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Emerald Vol 1 13
Carolina steps out of the Marion County Courthouse, heading down the short stairs. There Stephanie is waiting for her. Stephanie: So, how did the case go? Carolina: Fine. Turns out the couple wants to settle it outside of court. Could have won it for the couple, but the company didn’t want to tarnish their reputation. Stephanie: Right Stephanie and Carolina walk together as they approach Stephanie’s car. Stephanie starts the car and begins to drive down the street. Carolina looks out the window as they begin to talk. Stephanie: Basically. I can’t handle it, Carolina. It’s too much stress. ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~
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The Fatal Truth
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Carolina steps out of the Marion County Courthouse, heading down the short stairs. There Stephanie is waiting for her. Stephanie: So, how did the case go? Carolina: Fine. Turns out the couple wants to settle it outside of court. Could have won it for the couple, but the company didn’t want to tarnish their reputation. Stephanie: Right Stephanie and Carolina walk together as they approach Stephanie’s car. Stephanie starts the car and begins to drive down the street. Carolina looks out the window as they begin to talk. Carolina: Stephanie, what’s been going on the last few weeks? First we get involved in a few terror attacks, and suddenly you start to become a recluse in your own house. I had to convince you to drive me. I’m starting to get concerned. Stephanie: Well, you start to get scared nowadays when your city has several terror attacks in a month. Carolina: Of course. So you’re just refusing to show your face in public now? Because of fear? Stephanie: Basically. I can’t handle it, Carolina. It’s too much stress. Carolina: People still view you as a hero you know. Stephanie: I’m fairly aware of that, Carolina. Carolina: Stefay, your anxiety is getting in the way of everything. Why don’t you have some fun? Stephanie: That’s your and James’s job now. I have several things on my plate. Don’t worry about me, Carolina. Also, what even happened with that assault the other day? Carolina: They never figured out who did it. I’m fine now, though. The only one who should be of concern is you, Stephanie. Stephanie: Carolina, I am fine! If anything I’ve never been- Suddenly, a car collides into Stephanie and Carolina’s vehicle. Stephanie crystallizes instantly as she tries to protect Carolina. The colliding car zooms past them, while Stephanie’s car skids and stops. Both Stephanie and Carolina are breathing heavily. Stephanie is in a state of shock. Carolina: Stephanie… get off… We need to get out of the car… Carolina notices small little crystals shrinking on Stephanie’s arm. Her eyes widen. Carolina: My gosh… Stephanie… Carolina pushes Stephanie a bit and tries to reach her phone. Stephanie’s arms begin to shake, and her eyes are off into nowhere. ~~ James visits Carolina and Stephanie in the hospital. Carolina: James… There you are. You came. James: I was concerned for you two. He kisses Carolina on the cheek. James: Thank goodness you both didn’t die. From the crash site it looks like it hit the driver’s seat side. I was afraid Stephanie could have gotten injured very quickly. Carolina: About that. James, I saw something strange during that crash. James pauses. Then, he blinks a few times. Carolina: Don’t act ignorant. I knew you guys were hiding something. There were crystals on her hands, slowly shrinking while she was leaning over me in the crash. That isn’t natural. Nor is it natural for a person to survive a gunshot in the stomach. James, you know I’m an intelligent woman. Tell me the truth. James: All I can say in public is that whatever you’re thinking is probably correct. Carolina: Thank you, then. For being an honest man. Visiting me, too. Now please, go check up on Stephanie. James walks over to his sister. James (whispering): Stephanie, are you OK? Stephanie: Ugh… Yes, now I am. Carolina knows now, doesn’t she? James: I believe she does. Stephanie: Oh no… I thought I got this business settled when I finally took down Dwarn. James: Sis, listen to me. This isn’t adding up naturally. Remember how I said the Triad was still around? I think they’re targeting you now. They need to get rid of you any way they can. It’s all confusing to me how they’re doing it. They must think if they can’t get you beaten and captured for them by Dwarn, they need to take this legally. Stephanie: But, Carolina doesn’t work for the Triad. James: You don’t know that. We can’t trust anyone but ourselves, Steph. Even if she isn’t, they can manipulate her. Watch your back. Constantly. Stephanie: Got it. Now, I have to slow down my healing. Can’t make it suspicious for the doctors. James: Right. See ya sis. ~~ A dented vehicle rolls into a dark garage. It parks, and a man steps out of the vehicle. It’s Carl Backburns! He swipes his hair, and takes a look around. Black Blast: This is the place. He takes a peek through a door, and then steps into a house. It’s a modern house, with a plethora of pictures and nic-naks on countertops and shelves. Plenty of books, too. Black Blast: Now all I need to do is find him. Don’t tell me I’m too late. A speaker in his ear replies to that comment. ???: He shouldn’t be. This is his dwelling place. Unless we were given the wrong schedule. Black Blast: I sure hope not. Otherwise we’re screwed, laddy. He looks into the kitchen. Nobody. The living room. Nobody is there. He checks the bedroom. Nobody. Finally, he checks the office room. The door is locked. He hears someone gasp on the inside. ???: Is that you, Matthew? Sorry, I left the door locked. The mayor unlocks the door and opens it. He’s stunned to see a man dressed in ridiculous garb in his house. Black Blast punches him. The elder groans due to this, and falls on his back, laid flat on the wooden floor. Black Blast: Hello, Mr. Mayor. You wouldn’t mind calling in for a vacation, would you? The mayor begins to shake his head. Black Blast ignites his gauntlets so they’re surrounded with dark energy. Black Blast: Please. ~~ Hemsworth waits outside a pizza shop for Emerald to arrive and give him a signal. Sure enough, she does. They meet at the top of a parkade. Hemsworth: Would have wished you came sooner. Emerald rubs the back of her neck. Emerald: You try doing that after you were involved in a car crash. Now, I’m guessing we’re starting this dirty cops business, correct? Hemsworth: Indeed we are. There’s been rumors that some of my fellow officers have been making deals with the Triad. Getting extra money out of their pockets. We need to get actual evidence for this. Once you do, I need you to give them a bit of a beating so they fall under suspicion. Emerald: So basically, I get evidence and then I punch them? Hemsworth: You got it. Emerald: Seems easy enough. I’m just going to need some way to get evidence. Hemsworth: Here. Take this phone. It’s my girlfriend’s old one she doesn’t use anymore. Emerald: (This guy has a girlfriend? He even intimidates me.) Hemsworth: Now you need to get out of my sight. Don’t need anyone taking pictures of me dealing with you. Emerald runs away, while Hemsworth walks back to his car. Emerald is going to be on the hunt. ~~ The Mayor is shoved into a car by Black Blast. His hands are tied. The glass on the doors are tinted black so nobody can see them. Naise: I know who you are. You’re that man who was convicted of terrorising the mall. I thought we gave you proper justice! Why are you not in jail? Black Blast: I dunno, you should ask your government buddies, lad. They were the ones who releas’d me. Naise struggles, but he can’t escape. Black Blast: If you even try to escape I’m going to blast your head into the concrete, so don’t think about it. The mayor gives up. He knows he’s in a sticky spot. He falls asleep in the car. When he awakens, he finds himself tied up. Black Blast: Hello again, mayor. ???: Yes, hello, Naise: What? Who said that? ???: I did. No need to be afraid. You’re in our hands. Naise: Your voice. It sounds familiar. ???: Of course it does. Everyone says it does. Black Blast: Meet my boss, the Overseer. She’s a nice lady. Couldn’t hurt a fly. A woman dressed in red steps into the room. Overseer: Hello, Robert. Naise: No… This is some bad dream. This can’t be true. Overseer: Hit his head before he can utter my name. Don’t want anyone knowing around these parts. Naise is knocked out again by Black Blast. Overseer: Good boy. Good, good boy. Black Blast: I’m not a dog, lassie. Overseer: Whatever. I’ll refer to you how I want. You got that? Black Blast: R-right, Overseer. Overseer: Now, let's deal with this old fool. The Overseer gestures her right index finger. A triad thug runs over to her with a case. Overseer opens it. Lo and behold, triangular glasses, red-orange in tint. She places the glasses over her eyes. Overseer: You remember how I said that I can see all and know all? Black Blast: Yes? Overseer: Well, you're about to see how. The Overseer's glasses create a orange beam of energy that comes onto Naise's forehead. Black Blast twists his head to the side. Overseer's wide grin widens further each second. Finally, after 30 seconds, she takes them off. Overseer: What an interesting life. Maybe you shouldn't have handled him so roughly, Black Blast. Black Blast: But you ordered me to use force. Overseer: I know, heheheh. Black Blast: Now, what did you find out? Overseer: Plans. Plenty of plans. Who's in charge of different prisons. Connections to cops he trusts. He also is thinking some of his men are corrupted. What a smart man, keeping this all to himself. A wise man constantly keeps things silent, you know. Black Blast: What are you saying about me- Overseer: Now hush. Take him away. I have what I need. Hold him hostage and boradcast it. We need to show this city we're not some carnival with several failed terror attempts. We are in charge.