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African American
African-American is the racial, political, social and cultural group that includes all Americans with naturally dark skin, and specifically those with African ancestry, even though most of them weren't born in Africa and have never been to Africa themselves. Many can't find it on a map. This page gives you the opportunity to redirect to the original article that is on Wikipedia or stay on the American Football Database. Clicking on the link on this page will redirect to Wikipedia's African American article. Take me to the African American article on Wikipedia. Click here to return to the American Football Database main page or just hit your browsers back button to return to your previous page. These Redirect pages should be eliminated in either of two ways. Things to think about: Coe College 2/11 (turned down) U of New Orleans 2/1 (turned down) U of New Mexico 2/20 (2 positions; 1 turned down) Southwestern University 2/8 (declined)then (accepted) Virginia Wesleyan 2/6 (accepted) Ithaca College 2/13 (declined) Ithaca College 2/19 (accepted) Denison U offer made (from poco list) University of Toledo (accepted) The College of Wooster (accepted) U Maryland 2/21 (accepted) Grinnell College 2/5 (accepted) University of Missouri Sarah Lawrence College Northeastern University (offer made and accepted) University of Kentucky (offer made and accepted) Black
The race card, bad rap music
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African American.mp3
An African-American doing a ritual tribal dance.
Can't swim, won't eat pussy
Jump high, run fast, have a quaint dialect
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African American.mp3 African-American
Narration by Spike, 7:00, 4.81 Mb
KFC, drugs, welfare checks
The Hip Hop Industry, the Rap Industry
African-American is the racial, political, social and cultural group that includes all Americans with naturally dark skin, and specifically those with African ancestry, even though most of them weren't born in Africa and have never been to Africa themselves. Many can't find it on a map. Americans who are not African-American are presumed white even if they were born in Africa. But white people can be African-American too, based on lineage. (For example, the old man down the street was born to missionaries in Botswana and can therefore be considered African-American despite being as pale as a pig. In fact, that's what he tells the census, just to screw it up.) This page gives you the opportunity to redirect to the original article that is on Wikipedia or stay on the American Football Database. Clicking on the link on this page will redirect to Wikipedia's African American article. Take me to the African American article on Wikipedia. Click here to return to the American Football Database main page or just hit your browsers back button to return to your previous page. These Redirect pages should be eliminated in either of two ways. * #1 Create a article of our own for this page. * #2 On every page a African American link exists make a direct link to the original Wikipedia article. Things to think about: * #1 Creating our own page for this article may add a superfluous amount of pages. * #2 Some of these article links may be on hundreds of pages that would need direct links. This article is a . You can help My English Wiki by expanding it. Coe College 2/11 (turned down) U of New Orleans 2/1 (turned down) U of New Mexico 2/20 (2 positions; 1 turned down) Southwestern University 2/8 (declined)then (accepted) Virginia Wesleyan 2/6 (accepted) Ithaca College 2/13 (declined) Ithaca College 2/19 (accepted) Denison U offer made (from poco list) University of Toledo (accepted) The College of Wooster (accepted) U Maryland 2/21 (accepted) Grinnell College 2/5 (accepted) University of Missouri Sarah Lawrence College Northeastern University (offer made and accepted) University of Kentucky (offer made and accepted) Boston College (2 positions) Deadline: Nov. 1 application ack. 11/20 Dossier request: 11/14 MLA interview scheduled by phone (12/21) Campus visit but did not get job. Baruch College-CUNY (black studies) Deadline: Dec 4 on campus interview for early March Brooklyn College (Transatlantic/Caribbean) Deadline: Nov. 1 Application ack. 11/1 paper rejection letter 12/05 UC - Berkeley required a ridiculous packet (2 copies of sample, 2 copies of c.v., letter, 2 postcards) Don't they have a photocopier??? Deadline: postmarked by Oct. 26 grapevine says this has been offered. 2/27 Cal-Poly San Luis Obispo Deadline: 11/13 Cal-State San Bernardino Deadline: Nov. 1 Addl. Materials Request (via snail mail): rec'd. Nov. 3 MLA interview request: 12/6 (2) Carnegie Mellon Deadline: Nov. 15 Writing sample request (by email): Nov 19 (4) MLA interview request: 12/17 (2) Rejection letter, regular mail: 12/22 Campus Scheduled Chapman University Deadline: TBA Writing sample and dossier request: 11/16 MLA interview request: 12/3 Snail Mail Rejection: 12/14 (My cat dropped the rejection letter in his water bowl.) Coe C Deadline: Nov. 9 MLA interview request: 12/11 (2) Rejection via e-mail: 12/14 Campus visit scheduled: 1/3 Offer made: 2/11 U Connecticut Deadline: Nov. 10 Application Acknowledged: Nov. 5 Any word on this one??? It's 12/18? Good question. I've been wondering the same thing! A friend is interviewing for this job. I also applied and haven't heard anything. Rejection e-mail received Monday, May 5 Cornell Review begins: Oct 15; Deadline: Nov. 1 Campus visit scheduled Any offers made here yet? (1/11) Denison University Deadline: Nov. 12 Writing sample and dossier request: Nov. 17 (2) [FYI: Anglophone/Poco site reports MLA interview scheduled 12/10.] MLA interview scheduled: 12/10 Campus scheduled According to poco list, offer has been made Grinnell College (IA) Deadline: November 1 Writing Sample & evals request: Nov. 14 (4) Q: Any interview requests yet? Any campus visits scheduled yet? (1/16) Any visits/offers here? (2/11) U Illinois - Chicago Deadline: Nov. 15 Ithaca College (NY) No deadline posted. Interview Scheduled: Dec 11 (2) Soundly rejected by snail mail: 12/13 Campus visit scheduled: Jan. 7 I know there were 4 campus visits. But has anyone heard back? Johns Hopkins U. Deadline: Nov. 1 (Isn't Nov. 1 for the American lit. (open rank) position? I think the Af Am deadline is Nov. 20.) Application Acknowledged, Affirmative Action Form Completed: Nov. 21 Writing Sample Request: 12/3 anything on MLA? U Kentucky Deadline: early Nov. (3rd?) Application Acknowledged, Affirmative Action Form Completed: Nov. 14 Writing Sample Request: Nov. 13 (2) MLA interview: 12/7 Any word on campus visits at this school? (1/8) Yes--4 campus visits scheduled, including 1 VAP, one UK grad. Loyola College in Maryland Deadline: Oct 22 Dossier request: Oct. 29 (2) Q: Any updates on this job? It's been a while. MLA interview scheduled 12/17 (2) Jesuit statement requested 12/31 (post MLA) U Maryland Deadline: early Nov. Writing Sample & Dossier Request: Nov. 18 Application Acknowledged, Affirmative Action Form Completed: Dec. 1 Rejection Letter: 12/12 (4) MLA interview scheduled 12/8 U Massachusetts-Amherst Deadline: Dec 7 Application Acknowledged, Affirmative Action Form Completed: Dec. 1 MLA interview scheduled: 12/13 (2) Rejection letter, regular mail: 12/22; 12/31; Any word on campus visits at this school? (1/8) campus visit scheduled U. Missouri Columbia Deadline: Nov. 23 Ack. letter rec'd 11/19 Dossier/writing sample request: 11/27 Application Acknowledged, Affirmative Action Form Completed: Nov. 30 MLA interview scheduled by phone: 12/10 Campus visit scheduled: 1/8 Mt. Holyoke Deadline: Nov. 16 Affirmative Action Form Completed: Dec 14 Has anyone heard back from Mount Holyoke (for the 3 yr post)? (1/21) U New Mexico Deadline: Nov. 19 Application Acknowledged, Affirmative Action Form Completed: Nov. 21 MLA interview scheduled: 11/30 Campus interview scheduled: 1/4 Offer made 2/20 U of New Orleans Deadline: Nov. 2 "Seeking an Americanist in modern and/or contemporary literary and cultural studies w/specialization in one or more of the following areas: African-American literature, New Orleans or Louisiana lit., or lit. of the Americas" Dossier request: 11/7 MLA interview: 12/2 (2) Campus visit invitation: 1/3 Offer made: 2/1 Northeastern Deadline: Nov. 10 dossier and writing sample requested 11/14; 11/20; 11/20; 11/20, 12/3 MLA interview scheduled by phone: 12/12 Campus visit scheduled Rejection e-mail received on March 21. Northern Michigan University Review begins: November 19 Ack. app., AA form: Nov. 09 Dossier request: Oct 29 Phone interview scheduled: 1/3 Rejection letter, regular mail: 1/10 Northwestern University African-American Studies Any interviews/campus visits scheduled yet? (1/21) NYU-comparative African American and Anglophone Caribbean literature Deadline: Dec. 1 Writing sample request by phone: 12/8 U. Penn Deadline: early Nov. writing sample request Nov. 15; Nov. 16 (2) Application Acknowledged, On-line Profile Completed: Dec. 1 Rice University Deadline: Oct. 15 Writing Sample Request (by email): Nov. 12 Nov. 20 MLA interview: 12/3 Rejection sent: 12/10 University notified finalists Q:when? Rhodes College Deadline: early Nov. (5th?) (Nov. 1st, I think.) Writing Sample Request: Nov. 20 (4) [FYI: A colleague rec'd. an MLA interview request on 12/7.] Rutgers Deadline: Nov. 25 Rutgers-Camden campus (American literature with "special emphasis on Af-Am") Deadline: Nov. 15 Dossier, Transcript, Writing Sample Request: 12/4 (3) MLA interview scheduled: 12/18 Campus Visit Scheduled Offer made Sarah Lawrence College Deadline: Dec. 1 MLA interview scheduled by email: 12/18 Campus visit scheduled, 12/31 U. of South Alabama Deadline: 11/16 MLA interview scheduled: 12/2 Campus visit invitation 12/30 U. South Carolina (4 positions) Deadline: Oct. 31 Application Acknowledged, Affirmative Action Form Completed: Nov. 3 MLA interview scheduled by phone: 12/11 University of Southern California Deadline: Nov. 1 Univ. of South Florida Deadline: applications accepted until position filled Application acknowledged, Affirmative Action Form completed: Nov. 12 Dec. 17: Received e-mail that "search has not been funded. We will keep the applications and revive the search should funding be granted later. If you wish to withdraw your application, please let us know"(2). Official letter confirming e-mail message arrived on Dec. 21. Southern Illinois University Edwardsville Deadline: Nov. 12 Writing sample & transcripts request: Nov. 14 MLA interview scheduled: Dec. 3 Belated campus visit invitation: 2/19 Southwestern University (TX) Deadline: November 1 Writing sample request: Nov. 15 (2) MLA interview scheduled: Nov. 29 (4) E-mail rejection: 12/17 Campus visits scheduled Offer made 2/8 Stanford "Assistant Professor of Literatures of the African Diaspora" Deadline: Oct. 19 E-mail rejection: 12/20 St Mary's U (Canada) "Literature of the Black Diaspora" Deadline: February 15, 2008 U Tennessee - Knoxville Deadline: Nov. 1 Application Acknowledged, Affirmative Action Form Completed: Nov. 7 Writing Sample, Dossier, & Transcript Request: Nov. 20 Tennessee State University Deadline: Dec. 7 Now posted at generalist_and_open Texas A&M Deadline: Nov. 5 campus visit Nov. 30 MLA interview request 12/10 U Toledo MLA interview scheduled 12/7 Towson University (MD) Deadline: November 15 Ack. app, AA form: Nov 7 Writing sample, dossier, & teaching materials request: Nov. 24 Rejection letter, regular mail: Dec. 24; Wake Forest University (NC) Deadline: Oct 31 Application Acknowledged, Affirmative Action Form Completed: Oct. 22 Request for more materials: Nov. 2 (2) Q: I noticed that this job was listed last year as well. Anyone know what happened? They hired one person but were unable to agree on a second hire (department votes). Ah. Thanks for responding. MLA interview scheduled. Dec 5 (2) Any offers made here yet? (2/11) Why did someone erase the Wake Forest info? Someone posted that they had received an invitation for a campus visit on 12/30. Please don't erase other people's info!!! Wellesley Deadline: Dec 1 Williams College Deadline: Nov. 15 Affirmative Action Form: Dec. 3 Rejection via e-mail: Dec. 14 (2) Q: If rejections have been received, has anyone out there been invited to interview? MLA interview scheduled: Dec. 14 (2) Campus Visit Scheduled Virginia Wesleyan College Review begins: November 15 MLA interview scheduled: Dec. 6 Campus visit invitation: Jan. 9 Offer made and accepted Feb 6 College of Wooster (OH) Deadline: November 11 Writing Sample Request: Nov. 16 (2) MLA interview scheduled: Dec. 3 Campus Visit Scheduled Xavier U. of Louisiana Deadline: Nov. 12 Black
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