it was decided that the Royal Navy had a pressing need for more ships like the ones that had won the victory - extremely fast vessels with large calibre and far reaching guns, able to outclass anything the Germans might have to offer in this field. Two planned battleships of the Revenge class were cancelled, and the money and materials intended for them were used to plan and construct two all-new battlecruisers in record time, which are certainly the fastest and most heavily armed ships of their kind today. With a top speed of no less than 30 knots and a main battery of six 15" guns, these elegant ships definitely are a force to be reck
n5: n7: n8: n9:
This class of two ships are currently the last word on the development of the contemporary battlecruiser. After the famous victory at the Falkland Islands, it was decided that the Royal Navy had a pressing need for more ships like the ones that had won the victory - extremely fast vessels with large calibre and far reaching guns, able to outclass anything the Germans might have to offer in this field. Two planned battleships of the Revenge class were cancelled, and the money and materials intended for them were used to plan and construct two all-new battlecruisers in record time, which are certainly the fastest and most heavily armed ships of their kind today. With a top speed of no less than 30 knots and a main battery of six 15" guns, these elegant ships definitely are a force to be reckoned with. They are in the final stages of construction and testing and will enter service in August and October 1916.