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Total ice age
chris;dang it is cold but welcome to total ice age i am chris and this his camp in the winter now lets start the theme walk the dinosaur chris;now lets go our frist camper cb;wow this is cool the snow chris okay next sid;this is so cool it it like my home chris kanna next izzy;hi chris ow chris that was bad sid;cb she could be hurt izzy thanks sid;your welcome blushes chris;next peaches;wow i like this snow chris;so peaches is only 10 so go easy okay all;okay chris;next digeo;man it is cold chris i know i made the snow digeo;not cool chris;next sadie;wow i like this snow chris;next gwen;so this is it gwen;okay cb sid
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chris;dang it is cold but welcome to total ice age i am chris and this his camp in the winter now lets start the theme walk the dinosaur chris;now lets go our frist camper cb;wow this is cool the snow chris okay next sid;this is so cool it it like my home chris kanna next izzy;hi chris ow chris that was bad sid;cb she could be hurt izzy thanks sid;your welcome blushes chris;next peaches;wow i like this snow chris;so peaches is only 10 so go easy okay all;okay chris;next digeo;man it is cold chris i know i made the snow digeo;not cool chris;next sadie;wow i like this snow chris;next gwen;so this is it chris;yep go over threre gwen;okay bridgette;hey guys chris;all right bridgette bridgette;peaches cb cb and peaches;bridgette they hug chris;next crash;wow i like the snow and trees do you eddie eddie;yeah chris;next katie;sadie sadie;katie cnris next beth;wow the snow looks fake but its real chris;i made it next courtney;thanks i am courtney cb;hi courtney chris;next dj;hi chris whats up chris;okay now we seen everybody go to the end of the dock chris;1 2 3 say ice age all;ice age now;take these jackets it can get real cold and you can talk in the cc cb;wow it stinks in there chris;now before we start the teams killer ice cb sid izzy peaches digeo sadie gwen swater bridgette crash eddie katie beth courtney dj chris;now who ever does not get a candy bar must levae on the boat of same cc;cb okay the water is froze how is it going to float chris;your frist task stay in the water the longer wo can do that wins cc;katie wow i wll freez chris;now start the killer ices;wow this is cold out of the water sid cb izzy digeo sadie dj katie beth courteny eddie crash chris;the swaters win chris;ice team voted off one player cc;cb sid cc;peaches;sid izzy;digeo sid;cb digeo;sid gwen;izzy chris;water i only have 6 candy bars on this plate peaches digeo sadie izzy gwen digeo chris;the final candy bar cb or sid both scared the final bar goes to cb chris;sid the dock awares sid;fine i get you dont want me izzy;i do sid;you do but how did i get the boot izzy; i do not know izzy and sid kiss chef drags sid to the boat chris;next week on total ice age