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Alzheimer's Disease Alzheimer's disease
Alzheimer's Disease (also known as "Clinton's Disease" (among Republicans) and "Senile Dementia" (not to be confused with "Penile Dimension" which is a totally unrelated topic.Any confusion between the two is liable to get you arrested. Dr Heinrich Grumbelweiser's attempt to cure the condition through his "Eh Gramps, Cop a whack of this!!" therapy, led to very little apart from a restraining order.) is a common pronunciation error made by those with a lythp when attempting to say "old timers disease". It is a progressive neurological condition, affecting short-term memory and cognitive ability. It is most prevalent among the aged, but is now known to be highly contagious in its viral phase, and may by contracted persons of any age group. Alzheimer's Disease (AD) is a progressive neurologic Alzheimer's disease, often just known Alzheimer's, was a neuro-degenerative disease which prior to the 23rd century affected older humans mainly over the age of 65. The disease was characterized by progressive cognitive deterioration, along with a decrease in activity, and behavioral changes. Sometime prior to 2286 medical science had cured Alheimer's. When Gillian Taylor asked the Admiral James T. Kirk if Alzheimer's disease had been cured by the 23rd century, Kirk had not even been aware of the existence of the disease.(TOS novelization: Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home) The most common form of dementia, with over 26 million recorded suferers worldwide, this condition was the centerpiece of the episode "The Long Goodbye", as CJ Cregg tried to persuade her father to face up to his deteriorating state and accept help. The title comes from a purported nickname for the disease. Alzheimer's disease is an ailment that is known to affect the elderly among the people of Earth, where victims would suffer from memory loss. Richard Woolsey's father had Alzheimer's. In 1998, SG-5 went on a mission to an unnamed planet, where they found a potential cure for the disease. This potential cure was brought back to Area 51. A similar, yet parasitic equivalent was found in the Pegasus Galaxy, known as Second Childhood. (SG1: "Touchstone", SGA: "The Shrine") Alzheimer's disease is a terminal, progressive disease of the brain. Although it is not fatal in and of itself, its progression results in a patient ultimately being unable to cope with routine daily tasks and, ultimately, being totally unable to care for themselves. According to NIH (National Health of Institute) web site, Alzheimer's disease (AD) is the most common form of dementia among older people. Dementia is a brain disorder that seriously affects a person's ability to carry out daily activities.AD begins slowly. It first involves the parts of the brain that control thought, memory and language. People with AD may have trouble remembering things that happened recently or names of people they know. Over time, symptoms get worse. People may not recognize family members or have trouble speaking, reading or writing. They may forget how to brush their teeth or comb their hair. Later on, they may become anxious or aggressive, or wander away from home. Eventually, they need total care. Alzheimer's disease was a disease that would make people senile, and thus affected memory. It was quite common for victims to remember snippets from their childhoods or lives. (TV: Out of Time) One sufferer, Bea Nelson-Stanley, could rarely remember her own name, and forgot Luke Smith in the middle of a conversation with him. (TV: Eye of the Gorgon) Ace asked the Seventh Doctor if Time Lords could suffer from Alzheimers. He told her that they got much worse diseases. (PROSE: Relative Dementias) Alzheimer's disease was a neurological disease, and a type of dementia. Jamey Farrell's father began showing symptoms of Alzheimer's shortly before Day 1. Her mother Erica Vasquez suggested to Tony Almeida that Jamey had partly been motivated to work for Ira Gaines in order to help pay for his treatment. (Findings at CTU)
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Confusion, dementia, lack of short term memory
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Alzheimer's Disease
Unknown, but incidence increases with age of patient
Alzheimer's disease, often just known Alzheimer's, was a neuro-degenerative disease which prior to the 23rd century affected older humans mainly over the age of 65. The disease was characterized by progressive cognitive deterioration, along with a decrease in activity, and behavioral changes. Sometime prior to 2286 medical science had cured Alheimer's. When Gillian Taylor asked the Admiral James T. Kirk if Alzheimer's disease had been cured by the 23rd century, Kirk had not even been aware of the existence of the disease.(TOS novelization: Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home) Alzheimer's disease is an ailment that is known to affect the elderly among the people of Earth, where victims would suffer from memory loss. Richard Woolsey's father had Alzheimer's. In 1998, SG-5 went on a mission to an unnamed planet, where they found a potential cure for the disease. This potential cure was brought back to Area 51. A similar, yet parasitic equivalent was found in the Pegasus Galaxy, known as Second Childhood. (SG1: "Touchstone", SGA: "The Shrine") Alzheimer's disease is a terminal, progressive disease of the brain. Although it is not fatal in and of itself, its progression results in a patient ultimately being unable to cope with routine daily tasks and, ultimately, being totally unable to care for themselves. Alzheimer's usually presents as an inability to do tasks the patient typically did on a routine basis. Patients may be unable to perform the tasks required of their work. Next, short term memory starts to disappear, with patients being totally unable to remember what task they are supposed to be performing. Finally, the patient is total unable to remember anything that happened even a few minutes previously and becomes increasingly unable to do routine chores such as dressing themselves. Unlike other patients who are suffering from loss of short term memory or cognitive difficulties, Alzheimer's patients often refuse to cooperate with tests of these abilities. For example, when faced, with a common test of counting backwards from 100 by 7, persons with most cognitive difficulties will fail to pass the test and realize they are failing, those with other short term memory difficulties will gladly fail the test over and over again, but Alzheimer's patients will take active steps to avoid taking the test, such as calling into question the need for the test or say they have something else they have to do. There is no cure or treatment for Alzheimer's and, once diagnosed, the prognosis is that the disease will get worse. Alzheimer's patients often have to be kept under close supervision to keep them from hurting themselves, such as by trying to cook a meal. In the later stages, palliative care is all that is possible as patients are often unable even to communicate. Alzheimer's disease was a disease that would make people senile, and thus affected memory. It was quite common for victims to remember snippets from their childhoods or lives. (TV: Out of Time) One sufferer, Bea Nelson-Stanley, could rarely remember her own name, and forgot Luke Smith in the middle of a conversation with him. (TV: Eye of the Gorgon) Ace asked the Seventh Doctor if Time Lords could suffer from Alzheimers. He told her that they got much worse diseases. (PROSE: Relative Dementias) The most common form of dementia, with over 26 million recorded suferers worldwide, this condition was the centerpiece of the episode "The Long Goodbye", as CJ Cregg tried to persuade her father to face up to his deteriorating state and accept help. The title comes from a purported nickname for the disease. According to NIH (National Health of Institute) web site, Alzheimer's disease (AD) is the most common form of dementia among older people. Dementia is a brain disorder that seriously affects a person's ability to carry out daily activities.AD begins slowly. It first involves the parts of the brain that control thought, memory and language. People with AD may have trouble remembering things that happened recently or names of people they know. Over time, symptoms get worse. People may not recognize family members or have trouble speaking, reading or writing. They may forget how to brush their teeth or comb their hair. Later on, they may become anxious or aggressive, or wander away from home. Eventually, they need total care. Alzheimer's Disease (also known as "Clinton's Disease" (among Republicans) and "Senile Dementia" (not to be confused with "Penile Dimension" which is a totally unrelated topic.Any confusion between the two is liable to get you arrested. Dr Heinrich Grumbelweiser's attempt to cure the condition through his "Eh Gramps, Cop a whack of this!!" therapy, led to very little apart from a restraining order.) is a common pronunciation error made by those with a lythp when attempting to say "old timers disease". It is a progressive neurological condition, affecting short-term memory and cognitive ability. It is most prevalent among the aged, but is now known to be highly contagious in its viral phase, and may by contracted persons of any age group. Alzheimer's Disease (AD) is a progressive neurological condition, affecting short-term memory and cognitive ability. Localised outbreaks of AD are now fairly common in young people, particularly in crowded conditions where drug use and loud horse music are common. Alzheimer's disease was a neurological disease, and a type of dementia. Jamey Farrell's father began showing symptoms of Alzheimer's shortly before Day 1. Her mother Erica Vasquez suggested to Tony Almeida that Jamey had partly been motivated to work for Ira Gaines in order to help pay for his treatment. (Findings at CTU) During his first term as President, James Heller began displaying symptoms of Alzheimer's. At the time of Day 9, he was expected to retain his faculties for at least another year, but in private his doctors had told him it was advancing much more quickly than expected. Heller resolved to conclude a critical drone base treaty with the British before deciding how and when to step down. ("Day 9: 11:00am-12:00pm")