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My daughter's nappies
You can discover the power of such processes only when you apply them to your day to day affairs. The more banal the affair is, the more will be the knowledge you gain. As anxiety and fear of using a new method will be absent in such cases, you will be able to understand the process clearly as events unfold. Over time you will gain confidence and be ready to apply it to ‘big’ events. Big or small, the process is the same. But, it would take 30 minutes for me to get the nappies. Would my daughter wait for 30 minutes? Would the Decision Making Tool work? H
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You can discover the power of such processes only when you apply them to your day to day affairs. The more banal the affair is, the more will be the knowledge you gain. As anxiety and fear of using a new method will be absent in such cases, you will be able to understand the process clearly as events unfold. Over time you will gain confidence and be ready to apply it to ‘big’ events. Big or small, the process is the same. A few days ago I travelled with my wife and two- year old daughter. We were staying in an air-conditioned hotel room. My daughter was asleep. My wife said, “I think she will wet the bed in a few minutes. I have brought only one set of extra dress for her. It is better to make her wear nappies. It is already 11.30 pm. Where can we get nappies at this time? ” I called the receptionist to enquire about the nearby shops. He said, “I don’t think any shop would be kept open at this time. If you don’t mind walking a kilometer and if you are lucky, you can find a medical shop near the Railway Station. That shop closes by 12 pm.” I thanked him and thought about the issue for a moment. There was a clear need for the nappies. My wife and I wanted to make my daughter feel comfortable. I was ready to walk a kilometer happily. The inner factors were positive. I had money to buy the product and knew that I could definitely get them in the medical shop. Outer factors were also positive. I was in Quadrant I. So, positive outcome was assured. The result should come without a hitch immediately. But, it would take 30 minutes for me to get the nappies. Would my daughter wait for 30 minutes? Would the Decision Making Tool work? When I was climbing down the stairs, my cousin whom I had not met for years was climbing up. After a brief exchange of words, I told him. “I am in a hurry. My daughter urgently needs nappies. I will meet you tomorrow at your room. ” He showed a carry bag and said. “Oh, just now I bought a big pack of nappies for my son from the medical shop near the Railway Station. I was the last customer. Tell me, how many pieces do you need now? ” H