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Michael A DePiro
Once in Memphis Michael and Harley made an appearance at the St. Judes Children’s Hospital, they were a hit! Michael and Harley brought smiles to the faces of children, and their families. Michael and Harley drove 892 miles to put on a thirty minute show for these kids, at Michael and Harley’s expense. For them it’s not about the money, or fame. For them it’s more of making someone smile, and see hope and joy in the world. After their show they continued to work with kids. Michael and Harley worked with groups like The Children’s Miracle Network, and other types of foundations. The thing that Michael is known for the most is not taking, but giving, and never expecting anything in return. When Michael leaves a building after a show, all he needs to see is a room full of smiles. In 2010 Mich
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Once in Memphis Michael and Harley made an appearance at the St. Judes Children’s Hospital, they were a hit! Michael and Harley brought smiles to the faces of children, and their families. Michael and Harley drove 892 miles to put on a thirty minute show for these kids, at Michael and Harley’s expense. For them it’s not about the money, or fame. For them it’s more of making someone smile, and see hope and joy in the world. After their show they continued to work with kids. Michael and Harley worked with groups like The Children’s Miracle Network, and other types of foundations. The thing that Michael is known for the most is not taking, but giving, and never expecting anything in return. When Michael leaves a building after a show, all he needs to see is a room full of smiles. In 2010 Michael graduated from Altoona Area High School, he proceeded to College, and is working to obtain his degree in Business and Entertainment. In 2011 Michael started yet another business to help more people. DePiro Entertainment was founded in January of 2011. DePiro Entertainment is a company designed to help small businesses grow, and develop a name in the online world. Michael’s company “DePiro Entertainment” helps small businesses build and launch websites. As well as develop their Social Media Marketing Plans. What makes Michael’s company most unique is there is no middle man, and there is no high cost. His company stands for everything he believes in, and that is giving back. Michael will help you one on one build and design your online website, and social networks. Never again will you have to pay $7000.00 to have a site; never again will you pay month to month. Michael only offers affordable methods. Michael has helped start the sites of singers, actors, dancers, doctors, therapists, authors, and more. Michael continues to grow his company, and continues to help others grow and build in our world. DePiro Entertainment is a Representation and Promotions Firm that will help you no matter how big or small your business is. They only offer the best a company has ever offered. Today in 2012 Michael continues to grow his name, and his work. On March 26, 2012 Michael turned twenty years old, and is not done growing yet, in business or in his life. The best is yet to come for Michael, he will continue to grow, and will continue to bring new and exciting ideas to the table to give back to people. Michael plans to bring a whole new world tour that will help promote the rights and wrongs in life. “It’s not about the money, it’s not about the fame, it’s about the people in our world, and what I can do to give back to them.” – Michael DePiro.