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RuneScape:Requests for adminship/Matthew2602
Hello there. My name is Matthew. Today, I am requesting adminship. There are multiple reasons behind this. I have been with the wiki for just over a year and a half, and during this time I have made over 13,000 edits. There are also a few other reasons behind this RFA. Thank you, and cheers.
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Hello there. My name is Matthew. Today, I am requesting adminship. There are multiple reasons behind this. I have been with the wiki for just over a year and a half, and during this time I have made over 13,000 edits. I feel that I have come a tremendous way since my past in multiple regards, not just those related to the wiki, and I have learnt so much. Since my past, I have become incredibly more experienced with the wiki, the community, it's polices, and editing in the general. Since my past, I have become extremely more mature and deep thinking than I previously was. And I personally feel that my experience, my maturity, my need and my possible active application of administrator rights has gotten to a point of which I feel is more than adequate to become an administrator. I personally feel that I am mature enough. I am experienced enough. I am sensible enough. And there more than enough times which I would use the rights for were I able to actively apply them. I also feel that from my observation of the behaviour of administrators and the status quo of their norms, that I would also be quite experienced. Most of the time, we tend to tag sysops as either anti-vandal sysops or maintenance sysops. However, I would personally consider my self more somewhere in the middle of the two and that I would actively partake in both. I feel I am quite active in the regard of anti-vandalism. Usually when I'm on the wiki and not focusing on something else, I use Suppa's Recent Changes hybrid on the right and everything else on the left split screen. It's a great way to stalk vandals because it displays everything simply, with no clutter, and I can make it update every second. File:Wink.svg When I don't have that open and I am focusing on something, like the time I'm writing this, and even when I don't, I always have an RC tab open, and I'm always checking edits, even if it's a tad slower. I spend quite a bit of time with files and images. I've done quite a bit of work with templates in the past. I feel I am a big contributor to discussions and consensus. I spend quite a bit of time improving the mainspace, and I spend most of my time on the wiki also in Chat, where I am a chat moderator. Do I have a need for the tools? Not an explicit one. However, I personally don't agree with the "need for the tools" argument as a general note. Just because someone doesn't particularly specialise in an area that has a heavy need for the tools, that doesn't mean that they wouldn't value the tools and apply them actively. One more can only benefit, especially taking into account other circumstances I will talk about below. As an admin, I'll do all the usual stuff, blocking, protecting, deleting. And also, watching the AbuseLog, which is an extremely useful tool for catching vandals before they vandalise, determining consensus and closing discussions, and pretty much anything else I can do to improve the wiki and help other users. I also intend to make a list of all the pages I can find which hold consensual discussions, and frequently check over them to see if consensus has been reached or they need to be closed for any other reason, and close the ones that do. I'll also frequently check the speedy deletion candidates, the CVU, the block appeals, even though there rarely ever are any, and last but probably not least, I'll check AR frequently. I am more than open to any other suggestions. There are also a few other reasons behind this RFA. Timezones. During a significant part of the day, when the US and the Europe editors are asleep, the wiki is quite dormant. When 1 page of the Recent Changes can last two and a half hours and nothing at all can happen for over twenty minutes. Unfortunately, this dormant period is also my prime editing time, and there have been times that vandals and trolls have been running a muck and I've had to look around wherever I could to try and find an admin. There was one time quite recently actually that comes to mind. There was one IP who was repeatedly vandalising articles with obscene content, abusing me on my talk page and on articles, and repeatedly and disruptively reporting users to the CVU. Un-able to take any action myself, I looked everywhere I could think of (chat and IRC) for admins. There were none. Zero. I had to report them to the CVU, hoping that an admin would come on soon enough and that someone would keep reverting them when I had to leave, which was quite soon after. Being stranded with vandals and trolls is not a new issue for me. I feel that access to the rights would be particularly useful during this time, as I would be able to take action when very little other admins, and sometimes no admins are available. I feel I would be a very valuable asset to the wiki during, but not at all limited to, this time. Also, we haven't had any RFAs, successful or not, for 7 months. 7 months. The last RFA we had was in late June, and was Joey's, which was unsuccessful. The last RFA we had that was actually successful was Fergie's. That means that we haven't had any new administrators for 7 months. This will be the first ever observation of an on-going RFA for many users. To conclude, I have come an extremely long way during my time here on the wiki. I have learnt so much about the community and how the wiki works. I feel that this has gotten to the point to which I am experienced enough, mature enough, and have gotten to know the community enough to be an administrator, and that my editing would value the rights greatly. I feel that I would be a good asset to the wiki, particularly during times which the wiki is quite dormant. I feel that from my observation of the behaviour of administrators and the status quo of their norms, that I would also be quite experienced. Tied in with all of this, we haven't had any new administrators for a very significant amount of time, and we can't expect our sysops to be active forever. Thank you, and cheers. I, Matthew2602, accept this nomination for adminship. I have read the policies concerning administrators. I realise that this nomination may fail. If I do get community consensus, I promise not to abuse my tools because I realise that this is a serious offence. If the community finds that I have done so, my tools will be revoked, and in extreme cases I could be given a community ban. Signed, 05:51, January 12, 2012 (UTC)