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Wepnon Pokedex
The following is a list of Pokemon by their Wepnon Regional Pokedex number found in Pokemon WholeOrange and UltraViolet. It is still a work in progress. Please do not edit it without Marcyfan999's permission. #001 Seedmor · Tiny Seed Pokémon · Grass type · Grass egg group · Abilities: Overgrow, Leaf Guard (HA) · Alignment: Effort · The leaf on the head of this tiny, seed-like Pokémon covers its face when it is scared or sleeping. People said that it fell from the sun. · Evolves into Baskler at level 16. #002 Baskler · Basking Pokémon
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The following is a list of Pokemon by their Wepnon Regional Pokedex number found in Pokemon WholeOrange and UltraViolet. It is still a work in progress. Please do not edit it without Marcyfan999's permission. #001 Seedmor · Tiny Seed Pokémon · Grass type · Grass egg group · Abilities: Overgrow, Leaf Guard (HA) · Alignment: Effort · The leaf on the head of this tiny, seed-like Pokémon covers its face when it is scared or sleeping. People said that it fell from the sun. · Evolves into Baskler at level 16. #002 Baskler · Basking Pokémon · Grass/Light type · Grass egg group · Abilities: Overgrow, Solar Power (HA) · Alignment: Expertise · A Pokémon with two large leaves for arms. It intakes sunlight at a higher rate than most plants. · Evolves from Seedmor at level 16. · Evolves into Pliomane at level 36. #003 Pliomane · Sun Crown Pokémon · Grass/Light type · Grass egg group · Abilities: Overgrow, Solar Power (HA) · Alignment: Dominance · The mane-like crown of leaves around its neck serves as a sort of recharger that runs on solar energy. This Pokémon defends itself by shooting beams of light out of its hands. · Evolves from Baskler at level 36. #004 Flambark · Fire Dog Pokémon · Fire type · Field egg group · Abilities: Blaze, Energetic (HA) · Alignment: Effort · This mischievous Fire Pokémon has the strength to burn up an entire yard with its recklessness. It chews on its trainer’s stuff when he or she is not looking. · Evolves into Blizlon at level 16. #005 Blizlon · Snow Wolf Pokémon · Fire/Ice type · Field egg group · Abilities: Blaze, Opportunist (HA) · Alignment: Expertise · A snow-loving Pokémon that seals its inner flame deep inside its body during the winter rather than hibernating. It gets lonely at that time of year because most Pokémon are doing the latter. · Evolves from Flambark at level 16 · Evolves into Brewolf at level 36. #006 Brewolf · Temperature Pokémon · Fire/Ice type · Field egg group · Abilities: Blaze, Intimidate (HA) · Alignment: Dominance · It can choose to make its breath scorching hot or chillingly cold. In the wild, this species has a hard time deciding whether to live in the mountains or near volcanoes. · Evolves from Blizlon at level 36. #007 Queneleece · Cute Sheep Pokémon · Water/Fairy type · Water 1 and Fairy egg groups · Abilities: Torrent, Cute Charm (HA) · Alignment: Effort · This adorable, sheep-like Pokémon is very easy to make friends with. People have tried using its wool for clothing, but it simply vaporizes like water upon being cut. · Evolves into Spriggiter at level 16. #008 Spriggiter · Fairy Ram Pokémon · Water/Fairy type · Water 1 and Fairy egg groups · Abilities: Torrent, Vital Spirit (HA) · Alignment: Expertise · It releases mist through its skin. The more mist it releases, the happier it becomes. People say its small horns are where it stores its happiness to later be used as energy. · Evolves from Queneleece at level 16. · Evolves into Mistimbus at level 36. #009 Mistimbus · Fairy Ram Pokémon · Water/Fairy type · Water 1 and Fairy egg groups · Abilities: Torrent, Vital Spirit (HA) · Alignment: Dominance · It finds immense pleasure in zooming through the air at high speeds. Though it does not have wings, it can propel itself using jets of water from its hooves and hovers in midair. · Evolves from Spriggiter at level 36. #010 Egisis · Alien Egg Pokémon · Alien type · Undiscovered egg group · Abilities: Adaptability, Telepathy, Wonder Skin (HA) · Alignment: Unaligned · This Pokémon fell to Earth in the form of an egg. The mysteries of its power can only be truly discovered by a strong trainer. · Evolves into Zumivers when exposed to a Strange Stone. #011 Zumivers · Extraterrestrial Pokémon · Alien/Flying type · Flying and Amorphous egg groups · Abilities: Adaptability, Telepathy, Wonder Skin (HA) · Alignment: Unaligned · A strange, winged Pokémon that came from outer space. It is unknown why it does not return to where it came from after evolving. · Evolves from baby Pokémon Egisis when exposed to a Strange Stone. #012 Faregi · Fairy Egg Pokémon · Fairy type · Undiscovered egg group · Ability: Magic Guard · Alignment: Unaligned · A Pokémon that was genetically modified from an egg for the purpose of fighting aliens. However, it is still too young for this purpose. · Evolves into Defferdos when exposed to a Shiny Stone. #013 Defferdos · Fairy Soldier Pokémon · Fairy/Steel type · Fairy egg group · Ability: Levitate · Alignment: Expertise · The genes that were injected into it while it was an egg activated through evolution. Its might is enough to make an alien fly home. · Evolves from baby Pokémon Faregi when exposed to a Shiny Stone. #014 Caffery · Calf Pokémon · Normal type · Undiscovered egg group · Abilities: Vital Spirit, Scrappy, Sap Sipper (HA) · Alignment: Unaligned · A small, energetic baby Pokémon that loves to run through fields. It sometimes befriends Flying-type Pokémon just so it can get berries from high up in trees. · Evolves into Miltank at level 20 (if female). · Evolves into Milbull at level 15 (if male). · Bred if one of its parents is a Milbull or Speerbull. #015 Miltank · Milk Cow Pokémon · Normal type · Field egg group · Abilities: Thick Fat, Scrappy, Sap Sipper (HA) · Alignment: Expertise · A popular farm Pokémon that produces highly nutritious milk. They serve as nurses to young Caffery. · Evolves from female baby Pokémon Caffery at level 20. #016 Milbull · Digging Pokémon · Normal/Ground type · Field egg group · Abilities: Intimidate, Harvest, Huge Power (HA) · Alignment: Dominance · It can uproot an entire field of vegetables in less than an hour. They get along well with Diggersby but very poorly with Infurrsil. · Evolves from male baby Pokémon Caffery at level 15. · Evolves into Speerbull when an Infurrsil that knows the move Fertilize defeats it in battle. #017 Speerbull · Ghost Bull Pokémon · Normal/Ghost type · Amorphous egg group · Abilities: Undead, Unnerve (HA) · Alignment: Neutrality · The ghost of a Milbull that was killed by an Infurrsil. Its body has been used as fertilizer for the same Pokémon. · Evolves from Milbull when an Infurrsil that knows the move Fertilize defeats it in battle. #018 Bunnelby · Digging Pokémon · Normal type · Field egg group · Abilities: Pickup, Cheek Pouch, Huge Power (HA) · Alignment: Effort · A Pokémon with enough energy to dig for 24 hours without resting. It uses its ears to dig, and the more it digs, the stronger they get. · Evolves into Diggersby at level 20. #019 Diggersby · Digging Pokémon · Normal/Ground type · Field egg group · Abilities: Pickup, Cheek Pouch, Huge Power (HA) · Alignment: Neutrality · This Pokémon’s enormous ears are powerful enough to heft boulders aside. They can become good friends with Milbull. · Evolves from Bunnelby at level 20. #020 Infurrsil · Growing Plant Pokémon · Grass type · Grass egg group · Abilities: Chlorophyll, Leaf Guard, Overgrow (HA) · Alignment: Effort · A plant Pokémon that grows very fast. Once its growth starts to slow down, it fertilizes itself using a decaying Milbull’s corpse. · Evolves into Fermudelle when it defeats a Milbull in battle while knowing the move Fertilize. #021 Fermudelle · Muddy Plant Pokémon · Grass type · Grass egg group · Abilities: Mud Armor, Overgrow (HA) · Alignment: Neutrality · A Pokémon whose rapid growth resumed after evolving. It needs the mud coating on its body to survive, and if this coat is wiped off, it will stop growing and die within a few days. · Evolves from Infurrsil when it defeats a Milbull in battle while knowing the move Fertilize. #022 Jagwub · Wildcat Pokémon · Normal type · Field egg group · Abilities: Pickup, Tough Claws, Unnerve (HA) · Alignment: Effort · A cat-like Pokémon that defends against larger attackers using its sharp claws. People like to domesticate them and keep them as pets. · Evolves into Pumail at level 20. #023 Pumail · Snow Cat Pokémon · Normal/Ice type · Field egg group · Abilities: Fur Coat, Snow Cloak, Seasonal (HA) · Alignment: Expertise · It maintains a thick, furry coat year-round. In the wild, they migrate to the mountains during the summer. · Evolves from Jagwub at level 20. #024 Timbid · Tiny Bird Pokémon · Normal/Flying type · Flying egg group · Abilities: Tangled Feet, Rattled, Big Pecks (HA) · Alignment: Effort · A weak bird Pokémon that is a popular target for predators. They typically take a long time to leave the nest. · Evolves into Rovvery at level 21. #025 Rovvery · Brave Robin Pokémon · Normal/Flying type · Flying egg group · Abilities: Keen Eye, Early Bird, Intimidate (HA) · Alignment: Expertise · This Pokémon is much stronger and braver than its pre-evolution. They awake early in the morning to catch sleeping Rawlple. · Evolves from Timbid at level 21. · Evolves into Wauribird at level 32 (if male). · Evolves into Specklietta at level 32 (if female). #026 Wauribird · Devoted Mate Pokémon · Fighting/Flying type · Flying egg group · Abilities: Sky Warrior, Aerilate, Rivalry (HA) · Alignment: Dominance · A paranoid Pokémon that, once mated, devotes its life to its mate and their children. It fights fiercely against anything that it sees as a threat. · Evolves from male Rovvery at level 32. #027 Specklietta · Caring Mother Pokémon · Normal/Flying type · Flying egg group · Abilities: Healer, Motherly, Super Luck (HA) · Alignment: Neutrality · A motherly Pokémon that stays in its nest with its children until they are strong enough to fend for themselves. The speckled eggs that fall from their nests may hatch into Shiny Timbid. · Evolves from female Rovvery at level 32. #028 Rawlple · Pill Bug Pokémon · Bug/Ground type · Bug egg group · Abilities: Run Away, Weak Armor (HA) · Alignment: Effort · A small Bug Pokémon that spends a lot of time underground, especially while sleeping. However, this does not defend them against hungry Rovvery, which hunt early in the morning. · Evolves into Curlbug at level 20. #029 Curlbug · Defense Pokémon · Bug/Rock type · Bug egg group · Abilities: Sturdy, Battle Armor (HA) · Alignment: Effort · A Pokémon that has evolved to have a rock-hard shell that is impenetrable to the sharp beaks of Rovvery. However, it is unable to uncurl itself until evolution. · Evolves from Rawlple at level 20. · Evolves into Aerisect when leveled up knowing Aerial Ace. #030 Aerisect · Flying Bug Pokémon · Bug/Flying type · Bug egg group · Abilities: Sky Warrior, Aerilate, Speed Boost (HA) · Alignment: Expertise · Through evolution, it has broken out of its stiff shell and gained wings. It now seeks revenge on the Rovvery that tormented it while it was a Rawlple. · Evolves from Curlbug when leveled up knowing Aerial Ace. #031 Sunkern · Seed Pokémon · Grass type · Grass egg group · Abilities: Chlorophyll, Solar Power, Early Bird (HA) · Alignment: Effort · A very weak Pokémon that lives under plants and drinks nothing but dewdrops. It shakes violently if attacked. · Evolves into Sunflora when exposed to a Sun Stone. #032 Sunflora · Sun Pokémon · Grass/Light type · Grass egg group · Abilities: Chlorophyll, Solar Power, Early Bird (HA) · Alignment: Neutrality · It runs towards places with lots of warm sunlight, which it derives energy from. It is always facing towards the sun. · Evolves from Sunkern when exposed to a Sun Stone. #033 Lillipup · Puppy Pokémon · Normal type · Field egg group · Abilities: Vital Spirit, Pickup, Run Away (HA) · Alignment: Effort · A brave yet intelligent Pokémon that has the ability to sense danger through its fur. It is also smart enough to flee from dangerous situations. · Evolves into Herdier at level 16. #034 Herdier · Loyal Dog Pokémon · Normal type · Field egg group · Abilities: Intimidate, Opportunist, Scrappy (HA) · Alignment: Effort · This Pokémon’s thick coat of fur helps absorb some of the damage dealt in battle. Herdier are very loyal to their trainers. · Evolves from Lillipup at level 16. · Evolves into Stoutland at level 32. #035 Stoutland · Big-Hearted Pokémon · Normal type · Field egg group · Abilities: Intimidate, Sand Rush, Scrappy (HA) · Alignment: Dominance · A heroic Pokémon that rescues people lost in blizzards and stranded on mountains. Its fur prevents it from freezing in these conditions. · Evolves from Herdier at level 32. · Mega Evolves into Mega Stoutland through the use of the Stoutlandite. #035 Mega Stoutland · Normal/Ice type · Ability: Seasonal · Alignment: Dominance · Mega Evolves from Stoutland through the use of the Stoutlandite. #036 Mareep · Wool Pokémon · Electric/Light type · Monster and Field egg groups · Abilities: Static, Shed Wool, Plus (HA) · Alignment: Effort · Its wool stores static electricity. The more static the wool contains, the larger it is and the brighter the tip of Mareep’s tail will glow. · Evolves into Flaafy at level 15. #037 Flaafy · Wool Pokémon · Electric/Light type · Monster and Field egg groups · Abilities: Static, Shed Wool, Plus (HA) · Alignment: Effort · If its coat becomes fully charged with electricity, Flaafy’s tail will glow. This Pokémon’s rubbery skin prevents it from being shocked by this electricity. · Evolves from Mareep at level 15. · Evolves into Ampharos at level 30. #038 Ampharos · Light Pokémon · Electric/Light type · Monster and Field egg groups · Abilities: Static, Beacon, Plus (HA) · Alignment: Expertise · The two spheres on this Pokémon’s body, one on its head and the other on its tail, constantly glow. The light they give off used to be used for long-distance communication. · Evolves from Flaafy at level 30 · Mega Evolves into Mega Ampharos through the use of the Ampharosite. #038 Mega Ampharos · Electric/Dragon type · Ability: Mold Breaker · Alignment: Dominance · Mega Evolves from Ampharos through the use of the Ampharosite. #039 Psyduck · Duck Pokémon · Water type · Water 1 and Field egg groups · Abilities: Damp, Cloud Nine, Swift Swim (HA) · Alignment: Neutrality · These seemingly dimwitted Pokémon constantly have headaches. If their headaches get bad enough, they exhibit mysterious hidden abilities but do not remember doing so. #040 Golduck · Duck Pokémon · Water type · Water 1 and Field egg groups · Abilities: Damp, Cloud Nine, Swift Swim (HA) · Alignment: Dominance · Golduck are better swimmers than any living humans. If one’s forehead is glowing, it can use psychic powers. #040 Mega Golduck · Water/Psychic type · Ability: Mystic Power · Alignment: Expertise · Mega Evolves from Golduck through the use of the Golduckite. #041 Azurill · Polka Dot Pokémon · Normal/Fairy type · Water 1 and Fairy egg groups · Abilities: Energetic, Huge Power, Sap Sipper (HA) · Alignment: Unaligned · A small Pokémon that uses streams as transportation, using its nutrient-filled tail as a flotation device. It swings this tail around to fight large foes. · Evolves into Marill when leveled up with high friendship. · Bred using the Sea Incense. #041 Marill · Aqua Mouse Pokémon · Water/Fairy type · Water 1 and Fairy egg groups · Abilities: Energetic, Huge Power, Sap Sipper (HA) · Alignment: Effort · Marill spend most of their time swimming. No matter how much they swim, they constantly remain dry due to their water-repelling fur. · Evolves from baby Pokémon Azurill when leveled up with high friendship. · Evolves into Azumarill at level 18. #042 Azumarill · Aqua Rabbit Pokémon · Water/Fairy type · Water 1 and Fairy egg groups · Abilities: Energetic, Huge Power, Sap Sipper (HA) · Alignment: Neutrality · Its ears are superb sensors that can pick up sounds from far away, even over the roar of the rivers it plays in. It is a noble creature that has been known to save drowning Pokémon. · Evolves from Marill at level 18. #043 Lithlete · Active Pokémon · Fighting type · Undiscovered egg group · Abilities: Guts, Hustle, Huge Power (HA) · Alignment: Unaligned · An athletic Pokémon that gets most of its strength from adrenaline. It is a popular mascot among sports teams. · Evolves into Proughter when leveled up with high friendship. #044 Proughter · Proud Pokémon · Fighting type · Monster and Human-Like egg group · Abilities: Guts, Hustle, Huge Power (HA) · Alignment: Dominance · Having been glorified by its trainer in its youth, this Pokémon’s sky-high ego makes it somewhat difficult to teach. It never hesitates to challenge those that insult it. · Evolves from baby Pokémon Lithlete when leveled up with high friendship. #045 Dunsparce · Land Snake Pokémon · Normal type · Field egg group · Abilities: Serene Grace, Run Away, Rattled (HA) · Alignment: Neutrality · It digs mazelike nests using its pointed, drill shaped tail and burrows into the ground furiously when in danger. Its underdeveloped wings become more powerful with Mega Evolution. · Mega Evolves into Mega Dunsparce through the use of the Dunsparcite #045 Mega Dunsparce · Normal/Flying type · Ability: Aerilate · Alignment: Dominance · Mega Evolves from Dunsparce through the use of the Dunsparcite. #046 Spinda · Spot Panda Pokémon · Normal type · Field egg group · Abilities: Own Tempo, Tangled Feet, Contrary (HA) · Alignment: Neutrality · No two Spinda have the exact same fur coloring. Its erratic, stumbling movements can confound and foul the aim of foes. · Evolves into Pandix when leveled up knowing Switchup. #047 Pandix · Mixing Pokémon · Psychic type · Field egg group · Abilities: Prankster, Contrary (HA) · Alignment: Neutrality · This Pokémon’s odd psychic powers have the ability to bend the fabric of space. It is an expert prankster, finding joy in switching identical things using telekinesis to cause confusion. · Evolves from Spinda when leveled up knowing Switchup. #048 Tropia · Fruit Pokémon · Grass type · Undiscovered egg group · Abilities: Gluttony, Harvest (HA) · Alignment: Unaligned · A baby Pokémon with such a love for fruit that it may wander vast distances in search for it. The fruit it eats the most starts growing from its neck when it evolves. · Evolves into Tropius when leveled up while holding a berry. · Bred using the Leaf Incense. #049 Tropius · Fruit Pokémon · Grass/Flying type · Monster and Grass egg groups · Abilities: Chlorophyll, Solar Power, Harvest (HA) · Alignment: Dominance · This Pokémon flies by using the large leaves on its back for wings. Supposedly, the fruit growing on its neck is its favorite. · Evolves from baby Pokémon Tropia when leveled up holding a berry. #050 Lapru · Transport Pokémon · Water type · Undiscovered egg group · Abilities: Weak Armor, Hydration (HA) · Alignment: Unaligned · A friendly baby Pokémon that likes to transport people across bodies of water on its shell-less back, one person at a time. Many are bred in captivity by conservators. · Evolves into Lapras when leveled up holding a Shell Bell. · Bred using the Ice Incense. #051 Lapras · Transport Pokémon · Water/Ice type · Monster and Water 1 egg group · Abilities: Water Absorb, Shell Armor, Hydration (HA) · Alignment: Neutrality · These intelligent, good-hearted Pokémon can understand human speech. Due to their gentle nature, their numbers have dwindled. · Evolves from baby Pokémon Lapru when leveled up holding a shell bell. #052 Vulpix · Fox Pokémon · Fire type · Field egg group · Abilities: Flash Fire, Drought (HA) · Alignment: Effort · These warm, cuddly Pokémon can produce and manipulate balls of fire at will. Their tails spilt into nine when they evolve. · Evolves into Ninetails when exposed to a Fire Stone. #053 Ninetails · Fox Pokémon · Fire type · Field egg group · Abilities: Flash Fire, Drought (HA) · Alignment: Expertise · It is rumored that each of its tails has a mystic power. Grabbing one of them can result in a thousand-year curse. · Evolves from Vulpix when exposed to a Fire Stone. · Mega Evolves into Mega Ninetails through the use of the Ninetailsite. #053 Mega Ninetails · Fire/Dark type · Ability: Regal · Alignment: Dominance · Mega Evolves from Ninetails through the use of the Ninetailsite. #054 Gricket · Grass Cricket Pokémon · Bug/Grass type · Bug and Field egg groups · Abilities: Grass Color, Rattled (HA) · Alignment: Effort · It is rumored that these common, grasslands-dwelling Pokémon can only see the color green. They jump up to five times their height when startled. · Evolves into Oractis starting at level 26 when leveled up during the day. · Evolves into Duscust starting at level 26 when leveled up at night. #055 Oractis · Mantis Pokémon · Bug/Psychic type · Bug and Field egg groups · Abilities: Forewarn, Grass Color (HA) · Alignment: Neutrality · Their big eyes are said to be able to pierce through dimensions and see into the future. The leaves they eat amplify their psychic abilities. · Evolves from Gricket starting at level 26 when leveled up during the day. #056 Duscust · Locust Pokémon · Bug/Dark type · Bug and Field egg groups · Abilities: Night Dweller, Grass Color (HA) · Alignment: Expertise · Their loud chirps are easily recognizable but are only heard during the nighttime. Most people associate them with disease and bad luck. · Evolves from Gricket starting at level 26 when leveled up at night. #057 Grodent · Toxic Rodent Pokémon · Poison/Normal type · Monster and Field egg groups · Abilities: Poison Touch, Gluttony (HA) · Alignment: Effort · Fungus supposedly makes their dirt-caked fur grow faster. These sewer-dwelling pests are said to be able to digest anything. · Evolves into Hamstench at level 35. #058 Hamstench · Toxic Rodent Pokémon · Poison/Normal type · Monster and Field egg groups · Abilities: Poison Touch, Gluttony (HA) · Alignment: Effort · These Pokémon often burp up purple-colored bubbles that burst into poisonous fumes. Petting one results in the scattering of countless, germ-carrying hairs. · Evolves from Grodent at level 35. · Evolves into Gerbile when exposed to a Dusk Stone. #059 Gerbile · Deadly Pokémon · Poison/Dark type · Monster and Field egg groups · Abilities: Intimidate, Night Dweller (HA) · Its bite can kill prey in a matter of seconds. If any living thing besides its trainer gets to close, its tail will spilt and wrap around the victim’s body, draining it of its life energy. · Evolves from Hamstench when exposed to a Dusk Stone. #060 Magnemite · Magnet Pokémon · Electric/Steel type · Mineral egg group · Abilities: Magnet Pull, Sturdy, Analytic (HA) · Alignment: Effort · Magnemite are attracted by electromagnetic waves. They may be seen in abundance near technology. · Evolves into Magneton at level 30. #061 Magneton · Magnet Pokémon · Electric/Steel type · Mineral egg group · Abilities: Magnet Pull, Sturdy, Analytic (HA) · Alignment: Effort · These Pokémon generate strange radio signals. They are capable of turning off all electronic devices in their vicinity. · Evolves from Magnemite at level 30. · Evolves into Magnezone when leveled up in the DOE Base (in the Wepnon Region). #062 Magnezone · Magnet Area Pokémon · Electric/Steel type · Mineral egg group · Abilities: Magnet Pull, Sturdy, Analytic (HA) · Alignment: Dominance · Due to their useful type advantage over Alien-type Pokémon, Magnezone are often used by the Defenders of Earth, or DOE. However, due to their unfortunate resemblance to UFOs, they are often mistakenly shot down. · Evolves from Magneton when leveled up in the DOE base. #063 Tykefo · UFO Pokémon · Alien/Steel type · Mineral and Amorphous egg groups · Abilities: Levitate, Light Metal (HA) · Alignment: Effort · These small Alien Pokémon supposedly transport cargo amongst planets. They harness an unknown, extraterrestrial energy to fly. · Evolves into Utranzone at level 40. #064 Utranzone · UFO Pokémon · Alien/Steel type · Mineral and Amorphous egg groups · Abilities: Levitate, Light Metal (HA) · Alignment: Neutrality · It can carry entire families of Pokémon in its hollow, iron-clad body. Utranzone are often mistaken for Magnezone when spotted flying through the night sky. · Evolves from Tykefo at level 40. #065 Growlithe · Puppy Pokémon · Fire type · Field egg group · Abilities: Intimidate, Flash Fire, Justified (HA) · Alignment: Dominance · Although friendly, this Pokémon will bark at intruders of its territory. Due to its lively nature, some say there is a fire burning at the center of every Growlithe. · Evolves into Arcanine when exposed to a Fire Stone. #066 Arcanine · Legendary Pokémon · Fire type · Field egg group · Abilities: Intimidate, Flash Fire, Justified (HA) · Alignment: Dominance · These regal Pokémon derive energy from fire inside their bodies. Many admire its enchanting mane that flows majestically in the wind when the creature is running. · Evolves from Growlithe when exposed to a Fire Stone. · Mega Evolves into Mega Arcanine through the use of the Arcanite. #067 Mega Arcanine · Fire/Psychic type · Ability: Regal · Alignment: Dominance · Mega Evolves from Arcanine through the use of the Arcanite. #068 Flossom · Fire Blossom Pokémon · Fire/Grass type · Grass and Fairy egg groups · Abilities: Flame Body, Super Luck (HA) · Alignment: Neutrality · These Pokémon are often gathered up and used in parades at the beginning of the New Year, representing luck and prosperity. However, they must be handled with care as their petals can singe human skin. · Evolves into Boushendium when exposed to a Leaf Stone. #069 Boushendium · Fire Blossom Pokémon · Fire/Fairy type · Grass and Fairy egg groups · Ability: Levitate · Alignment: Neutrality · Boushendium travel the land, rubbing their petals together to fly and scatter spores that pollinate Flossom. Seeing one in the summer often means that spring will be coming especially early. · Evolves from Flossom when exposed to a Leaf Stone. #070 Flurchin · Fire Urchin Pokémon · Fire/Water type · Water 1 and Water 3 egg groups · Abilities: Poison Touch, Swift Swim · Alignment: Effort · If one of its quills punctures human skin, the afflicted will experience an agonizing burning sensation. They rest on the ocean floor, sometimes in shallow waters, looking just like ordinary sea urchins. · Evolves into Tsukendium when exposed to a Water Stone. #071 Tsukendium · Fire Urchin Pokémon · Fire/Poison type · Water 1 and Water 3 egg groups · Ability: Grounded · Alignment: Neutrality · Its outer shell of needles supposedly protects a soft-skinned creature within that is never seen. Despite its vibrant, fiery coloring, many divers accidentally step on them and are injected with lethal venom. · Evolves from Flurchin when exposed to a Water Stone. #072 Pichu · Tiny Mouse Pokémon · Electric type · Undiscovered egg group · Abilities: Static, Lightning Rod (HA) · Alignment: Unaligned · Due to its small cheek pouches, Pichu’s electricity may leak out and hurt the Pokémon. Many are charmed by its cuteness. · Evolves into Pikachu when leveled up with high friendship. #073 Pikachu · Mouse Pokémon · Electric type · Field and Fairy egg groups · Abilities: Static, Lightning Rod (HA) · Alignment: Neutrality · An extremely cute and popular Pokémon that is adored by many across the world. The rub cheeks with one another to recharge. · Evolves from baby Pokémon Pichu when leveled up with high friendship. · Evolves into Raichu when exposed to a Thunder Stone. #074 Raichu · Mouse Pokémon · Electric type · Field and Fairy egg groups · Abilities: Static, Lightning Rod (HA) · Alignment: Expertise · It is bulkier than its evolutionary relatives. Its muscles are stimulated by its powerful electricity. · Evolves from Pikachu when exposed to a Thunder Stone. · Mega Evolves into Mega Raichu through the use of the Raichuite. #074 Mega Raichu · Electric/Fighting type · Ability: Stimulate · Alignment: Dominance · Mega Evolves from Raichu through the use of the Raichuite. #075 Gambechans · Gambling Pokémon · Normal/Dark type (Normal Mode), Normal type (Heads Mode), Dark type (Tails Mode) · Human-Like egg group · Abilities: Coin Flip (Normal Mode), Justified (Heads Mode), Pickpocket (Tails Mode), Reckless (HA) · Alignment: Expertise (all modes) · Gambechans have two sides that they switch between at random: the honest and just side, and the tricky and deceitful side. The species as a whole is incapable of using moves that don’t have risks or recoils. · Switches to Heads and Tails modes at random using Coin Flip. #076 Adolang · Vampire Pokémon · Dark type · Monster and Human-Like egg groups · Abilities: Night Dweller, Blood Sucker (HA) · Alignment: Dominance · Adolang are said to suck the energy from living things for sustenance. They are weakened significantly by sunlight. · Evolves into Vampresence at level 23. #077 Vampresence · Cryptid Pokémon · Dark type (Normal Form), Dark/Flying type (Bat Form) · Monster and Human-Like egg groups · Abilities: Take Flight (Normal Form), Aerialate (Bat Form), Blood Sucker (HA) · Alignment: Expertise (both forms) · Most facts about these Pokémon are only rumors since very few have actually been spotted. On occasion, the silhouettes of humanoid figures transforming into smaller, winged creatures and flying off into the sky can be seen late at night. · Evolves from Adolang at level 23. · Changes into Bat Form when hit by a Grass-, Fighting-, or Ground-type attack (if the Pokemon has Take Flight). #078 Snoison · Poison Apple Pokémon · Poison/Grass type · Grass egg group · Abilities: Poison Body, Poison Touch (HA) · Alignment: Dominance · Don’t be deceived by Snoison’s fruit-like appearance- biting one will prove fatal. Although many claim its body is composed entirely of a foul substance, there is a seed at its core. · Evolves into Whitreewood at level 38. #079 Whitreewood · Apple Tree Pokémon · Poison/Grass type · Grass egg group · Abilities: Harvest, Natural Cure (HA) · Alignment: Neutrality · Its body processes the nutrients in the soil to create a substance that gives turns its ripened, toxic fruit into Snoison. Ironically, a Whitreewood’s leaves can cure poisoning. · Evolves from Snoison at level 38. #080 Kinstume · Costume Pokémon · Psychic type · Human-Like and Amorphous egg groups · Abilities: o No costume: Protean, Energetic, Pickup (HA) o Male costumes: § Knight: Battle Armor § Police Officer: Bulletproof § Magician: Magician § Ninja: Infiltrator § King: Regal o Female costumes: § Dancer: Cute Charm § Detective: Frisk § Psychic: Forewarn § Nurse: Healer § Queen: Regal · Alignment: Neutrality (no costume, Psychic), Effort (Knight, Dancer, Nurse), Dominance (Police Officer, King, Queen), Expertise (Magician, Ninja, Detective) · They love to dress up in costumes that appear out of nowhere. It seems to completely change its personality with each one. · Changes into costumes by using Dress Up (22% Knight/Dancer, 22% Police Officer/Detective, 22% Magician/Psychic, 22% Ninja/Nurse, 12 % King/Queen). o In horde encounters, non-shiny Kinstume with Protean or Energetic will never change into the King/Queen costume and instead have 25% probability for each of the other costumes. HA Kinstume have the normal chances, and Shiny Kinstume will always get the King/Queen costume. § As a side note, Kinstume have a special horde encounter routine that involves each one using Dress Up on the first turn and putting on a different costume. This means that in a horde of all one gender, at least one will have its hidden ability and have a 100% of changing into the King/Queen costume (unless one is shiny, in which case each Kinstume has the normal chance to have its hidden ability and those with a hidden ability will have a 0% chance of changing into the King/Queen costume, similar to the ordinary Kinstume). · Evolves into Thespemy when leveled up while not knowing Dress Up. #081 Thespemy · Masked Pokémon · Psychic/Fighting type (Comedy Form), Psychic/Ghost type (Drama Form) · Human-Like and Amorphous egg group · Abilities: Protean and Prankster (Comedy Form), Dread Curse (Drama Form), Masked (HA, both forms) · Alignment: Neutrality (both forms) · It can go from light-hearted and playful to dreary and ethereal by simply changing its mask. It switches so fast that no eye can follow where the masks come from or go, nor what Thespemy’s true face looks like. · Evolves from Kinstume when leveled up while not knowing Dress Up. · Changes into Drama Form by using the move Dread Song.