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Storm Memel
I was born to Daneus Tran and Lasia Jewell. My father is a Jedi Master. I am not sure about my mother. I have older twin sisters. Rayven and Crimmson, who are one year older than me. I was born in Naboo and I lived there all my life until I came to Yavin IV. I was young, but I was smart, strong, and determined. The Sith told me that I had no choice but to use my abilities for their evil plans. because of my strength, determination, and smarts, I kept them from using me to their advantages. They did everything they could to make me, but I wouldn't let them.
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* Haros Stokl
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White with red tips
Storm Memel
Storm Memel
* Human * Zeltron
* Jedi Force Adept * Jedi Padawan * Jedi Knight * Jedi Master * Jedi Council Master
* Danues Tran * Lasia Jewell * Rayven Vendetta * Crimmson Nightfire * Cherek Elswit * Kasey "Kit" Tennen * Carsh Djo * Dako-ta Eel
* Master Aerion Utu * Sir Kail Eel * Master Dracona Kage * Master Helion Dragonash
I was born to Daneus Tran and Lasia Jewell. My father is a Jedi Master. I am not sure about my mother. I have older twin sisters. Rayven and Crimmson, who are one year older than me. I was born in Naboo and I lived there all my life until I came to Yavin IV. When I was one year old, my father left us and went on a 'Great Mission'. My mother told me and my sisters that he would be back, but until he came back we had to practice being one with the Force and strengthing our abilities. My abilities were being able to foresee things with my eyes and by touch. At that time my eyes were a brilliant blue. Until I was four, this is what my sisters and I did. I was young but my dedication and determination to make my father proud made me work hard every day. Then one terrible day, when I was four years old, Sith came looking for my father. My mother did the best to protect us, but it didn't work. When the Sith couldn't find my father, they killed my mother, and kidnapped me. It turned out that the Sith had made the plans to go to our home and act like they were looking for my father just to kidnap me. Killing my mother was not in their plans, but they got very angry that she was protecting me and my sisters, so naturally, they killed her. I was young, but I was smart, strong, and determined. The Sith told me that I had no choice but to use my abilities for their evil plans. because of my strength, determination, and smarts, I kept them from using me to their advantages. They did everything they could to make me, but I wouldn't let them. The Sith decided that since they couldn't use me to their advantage, no one else would be able to use my ability to use my eyes. They poured a chemical into them to seal them shut. I was with them for one year while they tried to force me to their advantages. After that one year, they sold me into slavery. From the time I was five years old until nine years old, I was passed between slave masters. This was a time in my life that I don't remember. There were too many slave masters to remember. I do remember at least being afraid to use the Force while I was with the slave masters. I was afraid that if I tried to use the Force to get me thru my daily chores, the Sith would come back and kill me for that. So I went from day to day, loosing touch with the Force. When I was almost ten years old, some how my grandparents on my mother's side, found me. I'm not sure what they did to get me back, but they did and they saved me. Because I wasn't sure if they were my grandparents, for about the first year I was with them and my sisters, I stayed to myself. I didn't venture far from the house because, of course, I couldn't see and I wouldn't use the Force. I stayed close and I meditated a lot. Sometimes my sister, Rayven would come with me on these meditations and she would try to console me and get me to realize that I was with family. One day she got angry with me because I was still afraid to believe she was family, she walked up to me and made me touch her. I did my best to fight her because I was afraid of what I would feel but she finally made me, and I was very happy that I did, for when I touched her, I saw our short childhood together, the leaving of our father, the killing of our mother, the kidnapping of me. After that, I didn't stay to myself anymore. I was glad that I was with my family again. Things happened so fast after this. My family started teaching me to use the Force again. I explained to them that I was afraid to use it because I was afraid the Sith would come back and kill me, but they didn't care. They started to get me to use the Force. It was difficult at first. I hadn't used the Force since I was very young and I kept remembering how I would use the Force when I was little, and it was difficult to use the Force without the use of my eyes. Slowly I finally learned how to be able to use the Force without my eye sight and I was doing well, but I felt that my grandparents had concerns about me. They started taking journeys and leaving me with my sisters at home. When they came back they wouldn't tell us where they had been. They would just say that we need to concentrate on our learning not on what they were doing. Then one day, when I was around the age of 13, my grandparents came to me and told me that they had found a doctor that they would like to take me to, to see about getting my eyes open. So I went with them. I could use the Force without my eye sight, but they wanted me to be able to have my sight again. The doctor knocked me out and did whatever he did, to get my eyes open. When I came to and opened my eyes, the first thing I saw were my grandparents and then my sisters. They all looked at me as if something had scared them tho. I asked them what was wrong but instead of them telling me, they handed me a mirror. I looked in it, for the first time since I was four years old, and I gasped and dropped the mirror. My eyes were black. I didn't know what this meant, and neither did my family. The doctor couldn't explain it either. My grandparents took me home and told me to continue with my training. After a couple of weeks, my sister, Rayven, got angry with me again. I couldn't figure out why. She told me that I was freaking her out. I asked her how and she told me that when my moods changed, so did my eye color. I told her that that was impossible but she said it wasn't. She forced me to sit down, hold a mirror in front of my face and then she would do what ever she had to do to make me change my moods. She was right, they did change with my moods. My grandparents talked to the doctor that opened my eyes, but the only thing he could say is that he tought the reason for my eyes changing was due to the chemical that the Sith put in my eyes. He said that it was a chemical he had never seen before and that he had no clue what the name of it was or how to treat it. After this discovery, I lived happily with my family for the next four years. My sisters and I continued to train ourselves to use the Force and help our grandparents. My sisters and I were happy on Naboo with our grandparents, but we started feeling that Naboo wasn't what we needed anymore. Our father had not returned and the Force was pulling us away from Naboo. We weren't sure what we were suppose to do, so we sat down and talked to our grandparents. They told us that if the Force was pulling us somewhere else, then we had better follow it and see where it lead. They also told us to find our father while we were on our journey of finding ourselves and he could explain more to us than they could. When I was 18 and my sisters 19, we said farewell to our grandparents and we started our journey. We followed the Force and ended up here on Yavin IV. The Force was so strong for us here that when we got here, we could sense that our father was somewhere near or he had at least left a trace of him here, hoping that we would find him. My sister, Rayven, talked to someone and next thing I know, she's part of the NOJ and became a Padawan. Soon after she became a Padawan to Master Helion Dragonash, we found our father and our aunt, Master Cherek Elswit. We are so happy that we found them, but we did not know our aunt was a Master Jedi. We didn't even know we had an aunt. We thought our journey would just have us find our father, but we are very happy to have our aunt in our lives also. Then Master Helion invited me to the NOJ, and a couple days later, I became part of the NOJ family. My sister, Crimmson has been invited and is now part of the NOJ family. I am a Padawan, in the order of NOJ. Master Aerion Utu was training me, but when we lost Yavin IV as our home, he disappeared. I waited as long as I could, for him to come back, but he did not return. I now have Helion Dragonash as my master and my training is going well. During the time of waiting for another master, I was pregnant with twins. I have had them since. There was a boy and a girl. The girl died at birth. The boy, his father took him and went to a farm on Tatooine. The father gave me my son back. I wish to become a Jedi, to follow in my father's and my aunt's footsteps. I wish to follow their footsteps, not fill their shoes. Their shoes are too big for me to even try to fill. I wish to help people, whether it be by healing, listening, or teaching. I wish to do great things, but the most important things that I wish to do are getting to know my family better, to learn balance with the Force, to bring peace to galaxy, and to become one with the Force. I believe I will be a great Jedi, but I can not get there by myself. I need training, determination, and my families and friends help. As for my sisters, one has left the order, the other is still with the order, but for how long, I'm not sure. My son, Dako-ta, is now a member of the NOJ and I hope that he becomes a great Jedi. Alot of things have happened to me. I have been poisoned by a Sith from Darth Rowe's group. I am also blind. My father and I are not exactly sure as to how I became blind, but I am sure he will figure out if there is a way to cure the blindness or not. I am now a Knight with the NOJ. I was Knighted on 8/13/08. I feel very honored and priveledged to be a knight in this order. My eye color meanings: Dark Blue-Peaceful Black-Worry Yellow-The Darkside Brown-Training Mode Bright Blue-Happy Green-Envy or Jealousy Orange-Meditating Red-Anger Purple-Excited