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Quantum dating
Quantum dating is a process by which an objects age can be found, presumably by analysis at the quantum level. Quantum dating can be used to tell what time period an object originated from, past or future. In 2153 Earth Starfleet scientists quantum dated a metal fragment from a prototype Xindi superweapon which had attacked Earth and found components originating from four hundred years in the future. The following year the Xindi used the technique to verify the age of a Xindi artifact Jonathan Archer had brought back in time from the 26th century. (ENT episodes: "The Expanse", "Azati Prime") In 2153, Jonathan Archer, acting on a tip from the Suliban Cabal's mysterious benefactor, quantum dated a component from the Xindi probe that attacked Earth. Archer showed the results, which read -420, to Admiral Forrest and Ambassador Soval, both of whom expressed surprise at the results, as quantum dating usually only registered in positive numbers. Using these results, Archer was able to prove that the component was from 420 years in the future. (ENT: "The Expanse")
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Quantum dating is a process by which an objects age can be found, presumably by analysis at the quantum level. Quantum dating can be used to tell what time period an object originated from, past or future. In 2153 Earth Starfleet scientists quantum dated a metal fragment from a prototype Xindi superweapon which had attacked Earth and found components originating from four hundred years in the future. The following year the Xindi used the technique to verify the age of a Xindi artifact Jonathan Archer had brought back in time from the 26th century. (ENT episodes: "The Expanse", "Azati Prime") In 2376 quantum dating of a jevonite figure found in B'hala on Bajor revealed it predated the Hebitian civilization. (DS9 novel: Avatar, Book One) In 2153, Jonathan Archer, acting on a tip from the Suliban Cabal's mysterious benefactor, quantum dated a component from the Xindi probe that attacked Earth. Archer showed the results, which read -420, to Admiral Forrest and Ambassador Soval, both of whom expressed surprise at the results, as quantum dating usually only registered in positive numbers. Using these results, Archer was able to prove that the component was from 420 years in the future. (ENT: "The Expanse") Later that year, T'Pol ran quantum scans of the first Delphic Expanse sphere that Enterprise NX-01 came across, to determine that it was at least a thousand years old. (ENT: "Anomaly") In 2154, Degra quantum dated a Xindi initiation medal supplied to him by Captain Archer, who himself had received it from temporal agent Daniels, and determined that the medal itself was also from the future. (ENT: "Azati Prime") Later that year, T'Pau proposed that quantum dating could prove that the Kir'Shara is from the time of Surak, after she and Archer brought the Kir'Shara to the Vulcan High Command. (ENT: "Kir'Shara") In the mirror universe in 2155, the Tholians quantum dated a piece of the USS Defiant's hull, and determined it was from about a hundred years in the future. That quantum dating evidence found its way into the hands of Commander Jonathan Archer. (ENT: "In a Mirror, Darkly")