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Unlucky Everydude
A staple role in Bishoujo Series, especially love/harem comedies. The Unlucky Everydude is similar to the Ordinary High School Student but has some overt problem(s), which he usually points out in the first episode. He is not so much average as below average concerning some trait, possibily Book Dumb. The extent of this issue varies quite widely depending on the comedic or dramatic mood of the series. The most common one is, naturally, an inability to deal with women, for various reasons. As unlucky as he is he's more The Everyman than The Unfavourite or the Butt Monkey. You could say that his lack of luck is more in his head than real.
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A staple role in Bishoujo Series, especially love/harem comedies. The Unlucky Everydude is similar to the Ordinary High School Student but has some overt problem(s), which he usually points out in the first episode. He is not so much average as below average concerning some trait, possibily Book Dumb. The extent of this issue varies quite widely depending on the comedic or dramatic mood of the series. The most common one is, naturally, an inability to deal with women, for various reasons. As unlucky as he is he's more The Everyman than The Unfavourite or the Butt Monkey. You could say that his lack of luck is more in his head than real. How effective and likeable his personality is often depends on the other characters' personalities. In a Magical Girlfriend series, their personality tends to be more moderate since they will inevitably get together with the lead. In a Harem Series, the extremity of his character is needed to make him appealingly harmless to the other girls. His most important trait, weirdly enough, is intrusiveness. He will try to help people long after everyone else has given up or declared things "private matters". He will also fill any basic role the girls project on him. The Unlucky Everydude is also usually the source of humor. The most basic kind often comes from the fact he doesn't have much experience with girls, but the girls -- who don't even have brothers -- also don't have much experience with guys (save Bottle Fairies, who of course feel perfectly comfortable around him). His parents will not be around, for whatever reason; more distant relatives may be featured. If he has siblings, it will be a cute little sister or sexy big sister. His design should ideally be muted to a basic outfit and a realistic hair color, although he is sometimes a Bishonen simply by being drawn in the same style as the girls. The Unlucky Everydude is more often than not a Marty Stu; because of Double Standards they are very prolific without complaint, especially within the Shonen Demographic. Like The Everyman, the Unlucky Everydude has the tendency of becoming impossibly lucky and successful from the offset of the story despite the audience being told that his life prior was either average or dismal. They often are also Sympathetic Sues and tend to suffer from Designated Protagonist Syndrome. Expect him to show his MartyStuness through minimal to non-existent character development, the tendency to fix other characters' (especially female characters) problems and personality flaws, and a general lack of flaws entirely. Compare: The Everyman. See also: the female counterpart to Unlucky Everydude, the Naive Everygirl. No connection to The Dude. Examples of Unlucky Everydude include: