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Cult of the Lady Cult of The Lady
The Cult of the Lady of the Lake, or simply as the Cult of the Lady, is a state-official religious cult that serves to follow and uphold the values set upon them by the Lady of the Lake, and to serve the interest of her and the Kingdom of Bretonnia. Since ancient times, the Bretonnians have worshiped the Lady of the Lake as their goddess and their primary deity, a figure of myth and legend who guides their kings and protects their lands from harm. According to the followers, there are two main entities, on par with gods, that determine the ebb and flow of all events in the universe; Lord Fate and Lady Luck, though they go by other names. Fate is malevolent by nature, not in that he is evil, but in that he sees the universe as a trifling thing that he'd much rather have end sooner than later so that he may try again with a new universe, being the omnipotent of the two.
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Symbol of the Grail.PNG
the Holy Grail, the fleur-de-lis
According to the followers, there are two main entities, on par with gods, that determine the ebb and flow of all events in the universe; Lord Fate and Lady Luck, though they go by other names. Fate is malevolent by nature, not in that he is evil, but in that he sees the universe as a trifling thing that he'd much rather have end sooner than later so that he may try again with a new universe, being the omnipotent of the two. Lady Luck, however, is the flighty and benevolent wife of Fate, who being not as powerful as Fate, the Creator, must use her wiles and trickery to get her way with her husband. Along these lines, Fate and Luck have a tentative arrangement; when someone is born or some major event occurs, Fate flips a coin once owned by the Lady, made of polished brass. On one face is a star, and on the other face is a spiral. If the coin lands with the star up, Fate succumbs to Luck's wishes and alters the life of the individual to have a positive effect on the things around him. With the spiral down, he will ignore Luck's intentions and continue with his own, giving the individual a negative life that will harm the universe as a whole by their existence. However, Lady Luck tends to ignore some of these particular cases and uses her own limited power to affect the lives of those unfortunates, especially those who pray for her favor. In some rare cases, only one in several quadrillion, the coin lands on its polished edge and fails to lay on either side. If this happens, Lady Luck herself takes over the destiny of the individual.... meaning that they have no destiny at all, free to choose whatever they see fit and thus drastically alter the path of the entire universe by their mere existence, without Fate's ability to intervene. Such individuals are considered immune to death by unnatural means, and have the supernatural ability to escape no-win circumstances by calling on the Lady to turn them in their favor. The Cult of the Lady believes (or a vast majority do) that one Larx Serac of Starfox is one of the rare people with a coin that landed on edge, and they revere him as a prophet-like figure because of his supposed immunity to destiny and Fate in and of itself. No matter what horrible things happen to him, he can't die because he's 'favored'. Thus he has the name: The Fortunate One. They believe he acts as an agent of their own goddess, and so will follow his whims if he asks, as a culturally-mutual 'f*** you' to Lord Fate's Grand Plan for them all. Their theory is: if they follow instructions given by Larx (who is theoretically immune to Fate's designs)..... they are acting outside the Plan, and therefore freeing themselves from a destiny they never chose. Larx himself denies this, claiming to be a spiral-down individual whom the Lady seems to strangely favor. Nevertheless, the few cult members who inhabit the galaxy have proven that they will expend a certain amount of resources and manpower if their so-called prophet asks, and thus Larx receives some attention from the media, calling him the leader of a dangerous cult of fanatics, and etc. The Cult of the Lady of the Lake, or simply as the Cult of the Lady, is a state-official religious cult that serves to follow and uphold the values set upon them by the Lady of the Lake, and to serve the interest of her and the Kingdom of Bretonnia. Since ancient times, the Bretonnians have worshiped the Lady of the Lake as their goddess and their primary deity, a figure of myth and legend who guides their kings and protects their lands from harm. Worship of the Lady can be traced to the earliest days of the Kingdom. It is said that she arose from a lake before Gilles le Breton and his Knightly Companions on the dawn of the Great Victory of Bordeleaux. Wreathed in a fey light, the Lady rose from the water bearing a grail which overflowed with light that spilled into the waters of the lake, blessing the assembled knights until dawn's light broke over the mountains. In the years that followed, Gilles and his knights went on to win many great victories and since those days, worship of the Lady has spread throughout Bretonnia. The lady herself is very rarely seen, and only in the most verdant depths of the land may she be found by a few privileged and pure souls. Those who do find her are regarded as highly favoured and are themselves revered. Appearing as an ageless maiden of unearthly beauty, the Lady will only appear to those who have faced great peril and are pure of heart. Many knights, wishing to prove their valor, declare that they will go on a Grail Quest and seek the lady of the lake to sup from her sacred chalice and become one of the legendary Grail Knights, warriors of unsurprising skill who are incapable of malice and impure thought. Sacred groves and areas of mystical power are her dwellings, and the Grail Knight are her protectors devoting themselves to upholding her honour. No base creatures or evildoers can profane her sacred places, and this is a duty that every knight in Bretonnia, not just the Grail Knight's, take very seriously indeed. The Bretonnia code of Chivalry is inextricably linked with the Lady of the Lake, as it is she who rewards honour and virtue, and the supreme sign of a knight's favour is to received her blessings. Throughout Bretonnia there are many Grail Chapels built upon sites of holy significance, ranging from humble road-side shrines to great fortress cathedrals incorporated into a knight's castle. It is the sacred duty of the Grail Knights to protect these shrines and often such knights will devote the remainder of their lives to defending the Lady's holy places. These knights are known as hermit knights and spend their lives living in and defending the shrines and relics housed within.