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Redemption vs Ambition: A Rivalry Revisited
The sun was slowly beginning to make its descent into night as the sunset blanketed the sky view giving off a crimson hue of the impending sunset. Dust drifted endlessly across an open area desolate of life or civilization. By current appearance no one would have surmised this now isolated area was once teeming with life and known as Uzushiogakure once home to the esteemed Uzumaki Clan. A people known for the extraordinary vitality, and Fuinjutsu. Lava Release: Scorching Stream Rock Technique!!!!! "Good luck, Raido..." Gakido!!! World Genesis!!! Good luck Sannoto... "Yeah, just a bit.."
n7: n9: n10:
The sun was slowly beginning to make its descent into night as the sunset blanketed the sky view giving off a crimson hue of the impending sunset. Dust drifted endlessly across an open area desolate of life or civilization. By current appearance no one would have surmised this now isolated area was once teeming with life and known as Uzushiogakure once home to the esteemed Uzumaki Clan. A people known for the extraordinary vitality, and Fuinjutsu. "How ironic the future is that a clan of people once revered for their amazing life force, would have nothing left to represent them but a dead and dry city" Raido said as he inhaled deeply in preparation for what was awaiting him. Days, months and years have passed and changed since our last dance and as it stands I am up one on the all time score. The more things change, the more they stay the same". Raido repeated not only to himself, but to his spirit guide Yama, who under the impending situation remained in silence in Raido's souls. This nostalgic feeling sent his mind and thoughts traveling back to the reason he ventured here facing down a rivalry that has spanned quite some time and with many ties, but only one true victory. "There is always time for a dance with an old friend, however two is needed, and it's up to you Sannoto Senju to show your face and avenge your prior loss, but if you'd rather not I can understand, don't worry I will keep second place reserved just for you bro. Raido said calmly as he adjusted the black shades that sat on his nose. That infamous smirk clawing its way to the surface.. The ruins were decorated with crumbling murals that provided glimpses of the past with a glance. On the murals were images of a fox with six heads, symbols of some sort, and a giant samurai that clashed with such man. Sannoto looked towards these symbols in awe, bearing a smile on his visage. "Beautiful, simply beautiful" was all the man could make out before the wall above him crumbled a bit. He glanced upwards and in that moment the ruins came crashing down above him. He had barely escaped the collapse. He walked along the ruined-littered town where no life radiated. "How Ironic the future is that a clan of people once revered for their amazing life force, would have nothing left to represent them but a dead and dry city" , Sannoto said with a sigh. This was once his heritage, his grandmother's home but now it was no longer such. He was never presented with the opportunity to see it himself, but Hiruzen and Biwako had told him stories of this clan's heroism and power. He was proud to be apart of it. The Senju turned a corner, only to see his friend talking to himself. "I'll keep second place reserved just for your bro", his comrade spoke. Sannoto let ought a light chuckle, loud enough for his Uchiha rival to hear. "Second place? You must've taken a bit too many pain pills, Raido," the blonde-haired guy spoke. "So, how have you been, Raido?" "Hehehha what can I say I have a pension for combat, we were always told no pain no gain". Raido declared chuckling once more at the irony that was being exhibited here. "You know me Sannoto I have always been the type of person to make things happen. Guess a fine thing to say is all these years is that I've just been out here making it happen, the best way I can". Raido said still facing forward. He could sense his friend and there was no reason to break gaze for now. The power, vitality and prescence of his friend could naturally almost be felt through his dukkha. "I was simply traveling and I winded up here where I began my own little scavenger hunts those many years ago to discover the secrets of my own eye technique. I am putting the finishing touches on a lot of scenarios these days bro, and when you get near the end you always reflect on how it all started". Raido said adjusting the shades on his face in a calm fashion. The glow from his left eyes Ripple patterned staring back at him. Raido always found his own gaze troubling due to having two different eyes. His left being the exalted power of the Rinnegan possessing six tomoe The eye of his future and rebirth. A unique kind of Rinnegan different from the usual one he had seen from others. Yet his left eye remained unchanged possessing only his Sharingan the eye of his past and the pain associated with it. "Do you remember what started here? if you do then you know exactly why I had come and invite you as well"? Raido said speaking with a hint of humor in his voice easing through to what he was getting at. His chakra radiated off the tip of his flesh, drowning all other chakra signatures that may have been in the area. Sannoto gave off a slight grin, his chakra seemingly responding to his excited causing it to spike up. His hair flew upwards a bit, the wind blew just a bit harder and the ground cracked. “This was the place where we had our first tangle. Remember? I completely destroyed you here, like I’m going to do today”. It didn’t happen like that at all. The two had fought to a bloody stalemate, their convictions were evenly willful, they were both evenly skill and they were both equally confident. “So, Raido…” the Senju trailed off, pacing to his right. He made it obvious that he was up to something, almost telegraphing the attack he was about to do. “Think fast!” the latter exclaimed as he chucked a shuriken towards the Uchiha. A rather simple technique, however masked with inscribed seals that were inscribed inside of the metal; a costume made shuriken from his own metal release. Years in the Devils playground taught Raido to be in turn with the area around them use it as an extension of yourself. Raido could hear the sound of a projectile as it broke wind and its speed and velocity in one direction picked up. He immediately used his right foot as a pivot and twisted clockwise and prepared a quick counter trick of his own. Using the granted powers of Will Materialisation and the ability to create and release the Chakra Receiver Manifestation rods from any part of his body and alter the shape and size he fired off three medium sized sharp black rods toward the direction of the Shuriken by swiping his right arm as he turned. One of the rods would counter what Raido realized just now seemed to be an explosive tag the distance at which both rods would meet would keep both men from the explosive payload, however the other two rods would be unopposed and would head for Sannoto undeterred. Watching as his weapon was about to collide with Sannoto's projectile, while the other two went unchallenged. Raido's right eye began to take form of it's mature sharingan form as the three tomoe swirled and took root offsetting his Rinnegan left eye. "Eyes on the prize". Raido said smiling as if a pun on his own awkward gaze of two different eyes. Responding immediately to the latter's counter attack, Sannoto slammed his chakra concentrated palms together with a force so great that the air itself found itself propelled in a form of a pressurized airwave itself. The nearby ruins that were barely supported found their foundation collapsing; the ancient architecture dissipated in dust upon striking the cement. Simultaneously, the Senju slammed his palms onto the ground, allowing a wall of metal to erupt from the earth; replacing the upper surface with a sheet of a hardened steel alloy. Raido's weapons struck the steel causing golden sparks to shoot from the surface of the wall. Placing one arm on the wall, Sannoto let out small grunt and channeled his chakra directly into the steel structure. He allowed the chakra to move, break apart the bonds holding the metal together and reconstruct them into a new form. The wall became fluid and moved, a bright light masking its motion. When the light was gone, three cannons stood in the wall's place, with a noticeable buildup of chakra inside of the. "Metal Weapon Generation" Sannoto internally processed, snapping his finger and allowing the chakra to explode from the canons. Beams after beams of chakra erupted from the cannons continuously. "Good luck, my friend" Raido knew that Sannoto knew one of the Rinnegan's abilities known as the Preta Path possessed the ability to absorb any ninjutsu and chakra. Knowing the type of abilities and skills Sannoto possessed he knew better than to even try to invoke that paths powers. "If I had to guess I would say Sannoto probably thought I would resort to using Gakido, and attempt to take the chakra within my body because it works best as a quick defense from chakra and ninjutsu based attacks" Raido said in his thoughts, dissecting the offensive attack with surgical precision. "Come on Sannoto you know better than to think I would try to absorb a chakra like yours. I may wield Six Paths chakra that I inherited from my left eye, but that chakra has not stunted my intelligence". Raido declared as he was ready to make his move. Using his sharingan he could quickly see not only the angle and trajectory of the beams but he could quickly sift through each and take count using his visual perception. "Sannoto fired a myriad of beams at me condensed with his own chakra. With such sheer number of beams seem he is making up for lost time the gift that keeps on giving, well then I will show my thanks by giving him something that takes a hit and keeps on ticking". Raido said he clapped his hands together as well the sound of the black leather gloves encompassing the sound. The summoning seal appeared before Raido as smoke began to fill the area and fade as the Giant Multi-Headed Dog a massive A large, multi-headed dog with wings and a Rinnegan bearing that of Raido's own tomoe design stood in front of Raido and also in the path of the lasers. This bizarre creature that Raido called forth came with the unique ability Raido combined with him. This ability was the Amplification Summoning Technique this allowed the massive canine upon being struck by a direct attack divide into another identical beast and increase its power and number of heads, and even split. The sheer size of the dog would ensure Raido would not be hit by the beams and instead it would hit the dog and allow its special function to take hold. The fact that Sannoto fired Beam after beam of chakra from his cannons continuously, would only help to serve the dogs special ability as each direct attack from the beam would result in the head of another dog and an increase in its power. Raido stood smiling while protected by his dog as he found a way to make his opponent strength his strength for now. He stayed in a defensive stance so he could move at a seconds notice, his sharingan trained on Sannoto and his sensory opened so if a move was made Raido could act accordingly. Sannoto watched as the massive summoning took blow after blow, dividing and growing in numbers which each hit. "Wow, impressive," was all Sannoto could get out as he watched the beast replicate: two, four, eight, ten. The numbers kept going. Finally, he drew himself out of the daze that he had been drawn into and ceased fire. Clapping his hands, the canons turned into a bright blue orb of chakra that flowed back into the Senju's body. The dogs roared in his presence, their shrieks generating enough power to kick debris in the air. "Wow, those thing are terrifying!" Sannoto exclaimed, almost complimenting the mutated beast. "Oh, right, I better take care of those..." Immediately following his epiphany, he clapped his hands together to concentrate the energy and process needed for his transmutation. Several dogs, identical in size and shape to the dogs that lay before him, appeared onto the battlefield and generated from a crystalline like metal. "You've never seen this metal, Raido" The Senju said, almost teasing his fellow comrade. His metal dogs charged towards Raido's own, hoping to clash with them in a head to head physical battle, while Sannoto sat back and watched. Raido took note of the constructs and started running the scenarios through his head. "He created those dogs out of thin air literally and they are exact replicas of my creature. Worse made of metal. His use of Yin and Yang has greatly improved... This is good. Raido said as this made him sure of a move he would save for later. For now he was content allowing the dogs to clash and go head to head, as he watched he noticed the formations at which the dosg ran at each other, the divides and gaps in between the dogs. The number of his dogs did more than just give Raido numerical advantage but also he benefited from the linked vision. While the dogs were running at each other Raido had view of where Sannoto was presently at despite the massive creature blocking the view from their normal plane of human vision. This gave Raido and idea and a way to attack and move Sannoto of the spot. "Sannoto was whipping out the new shit, well so shall I". Raido started by throwing a single Chakra Receiver Manifestation rod into the ground before him which impaling itself within the ground before him lifted his head up slightly angling it using the linked vision the dogs had provided him with to prepare his attack. Placing his hands together Raido kneaded chakra within his stomach and using the perception of the rinnegan along side the abilities of the sharingan. Raido could fire with laser accuracy. Lava Release: Scorching Stream Rock Technique!!!!! Raido began firing large amount of lava from his mouth, quickly solidifies into multiple boulders of molten rock that were fired towards Sannoto in a arcing mortar fashion. Raido made sure to release a considerable number over a wide range in quick succession increasing the difficulty of Sannoto attempting to dodge. The molten rocks arced over the battle of the titanic creatures with near perfect accuracy and were preparing to make their descent no Sannoto's position as relayed via the Dogs vision. "These boulders have a history of being able to melt most defenses lets see how it does vs a Metal Release user of his caliber". Raido said keeping his body and mind ready for action Raido did make note of the move Sannoto didn't make and remained vigilant and aware of it. it would be time to engage in a little dance soon. An aura of wispy chakra consumed his body, overflowing from every chakra point in his body almost like a glass of water that can’t hold any more water in it. The aura flowed endlessly around him, almost like more chakra was coming into his system and being pushed out due to a lack of space. With a noticeable lack of concentration on the aura around him, the Senju directed the entirety of his attention to the sea of boiling rocks that soared above the heads of the ferrokinetic constructs and summonings, resembling comets tearing through space. They fell towards him, their heat spraying against the surface of the earth, radiating steam from the between the cracks of the melting earth. With a wave of his hand, the aura of wispy chakra seemingly responded to his will and followed in the form of a concentrated wave of energy that sought to intersect the plummeting balls of magma. As the wave of energy tore through the air, it slowly took shape into that similar to the mini comets that Raido had generated himself and they filled that shape with Tungsten, a metal that was known for its toughness and extremely high melting point. The group of tungsten comets clashed with the lava rich earth, withstanding the assault almost entirely. Both attacks came crashing down onto the earth, causing shockwaves to ring throughout the Earth’s Crust in the land of whirlpools. Raido’s comets had become nothing but mere rock after their valiant effort to melt the unmeltable Tungsten, but even the Tungsten had found itself scorched and weakened, essentially unusable. “Raido, you’ve gotten better at combining your attacks” the latter complimented while ensuring to simultaneously take action. The thick layer of chakra empowered his physiology, infusing every cell in his body with more than enough chakra, while granting his outer epidermis some protection from any outside harm. A large cleaver blade poofed into existence, and Sannoto gripped it with his hand. A taijutsu clash was what the latter wanted, and his richochet towards Raido would hopefully ensure that is what he would get. "You give me far too much credit, I just wanted the techniques to share in all the fun we were having. It seems I need to be handing you the credit". Raido said being mindful of Sannoto's course of actions and his current one. That metal release of his has some weird properties it didn't have last time. He even released an aura of chakra from his body and then transformed it into a metal strong enough to combat Lava... tungsten If I recall correctly. Raido said in thought watching as Sannoto brought forth a large sword denoting he wanted Raido up close and personal. Happy to oblige Raido stopped first to make sense of his current parameters. Sannoto just released chakra from his body and turned it into metal, meaning he can convert chakra to any source of metal he wants. If I came within his range and he performed that what are chances he could do that to me as well. Raido pondered more thoughts as he raided his brain. "I can't say for sure but I would be a fool to underestimate what else he could accomplish". "Its clear he can turn chakra into sources of metal but it must be something he can convert. He could always convert his body into metal so I know he possibly do that to another person, now he can do it to thin air provided his chakra can touch it and affect it but there is one thing I know for a fact chakra cannot touch or affect from the outside. Raido said as he formed a plan to engage in close combat. Raido focused as he began preparing a defense of a different medium not of chakra but one of a different substance and source. Raido coated his body with a black substance that began from his feet and began to engulf his body, this actions caused Raido's skin to darken slightly as the substance became a layer of skin over his actual flesh. Raido used his prowess with the Will Materialisation to form a layer over his skin. Much like the receivers if need be he could increase the density. Will Materialisation allows the user to manifest and materialise their will for various purposes, personally I chose weapons and offensive means but vs Sannoto it would be the perfect coat versus that nasty ability he just demonstrated, also match my outfit. Sannoto should not be able to convert will of another into metal, its a risk, but I have my backup plan should he be able to. Raido using the Will Materialisation which came forth a much larger rod which he manipulated the size and density for the simple rod to turn into a large staff and immediately went ran up to Sannoto looking to engage in close combat. Raido was many things but stupid was not one of them, he would take no chances in the event Sannoto could pull such a feat. "How could I turn down such a request, if a old friend wants a good dance, you know good and well I am willing to step in and bust a move". Raido said kicking up dirt and debris behind him as he dashed forward his large rod like staff in hand ready to parry. It had been a while since he used his Dark Slayer style techniques like this however this time around there would be zero slaying involved. Sannoto's blade clashes with Raido's metal staff, ricocheting backwards due to the Uchiha's strength. Raido's staff was deflected under the immense strength of the prior clash causing it to the pushed backward slight. Recovering swiftly Raido performed an Au batido cartwheel gathering force and speed to swing the staff once more back at the Senju. He managed to stabilize his footing, but not before his friend had already made a comeback. Sannoto placed his blade to the side where Raido swung his staff, seeking to just keep it from striking his body. The staff struck the sword, the massive force behind Raido's attack proving too much for the Senju to hold his ground. His foot fell off balance, his body flew across the terrain, tumbling and rolling uncontrollably. He grabbed the earth with his free hand, allowing himself to regain control and stand on his two feet again. "Fuck.... Watching Sannoto regain his footing. He managed to move him this time but Sannoto would not fall for the same move twice, this time Raido bolted forward and slid forward lowering his center of gravity and body mass with a negativa and he performed a rasteria sweep kick that was aimed for the ankles of Sannoto, but Raido began to lift up and the sweep kick got higher as Raido began a handstand and spun to create a handstand spinning leg kick. The attack on the ankles was a feint to make him defend low and then hit him up high. Raido's leg sliced through the air like a hot knife through butter as it appeared he was breakdancing as that sweeping leg made a date to land on Sannoto. He swung his blade low to meet with Raido, however the sudden switching of position caught him off guard entirely. Acting almost immediately, he swung the blade upwards to strike Raido, however he didn't seem worried about his kick and aimed to go on the offensive along with the Uchiha. He was defenseless, or so Raido thought. A steel armor shielded his body when he fell for the feint, acting as an automatic defense. His sword wisped throughout the air, screeching against the winds as it made its way to Raido's defenseless hip. "Fuck!!!! I should have known". Raido said as he knew movement wise Sannoto had him dead to rights. The spinning handstand backfired an-....realizing what his hand on the ground meant. Raido quickly summoned flames at his fingertips because his hands already had contact to the ground he didn't have to worry about making it in time. Realizing where the blade was aimed for he quickly used the Uchiha Flame Formation resulting in the creation of a cylindrical barrier enveloping a location of their choosing, Raido chose the area around his body. However the barrier was not at full capacity and was created quickly to buffer the blow. The swing of the sword itself would not hit Raido however the force behind the strike would, and Raido was sent spiraling of his hands backwards knocked out of his barrier from the backside before it could fully form. Moments later Raido broke out into a series of backflips to catch his balance, and land on his feet. His shades laying on the ground helplessly on the ground. "A couple inches closer and I would be a few inches shorter". Raido said kidding. Now where were we. Raido said as he motioning Sannoto to just bring it. Sannoto glided across the ground, using the wispy aura generating from every tenketsu in his body to push his body. The chakra coiled around the sword and he swung it towards Raido's knees. Raido performed a Aú Giro Sem Mâo feinting the opposite direction than performing a quick high aerial handless cartwheel relying on the strength of his jump and body rotation to flip over the low angled blade as it swiped as his knees, landing on the outside shoulder of Sannoto swinging arm. Landing Raido quickly pivoted fast enough to be seen as a blur and launched an open palm strike toward Sannoto's exposed ribs behind his swinging arm, however this strike was influenced by something that made its impacts and striking power far more lethal. Shinra Tensei!!!! Raido pistoning his open palm forward to the exposed section of Sannoto ribs, the strike would be augmented by the force of the repelling gravity that tore through the ground and made its case to strike Sannoto with a critical hit, or at least glancing blow. In order to land a actual hit on Sannoto Raido knew he may have to rely on his Rinnegan Based Taijutsu and mixed Capoeira to do something about that metal defense. With enough force Shinra tensei can easily shatter wood, bones, stone, metal, and some of the most powerful defenses. this case it was strong enough to make sure Sannoto felt the respect Raido had for his rival and his combat prowess.. Raido said in his thoughts . Raido said deep within his thoughts. Naturally, Sannoto's metal jumped to his defense, turning his flesh into a durable layer of steel along with generating another layer of steel above that. Raido's palm struck Sannoto's steel size, obliterating the initial layer and penetrating his steel skin. He shrieked, gliding roughly across the rough earth. His head struck the ground, his metal flesh scraped against the rocks, disintegrating with every tumble. His skin was drenched in redness. He lay on the ground, staring at Raido. Chakra coiled around his massive cleaver blade next to the Uchiha's feet. Rising on his own strength, the Senju clapped his two palms together, resurrecting two massive wolves that charged towards Raido. Hmmm so he can just about form it out of anywhere and change the density of his metal as well as control the type however if I were to change the state of matter the metal was in then-. Raido said among his thought cutting himself off as he completed his two prong plan. First he would have to deal with the massive wolves that we're aiming to turn him into a midday meal, not on Raido's list of of things to do today. Chikushōdō!!!!!! Raido spoke clapping his hands together the summoning seal spread over the earth as the smoke rose. Erupting from the depths of the white smoke rose the Giant Centipede not one, not two, but three from the smoke boasting the same ripple patterned rinnegan Raido had, with a large piecing through his nose. The body onyx black with orange legs. Two of the massive insects slithered after the wolves, while the final one snaked it's way toward Sannoto's position. Studying what he already knew of past encounters with Sannoto, and his new more modern ability of metal, Raido was ready to swing both his plans into action full circle. "I know you have more dance left in your steps than that, that will of yours won't let you lose to me, especially not twice. That said I think its time I changed the tune and rhythm we stepped to. Raido spoke as he inserted yet another long Chakra rod into the ground in front of him and ended off with a short but brief statement. "Eyes on the Prize". The chakra coiled around the blade next to Raido's foot burst outwards, transmuting the very metal of the blade into that of silver. Simultaneously as the very blade was enveloped in the transmutive light, another bright light overlapped it and expanded onto the earth itself. Within moments, the earth molded into a shape. Waves, ripples; it had become an ocean of metal liquid. The centipede fell into the liquid, unable to move, drowning. It fought, roared and screamed but to no avail. It's mouth was drowned with the mercury. The dogs that once fought together, metal and Raido's summonings all fell into the ocean. The wolves and the other two massive insects followed suit, but not Sannoto. He stood on a platform of mercury, riding on the massive waves life a surfer. "Good luck, Raido..." Raido had not forgotten about the sword, but he did not expect an attack of this magnitude to come from that instrument, his sharingan was quick to see it as the light quickly lept of the blade, followed by an explosion, to which the the liquid blanked the area where Raido once stood quickly yet Raido was no present in that area... Raido used the Rinnegan Shifting Technique the technique is instantaneous, requiring no prerequisite setting up nor indication of the sudden change, and immediately Raido shifted from his spot on the ground and focused on the area above where he last sensed Sannoto, but not close enough to touch him, because he shifted into the air above him, but still in front of him. Due to the range Raido could not shift closer as there were no objects present for him to extend the range, however Raido's shift upwards and over bought himself enough time to quickly and hopefull catch off guard Sannoto with his quickest attack and have enough time to avoid falling in the river of liquid metal. Being that he was in the air in such a flat footed position he would have to rely on capoeira excellent teaching of body, and core control to make the needed moves immediately. I need all hands on deck for this move. Raido sifted through this thoughts quickly, the sweat literally falling off his face as he descended. Gakido!!! Simultaneously Raido would use two paths his own two hand would be dedicated to using Animal Path and the Asura Path allowed the user to summon extra arms which would pay big dividends in this situation. Rhile pointing his both his left/right hands to the downward palms open on both sides an extra arm quickly tore through the coat Raido wore as and was aiming over his his shoulder at Sannoto, Raido had the hand of this extra arm remain open in the form of a palm strike and within that palm was a unique seal was the glowing on the palm. Raido using an attack associated with the Asura Path With a small-scale explosion at the center wrist of the arm, caused by chakra collected in the cut end of the wrist, the open hand gained great propulsive power and soared off in a straight line with tremendous force at Sannoto, looking to literally palm strike him from a distance with that deadly seal in its grasp. A huge gamble on Raido's behalf considering he didn't know if Sannoto was expecting such a move from him, he hoped thanks to the instant shifting technique and speed from the from the launched attack he would be able to connect, because terrain wise Sannoto had taken over at the time. With the two hands down at his side and the ocean getting closer and closer to devouring him Raido had but one more move to make Chikushōdō!!!!!! Thankfully Aerial summonings were possible for avian like creatures such as this bird. The summoning seal appeared below him as white smoke filled the area once more and this time Raido called forth the Giant Drill-Beaked Bird A massive unusual bird arose beneath the falling location of Raido, with a massive flap of his large wings the bird took flight under Raido causing him to fall comically on the bird. Raido’s hand tore through the atmosphere, the speed of the projectile causing the winds to screech and howl in response to being torn. A raw aura of kinetic energy surrounded the immensely quick projectile. Good thing he had picked up a few tricks from his battle with Fuyuki. With a simple motion of lifting his arm into the air, a wall of mercury shot upwards to intercept Raido’s ranged attack. For a brief moment, Raido’s attack seemed to push back the wall of quicksilver, however a quick change occurred. The wall of mercury suddenly seemed more vicious, unmovable, its pressure seemingly increasing within a mere few seconds. The quicksilver pushed back Raido’s disposable hand, eventually consuming it entirely and causing it disintegrate from the sheer amount of pressure put into the wall. “All I had to do was adjust,” Sannoto remarked, with a flick of his hand. He flicked his hand, commanding the liquid mercury to pursue the flying bird. The mercury moved rapidly, tiny streams of it shooting upwards into the sky with intent to grab the bird. From the back, both sides and front of the beaked avian, mercury pursued it at rapid speeds. “I’m pulling you down, Raido…” Unlike other Large summons in Raido's Animal Path that were large and cumbersome this This summon can move at an incredibly fast speed, showing its agility and ability to fly gracefully, so for now he would be able to avoid getting caught by the mercury so long as he stayed above a certain altitude. All this liquid being around is trouble some and is cramping my style. This was created from his metal, and it has a form regardless of state of matter.. which means. Raido put his hands together and a Series of large red chakra elaborate hieroglyphic seals began to take shape beside him as his bird flew in the air avoiding the mercury grabs. There were two large, and two small Eventually the bird would tire and Sannoto would have the upper hand in a battle of attrition, something Raido wanted to fix. These hieroglyphic seals were attracted to ninjutsu that was given a physical form via Yang Principles. This entire ocean of Sannoto's was created from the metal he could create. Yin ang Yang are the essentials into the birth of a jutsu, the Yin is the mental energy, while the Yang gives it life and form. These hieroglyphics devour and feed off that Yang and crave it. Within moments the four hieroglyphs began to attract the liquid to its center feeding of the Metal Release's Yang properties that allowed it to take form and shape. Leaving the jutsu as a formless Imagination, much to its names effects. "I should thank you Sannoto, you made sure I could use this move effectively on you. That Metal Release of yours is powerful, and the way you can change its form, and shape is nothing less than impeccable. This entire time I was studying it learning the mechanics of its new powers, I learned that whatever process of creating it that you use, the ninjutsu still relies on the principles of Yin-and Yang. All ninjutsu on the foundational level rely on the Yin for imagination, and Yang to give it form and life, your metal release is no different, if anything it falls victim to the hieroglyph seals because these regardless of the shape of matter you have it in, whether its a solid, or liquid state, you gave it form and shape. Raido said pointing as now the liquid was being drawn in faster. "Any ninjutsu that takes a physical form will fall victim to it, including my own. Meaning your metal release based ninjutsu is useless so long as these hieroglyphs remain active, you need taijutsu to break them, and that will take time you no long have old friend. You will just have you to your imagination. Raido said as he waved two finger around in the air as if he was drawing shapes out of the air, leaving a chakra trail behind as he did such. World Genesis!!! A another series of hieroglyphs seals began to appear and wrap around the area of Sannoto as it turned into a large prism beside him. The world genesis was a more advanced formless imagination, however the world genesis was the offensive breed, it releases the highly unstable chakra that it had been collecting over the years from various people and battles into a powerful and explosive payload. Due to its unstable nature its was highly ill advised to absorb the chakra Each time Raido called upon this move in battle and it would seal the yang chakra up from others it would grow stronger, and now it was time to release some of it in a powerful concussive explosion. Raido had zero intentions to kill, but had plenty of putting Sannoto down on his ass. The Large prism violently exploded releasing its powerful explosive concussive force. Raido stood watching guard up in case the senju found a way to defend this, or even stood on his feet. Good luck Sannoto... Good thing Raido talks, a lot. Sannoto had begun to act before the guy had even gotten to his second paragraph of speech. “They can destroy ninjutsu huh? Let’s see if they can stop my armor!” Sannoto yelled, generating blocks of Uranium. They were rapidly pulled towards the symbols that Raido had conjured, upon being created. He fell onto his knees afterwards, appearing dissatisfied in the eyes of any spectator. His acting was merely a part of his plan. “You’ve been missing one thing this entire time, Raido, that not even you can see. My Metal Release doesn’t turn generate chakra that imitates metal. No, it makes actual metal. My chakra breaks apart the bonds of other structures and reconstructs their yin-yang that makes up their existence to make metal. When you remove anything from Uranium, anything that makes it radioactive, it releases an extraordinary amount of energy. You’ll break one of those bonds, and boom..You’ll find yourself and your construct drenched in an explosion, that you’ll never be able to see coming. Sorry Raido. I’m not the only one going down today” Sannoto processed internally. With a smile, he watched his constructs get absorbed into the symbols and broken down. A bright flash radiated from almost immediately, consuming the entire sky. “Good luck..Raido”, Sannoto muttered, snapping his fingers as he was enveloped by Raido’s own concussive attack. The sky was red. The explosions simultaneously went off lighting the area up like it was a parade of fireworks as the area which was already wracked with ruins looked even more dead and done for then it was prior to the arrival of the two fated rivals, as the smoke cleared from Raido's behalf he stood his smooth black coat and shirt gone tore and blown off, his highly muscular frame shiny with sweat as he stood as the smoke cleared more. Despite his look Raido wasn't exactly fatigued he opted for moves that used less very little of his own chakra. Six Paths chakra was extremely powerful, and may have seemed infinite but it wasn't. Him coating himself with the Will Materilisation early on proved to be a valuable asset to avoid that metal transformation stuff, but even harden the density slightly enough to made from the same material sturdy material as the chakra rods a ability he did not mention early on to avoid the detection from Sannoto. Thanks to my Siddha Technique and that I was able to avoid further explosive damage from that attack, my shirt, coat, shades, seals and other jutsu can't say the same Raido said among his thoughts. Any wounds sustained would be healed by his highly active Healing ability one of the many gift he got during his time as a experiment to Orochimaru and Kabuto and since he had used so little chakra during the course of this fight he was ready to continue. With both his dojutsu peering around the broken ruins and destroyed grounds and clearing smoke Raido watched like a hawk for Sannoto keeping his sensory open as a dark Sphere formed on the end of his two fingertips as he was ready for action. He knew even though the Sannoto was hit by the world Genesis he knew somewhere the man was off healing, or getting himself together. Pebbles pushed into his back, dust was sprinkled across his face and his eyes were red from all the smoke. A purple-like crystal engulfed half of his body, with bits of it looking like it had been destroyed. Blood poured from his forehead, cuts and bruises littered his fair skin. The other half of the crystal fell off his body, dissipating into blue energy that he swallowed. That half of his human flesh was red, almost like it was burned. He pushed off of the rocks, grunting with every bit of muscle he put into it. "Thank god, I was able to cover myself with my vibranium when I snapped my fingers. It didn't stop some of the blast from hitting me though, but some of it was..," Sannoto said to himself, walking through the ruins. They were falling apart, trembling almost every time he placed his hand on them just for support. He carefully took one step, cautious but quick with his escape from the collapsing architecture. At least, while he was asleep, he was able to heal. A passive ability he held due to his chakra, he could heal these wounds within minutes. He glanced down at his burned flesh, watching as the skin fell off and was slowly replaced with clean, unharmed skin. "Good thing, I'm my mother's son." Suddenly, his pupils expanded and a man stood before him. "Hi, Tai.." "It's seen you've gotten yourself in some trouble," a man spoke: Black, shiny hair, blue, peaceful eyes, and a relatively well defined muscular build that wasn’t over exaggerated. He was everything a woman would want. Sometimes Sannoto was envious of his looks. "Yeah, just a bit.." "Just a bit?" Tai arched his eyebrow and with a tone that over-exaggerated the question portion of the question, "Just a bit?" he spoke once more. Sannoto scratched the back of his head and smiled. "Well, he's Raido after all. He's my rival, the only one that I can't beat no matter how hard I try" "Not true! You haven't used your Senjutsu yet, Sannoto" "Do I have to?" "If you want to win" "Fine! Just, give me some natural energy and keep molding chakra, Tai" "You don't have to tell me that. I'm one thousand years old. I have mor--" "Yeah, yeah. Just do it.." The ruins collapsed, Sannoto dove to escape a boulder, however one more collapsed from above. He punched it, smashing it with his hand. The pebbles rained from above. Releasing a wave of energy, the pebbles turned into small uranium rocks infused with natural energy along with the rest of the debris. Hundreds of pebbles, tens-twenty of uranium rocks. This was the enhancement his senjutsu supplied. Flicking his hand, the army of uranium deposits shot towards Raido like rockets. "Raido, stop my wrath..." Sannoto declared, snapping his fingers as the uranium deposits were midway between himself and the Uchiha. A sheet of lead covered his body, almost simultaneous with the explosion from one uranium pebble. "One hundred explosions, Raido.." Sannoto muttered. "Can you take, one hundred explosions?" The explosion of one rock was more than enough to convince him that several would be a problem, so up to one hundred would be suicidal. Sannoto is taking training wheels of this fight well then so shall I. Raido said musing in his thoughts as it seemed Sannoto had just as much fight left as he did. "I think the better question is how do you rise to the challenge"??. Raido said opting to say no more. Running his mouth cost him greatly before, but he made sure to use the word rise as a bit of a pun for his impending situation. Raido who had already had the dark sphere on his finger tips brought his hands together to form an abnormal hand sign. When this happened the gravity in the area shifted and became much heavier, slowing the trajector speed of Sannoto's projectiles to a complete halt as the landed to the ground leaving craters where the landed. The pressure of gravity in the area became tremendous as it increased. A large series of Black walls rose from the ground as the reached into the sky like a skyscraper creating a large spherical area. Only by merit That Raido trained in this sphere many times could he move seemingly so freely within the area he built. Sannoto would find himself pulled to the ground under the immense force, however this move was only a combination move to set up another technique. The idea for his combination technique came from his very opponent before him, Raido kneaded chakra into his stomach and prepared his jutsu swiftly as he only needed to make enough. Lava Release: Exploding Volcanic Field!!!!!! Raido spit out a great volume of lava into the spherical object that encapsulated the area. The torrent of Lava quickly spread to the outer walls and rushed across the ground like it was late. Raido released a lakes worth of Lava out and its crushing power was immense when added to the highly pressurized gravity zone Raido created. I said I was studying you're metal Release I didn't not mention how and with good reason though. I needed him to believe I was still behind and come up with the first counter attack. From what I learned One it seems Sannoto can only turn his body into one kind of metal at a time even if instantly, however not all metals are strong enough to deal with such a high amount of lava, it's pressure and a heavier gravity pressure weighing him down. Metal has great density so he would have to resort to a light metal and then still deal with the pull of the gravity pressure, which I can't say for sure Sannoto has experience in moving in heavy gravity induced areas. However he still needed to avoid the tidal wave lake of lava I created, and if he opts for his tungsten or heavier metals he will only increase his mass and add to the gravities pressure and take a dip in the lava metal when super heated by such an intense volume of lava will be fun for a man of Sannoto's endurance. He can turn his body to any metal he wants but he still needs air to breath, I just need to stay ready for those explosions he can generate. Raido spoke within his thoughts, not saying anything out loud this time, to give Sannoto a chance for anything. Readying a defensive stance Raido placed two fingers down to his side on each hand. Sannoto kneeled unintentionally, the sheer amount of pressure in the atmosphere forcing him down to the ground. He grunted as the lake of lava approached his being. "Not this time, Raido!" the Senju screeched. Putting both hands towards the magma that filled the area like water filling a cup, Sannoto allowed his chakra to leave his tenketsu. Suddenly, the lava bent upwards into the sky, heading back towards Raido. Sannoto screamed as he forced the laba back up into the air. "I said, I won't let you win this one easily!" A chakra stealing formula drew itself upon his flesh. He could feel the energy surging in his body, taking form. Thanks for all the chakra, Raido. Thanks! He slowly lift his leg from underneath of him, forcing his body to stand up under the immense pressure. He was under none, but the lava was and would fall if raido's will suppressed his own. Veins bulged from his neck, arms, legs and forehead. Chakra poured rapidly from his tenketsu, and with every bit of effort he seemed to put into defying raido's technique all together the more he seemed to do it. "I've inherited my clan's will...therefore, I won't give up!" Pebbles levitated around him, and the earth began to shake from its foundations under the massive amount of pressure being exerted upon it. The Lava increased speed towards Raido, moving at speeds that it seemed to be moving through the air like sand. "My Senjutsu powered chakra, can outweigh this force!" Sannoto shrieked one last time, his voice echoing throughout the enclosed area. The lava took off like a rocket, almost teleporting towards the Uchiha at such speeds. Gakido!!!! Channeling his power through the path he absorbed the lava into his barrier, spinning his own chakra back into him, however he focused the returning chakra to flow into his Inner Path (Six Paths) rather than his own body, a more pure force of chakra from the statue he had been saving for a decade now. As the Lava was no out the field, and it was once again, Sannoto and Raido. He could hold himself back from laughing. "hmhmmhahahaha This was exactly what I came here for this kind of battle and living in the moment". Raido said as the purple energy at his fingertips glowing much like the purple hue of his left was. These are the kind of battles you feel the most alive in blood racing adrenaline fueled on your feet combat. Raido sighed in his thoughts savoring this moment knowing it would be the last of the fights like this he would actually enjoy. "One last dance Sannoto, think that Senjutsu of yours can handle one last dance". Raido said as he began to sway and perform his ginga, the motions of capoeira keeping his opponents guessing, and the user constantly in motion and one alert. A thin metal layer of vibranium formed around the Senju, sliding above his chakra draining tattoos. "Alright then, Raido.." Gliding across the ground, he approached Raido with a noticeable bright smile on his face. Creating a shuriken with his alchemy prowess, Sannoto threw the shuriken at his rival, it too being imbued with an explosive seal. Another Senjutsu user, I can see the chakra building. Raido said wallowing in his thoughts. Opening the palm of his hand he fired another chakra receiver at tremendous force to counter the flying projectile, this time Raido launched it from the an angled position so that the receiver would hit the weapon and make it bounce into the air while his receiver would land toward the ground. Raido had a series of moves ready getting them to actually work was another story Above Sannoto and raido, the projectile exploded, lightning up the sky. Fire rained down onto the earth as the two began to engage in combat. Bending downwards, Sannoto used a simple sweep kick aimed towards Raido's ankles. Sannoto opted for a low sweeping kick, a capoeira type of technique. Having faced Senjutsu and Sage mode users before Raido was use to the strength increase they were known to exhibit, and that was considering their base abilities. Raido decided to also lower his center of gravity using a Negativa The negativa is used to negate an attack by going low to the ground on one's side, with the leg closest to the ground tucked to the chest, the other extended, supporting one's body weight with the hand, with the upper arm in a location to protect the face. Stretching his arm across this face Raido extended his arm out to reach across the catch Sannoto's leg. His palm already open, Raido's face where his ankles would have been his hand open and ready Forbidden Technique: Gedō Seal!!! The Seal appeared in the open gloved hand of Raido which he pistoned across his face quickly to ensure it connected. Considering the enhancements Senjutsu can give in both strength and speed it would nearly impossible for Sannoto to completely stop the forward motion of his own momentum and sweep kick, and then still have enough time to avoid Raido hand that was flying forward at its speed that was moving in that direction as well. A little something Raido learned from Ameyuri was how inertia and momentum worked. Sannoto committed to the sweep and even lowered his body to do so and Raido's hand pistoned forward to meet him and catch him. The seal was sure to connect this time. Sannoto stopped himself from colliding into the Uchiha, slamming his palms together. However, his speed wasn't enough to stop Raido's hand from slamming against his vibranium armor. The armor absorbed the kinetic energy from Raido's attack, rendering the force generated from his palm strike useless. However, a symbol began to appear on the armor, a fuinjutsu-like seal. The armor detached itself from his body and towards the Uchiha, turning into a net like substance that wished to drape itself over the Uchiha. Just the opening I need to see and not a second too late!!!!! Raido stuck his other arm out but short armed it out before the net reached him to appear as if he were going to use the Deva Path but instead he vanished Amenotejikara!!!! Using this technique Raido shifted space with the net like substance, instantly swapping spaces with the said object the net substance was now behind Raido where he was prior to making the shift and moving forward in the other direction, and Raido much closer to Sannoto with his hand already out. This time Sannoto bare flesh was within his grasp, and the seal reappeared in his hand, but even with the instant shifting all precautions had to be taken. Using his prowess with the Deva Path he focused chakra behind the elbow of his arm closest and out toward Sannoto, and pistoned it forward using the repelling ability and blast of the Shinra Tensei toward the exposed Sternum of Sannoto with great force. No escape this time bro. Raiso thoughts echoed in his mind. Sannoto met Raido's own arm with his own, slamming his palm into raido's. The two fuinjutsu seals on both men's flesh clashed together. One tried to change the other continuously, creating an accumulation of unbalanced energy. Sannoto grunted, raido grunted, both men putting more chakra into their seals hoping to outweigh the other. The energy built up between the palms of the two men, becoming too much to contain. An explosion happened, the energy engulfing both men and most of the entire area. A bright light enveloped the blast reaching far up into the heavens itself. The earth, trembling from the prodigious energy reservoir that had just been released. Sannoto's body shot across the landscape itself, tearing through the ruins due to the massive concussive wave. He ricocheted off of the falling ruins, bouncing from one hard rock to another, destroying them with the body and the massive amount of force. Eventually, one building managed to stop him; he left a large imprint in the side of the wall. Blood dripped from the very top of his crown, his left eye was closed and bruises and burn marks littered his fair flesh. He struggled to move from his spot, barely pushing himself out of the wall, falling into more debris that lay beneath him. Raido's body darted across the open terrain smashing into ruin and debris making more of a mess that was already there before landing in a broken temple which only dust and ashes remains. If this desolate wasn't consumed by nature it was well on its way to be consumed by the fury of the battle between two men. The pain that was inflicted was seen all over the area with blasted up ruins, smoldering debris and charred up remains of a broken city. Finally pulling himself from the ground Raido stood, his left eye closed and face and head battered, bloody but unbowed. His shoulder dislocated and arm pretty much fried that was close to Sannoto. Rising from the ground small smoke began to rise from his body as he his skins was repairing itself he popping his shoulder back into place. his injuries quickly reverting the damage. Within moments Raido's image appeared of that of good health despite the dirt and dust that covered his pants, hair and chest. I dont usually think about my childhood or my life as a teenager but this kind of battle surrounded by this kind of mess takes me back. Raido said having feelings of nostalgia. A childhood of bones and blood nothing but nonstop fighting and battles. Just to see tomorrow. That same feeling of enjoying the battle was ripe in his bloodstream but this fight was not for survival, but a battle that very well could be the last between them. Coming up out of the broken temple Raido walked as if he was in good condition when in fact it was his healing abilities he got from as a product of Project: Rebirth had it not been for that Raido wouldn't be standing much less walking. Then again he wouldn't be alive today either. Anymore fighting like this and using powerful attacks and the fatigue would make itself present and highly know. "Sannoto it doesn't even matter who wins or loses this fight anymore, in retrospect I challenged you simply because this very well could be our last battle. My Arihant missions are just about completed, and I have but one task left in my way". Raido said proudly knowing his next battle will be his last and the one for his soul. "Once that last task is finished, well its over. The rivalry, the battles, the teamwork the jokes, it all comes to a close". I'll still be around in spirit in a sense, but far as becoming a siddha is concerned we don't have physical bodies anymore we are pure essence. We discard our physical bodies and free ourselves from the karma of life. Of course that means no more breakfast sandwiches and food but I guess you can win them all". Raido said as he grabbing his shoulder and rotating it.