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Cortaz Frisky
Cortaz(VFF181) was born in the Frisky on September 27, 2011. Her mother was Up-Carrot and her father was an unknown rover. Cotaz's father may have been one of the Drie Doring males who had joined the group a few months eariler. Cortaz was born in a litter of four with two sisters named Cinnamon Girl(VFF180), (Like a) Hurrican(VFF183) and one brother named Mr. Soul(VFM182). Since the pups were born to a subordinate female, the litter could have been abondon or killed by the dominant female and grandmother Quaver. However Quaver had just lost her own litter so she allowed the pups to live. The pups survived their first four weeks and started foraging with the adults. In November 2011, however Cortaz, Cinnamon Girl and (Like a) Hurrican were predated with Mr. Soul being predated in December.
n6: n7:
Cortaz(VFF181) was born in the Frisky on September 27, 2011. Her mother was Up-Carrot and her father was an unknown rover. Cotaz's father may have been one of the Drie Doring males who had joined the group a few months eariler. Cortaz was born in a litter of four with two sisters named Cinnamon Girl(VFF180), (Like a) Hurrican(VFF183) and one brother named Mr. Soul(VFM182). Since the pups were born to a subordinate female, the litter could have been abondon or killed by the dominant female and grandmother Quaver. However Quaver had just lost her own litter so she allowed the pups to live. The pups survived their first four weeks and started foraging with the adults. In November 2011, however Cortaz, Cinnamon Girl and (Like a) Hurrican were predated with Mr. Soul being predated in December.