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Tallmen, also known as Black Kings, or Black Giants (Reyshi: Wars Jotun, Farwestern: Kali Mukon) are people whose souls have been ripped out of their bodies, generally as energy to facilitate the growth of lychgates. The bodies of tallmen are made entirely of blachumor. When lychgates are opened, they begin absorbing all nearby energy; if left unchecked a lychgate will continue to grow endlessly or until it cannot absorb enough energy to sustain its rate of growth. These portals will first try to absorb the souls of all nearby living creatures; petrifying them, turning trees to deadwood, and animals to screaming statues. Humans, Gequans, and the Dread are turned into giant black hornmen, with black eyes, black antler-like horns, long dry hair, eyes that shine black-yet-bright, fangs, claws
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Tallmen, also known as Black Kings, or Black Giants (Reyshi: Wars Jotun, Farwestern: Kali Mukon) are people whose souls have been ripped out of their bodies, generally as energy to facilitate the growth of lychgates. The bodies of tallmen are made entirely of blachumor. When lychgates are opened, they begin absorbing all nearby energy; if left unchecked a lychgate will continue to grow endlessly or until it cannot absorb enough energy to sustain its rate of growth. These portals will first try to absorb the souls of all nearby living creatures; petrifying them, turning trees to deadwood, and animals to screaming statues. Humans, Gequans, and the Dread are turned into giant black hornmen, with black eyes, black antler-like horns, long dry hair, eyes that shine black-yet-bright, fangs, claws, talons, and nine shriveled-up tails. In a universe of patterns and repetitions, these monsters were first brought about by humans themselves. The petulant God known as the Shine made things even worse for left-handed people (he hates them for some reason), who unlike their more mindless right-handed counterparts, are actively aggressive, and hunt down other people specifically (they also look very different from other tallmen). The worst of it all is that the people within the tallmen are fully aware of their body's actions, and are totally incapable of stopping themselves. Tallmen are often seen crying. Tallmen's bodies are made up entirely of a substance known as blachumor, which is the most potent explosive in the universe in its liquid form. Water and fire together is the only way to kill them. But another hidden horror to tallmen is that since they are technically magicks users, they have been automatically damned to Hell by the Shine, who sees magicks as corruptions of His own body. Upon death they are greeted with the only thing worse than the fate they were dealt; eternal torment at the hands of an evil God.