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Obama Inc. on Free Markets
by In his own words, Obama's proposals are explained at I've read it and all of it is the standard fare of a Washington legislative business agenda: job creation, investing in US manufacturing, bringing jobs home. Free trade balanced with interests of US workers. Job creation in renewable energy. Freedom to unionize. Raise minimum wage. Protect free and open Internet. Accountability in financial and mortgage markets. All very business-oriented conservative stuff, except that conservatives don't care much for labor unions, and Obama says he'll protect the right to organize.
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by In his own words, Obama's proposals are explained at I've read it and all of it is the standard fare of a Washington legislative business agenda: job creation, investing in US manufacturing, bringing jobs home. Free trade balanced with interests of US workers. Job creation in renewable energy. Freedom to unionize. Raise minimum wage. Protect free and open Internet. Accountability in financial and mortgage markets. All very business-oriented conservative stuff, except that conservatives don't care much for labor unions, and Obama says he'll protect the right to organize. I have searched, and nowhere can I find the objective proof that Obama is a closet socialist. Everyone who says so... up to this point... is obviously venting, has an agenda or a bias as evidenced by over-the-top emotional rhetoric, selective sources, guilt by association and similar shenanigans. If a crypto-socialist Obama wins, the US will join Germany, France and several other modern industrialized nations who have had an elected leader identified with a democratic socialist philosophy or in the case of France, a political party that actually calls itself Socialist with the capital S. In these European states led for a term or two by a democratic socialist, I note the absence of triumphant military marches of Red Armies... no belligerent leaders dressed in camo railing against capitalism... no French nukes joining Soviet nukes aimed at the US... No suspension of elections, no disbanding of legislatures, no outlawing of opposition parties, no Cuba-style vigilante "committees for the defense of the Revolution", no secretive juntas nor "leaders for life"... in short, no radical fire and no "institutionalized revolution". What do we see from these European presidents and ministers who call themselves socialist? Business as usual, the continuation of bureaucracy; predictable old men in suits, making speeches, attending summits and making some modest social legislation concerning health, pensions, worker rights or protection of labor unions. Then an election comes along and the pendulum swings again. In Latin America things are not so civilized, and the openly radical militant Communist Hugo Chavez uses his ten minutes of fame before the UN to excoriate the US and its president as "the Devil". This performance was followed by another in Spain, where the King of Spain told Chavez finally to shut his mouth. But a Chavez is not the same thing as a Mitterrand, nor does Chavez resemble the consistently genteel bureaucrat/businessman Obama. All of the above is why from now on I will be referring to Barack Obama as "Obama Inc." __NOEDITSECTION__ From The Opinion Wiki, a Wikia wiki. From The Opinion Wiki, a Wikia wiki.