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Ninth, Tenth And Eleventh Doctor's Adventures/Defenders Of Earth
11 steps out of the TARDIS on a Sontaran ship. 11: Commander Marm! Anyone heard of him? Commander Marm walks towards 11. Marm: Doctor! We're about to destroy the Daleks! 11: Daleks! Great! 11 drags Marm inside the TARDIS and leaps about, flying the TARDIS. 10: Why do we need a Sontaran onboard? 11: Fixed piont in time. Clara told me I do it. The TARDIS lands on the Dalek ship. 9 steps out. 9: I need Ledka! Ledka comes into the TARDIS. 10: What do we need next? 11: An Ice Warrior! The TARDIS lands on Mars. 10: Radback, where are you? Radback and 10 step into the TARDIS. 9: Anyone else? 11: A Cyberman. 11: OK.
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11 steps out of the TARDIS on a Sontaran ship. 11: Commander Marm! Anyone heard of him? Commander Marm walks towards 11. Marm: Doctor! We're about to destroy the Daleks! 11: Daleks! Great! 11 drags Marm inside the TARDIS and leaps about, flying the TARDIS. 10: Why do we need a Sontaran onboard? 11: Fixed piont in time. Clara told me I do it. The TARDIS lands on the Dalek ship. 9 steps out. 9: I need Ledka! Ledka comes into the TARDIS. 10: What do we need next? 11: An Ice Warrior! The TARDIS lands on Mars. 10: Radback, where are you? Radback and 10 step into the TARDIS. 9: Anyone else? 11: A Cyberman. The TARDIS lands on a Cyber-ship. 11: I need a volunteer. A Cyberman steps up. Cyberman: Hello. I am Handles. 11: Welcome Handles! 11 and Handles walk into the TARDIS. 11: The Defenders are assembled. 10: Um... These are villians. 11: Exactly! With all thier evil plans, they can help us on the one terrible night. The one terrible night! The one terrible night! Handles: If I might intrude, I want to ask a question. 9: Ask away. Handles: Are we to leave our fleets of homes forever? 10: Yes, for a good purpose. Marm: You must be destroyed, Doctor! 11: But, but, but, buuuuuuuuut, but, butt, but, I have a Sontaran friend. The one who destroyed a General. Marm: I do not recall such events! 11: OK. Radback: Earth, here we come! Gerimimo! 11: It's germinio. Radback: Germinio! The TARDIS lands on Earth. Everyone steps out, it's a London street. Marm: Sir, who are we to destroy? 11: I don't know. A copy of Clara died before the villian came. But she told me this must happen. And at the end of the battle, three words must be spoken. Marm: OK. Ledka: We must come on guard! The sky suddenly turns red, the sun goes out. 11: No, no, not him, not Hydra! Time Lord Hydra 2 steps out through the sky. Hydra: Doctor! I've waited 50 years to destroy you! As a woman! My name is Time Lady Hydra! 10: We defeated you once, Hydra! We can do it again! Ledka: Exterminate! Marm: You must be destroyed! Hydra: Well, Doctor! The only person who can defeat me is Clara! And how can she defeat me from Heaven! Hydra gets a large bolt of electricity and uses it to kill Clara. Rose and 11 go up to her. Clara: Run you clever boy and remember. Clara dies. Martha: Well, you monster! You might have killed Clara but you can't kill her sprit! Hydra kills Martha as well. 10 and 11 go up to her. Martha: I'm sorry Doctor! I'm so sorry. Martha dies. 9: Rose! Jack! Get back inside the TARDIS now! Rose runs in. Jack stays. Jack: I must say with you, Doctor! 11: Wait, I've seen Martha leave the TARDIS. This isn't meant to happen!