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Technology (DWDVDF feature)
AN 1 - Antibodies These creepy robots guarded the Teselecta AS 1 - Adipose Ships Take a peek inside the nursery ship that came to Earth. AS 2 - Adipose Pills Miss Foster’s miracle drug was too good to be true. BB 1 - Bowie Base One Take a closer look at this infamous human outpost on Mars … BB 2 - Bowie Base One: Life on Mars Take a look inside the first human outpost on the Red Planet BE 1 -Bessie Take a peek under the bonnet of the Doctor’s vintage car … BY 1 - Byzantium Take a tour of the starliner that crashed on Alfava Metraxis! BY 2 - Oxygen Factory CA 1 - Chameleon Arch CC 1 - Cryo Chamber DL 3 - Dalek
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AN 1 - Antibodies These creepy robots guarded the Teselecta AS 1 - Adipose Ships Take a peek inside the nursery ship that came to Earth. AS 2 - Adipose Pills Miss Foster’s miracle drug was too good to be true. BB 1 - Bowie Base One Take a closer look at this infamous human outpost on Mars … BB 2 - Bowie Base One: Life on Mars Take a look inside the first human outpost on the Red Planet BE 1 -Bessie Take a peek under the bonnet of the Doctor’s vintage car … BY 1 - Byzantium Take a tour of the starliner that crashed on Alfava Metraxis! BY 2 - Oxygen Factory Take a closer look at the ‘forest in a bottle on a spaceship’! CA 1 - Chameleon Arch Read about this fearsome Gallifreyan gene-rewriting device… CC 1 - Cryo Chamber Discover the secrets of Kazran Sardick’s fog lake … CL 1 - Clockwork Robots Unmask the SS Madame de Pompadour’s mechanical men. CN 1 – Carrionite DNA Module Is it witchcraft? Or is it alien DNA replication? CN 2 - Crystal Ball The Carrionites used witchcraft to threaten the Earth … CR 1 - Crusader 50 Step inside the ill-fated space bus on Midnight… CS 1 - Chula Ship Your guide to Captain Jack Harkness' amazing time-ship. CS 2 - Chula Ambulance This medical transporter did more harm than good. CY 1 - Cybus Upgrade Check out the gruesome secrets of John Lumic's Cybermen. CY 2 - Cybus Airship Step aboard a floating palace of the parallel world! CY 3 - Cybermats Look beneath the metal skin of these Cyber-bugs! CY 4 - Cyber Ship Step into the Cyber-shuttle that landed on Earth! CY 5 - Cybershades See what these Cyber-creature look like under their cloaks! CY 6 - Cyberman Take a peek under the metal skin of the Cybermen entombed on Telos CY 7 - Cyber Technology What are the top five Cyber inventions? CY 8 - Cyber-earpods Discover the mind-control secrets of the Cybermen. CY 9 - Infostamp Find out how the Cybermen got their knowledge. CY 10 - Cybermat: Upgraded The next phase of Cyber technology was not a toy CY 11 - Cyber Planner This Cyber hive-mind tried to absorb the Doctor. CY 12 - Cyber Conversion Unit The Cybermen had a grisly secret aboard their ship. DB 1 - Distress Beacon River Song built this ‘timey-wimey’ transmitter. DJ 1 - Dimension Jump The Preachers had a special method of universe-hopping. DL 1 - Dalek Saucer Peel back the outer layers of this devasting spaceship… DL 2 - Imperial Dalek Shuttle Step inside the ship that landed in London in the 1960s. DL 3 - Dalek Discover the inner workings of the early Daleks. DL 4 - Dalek Time Travel Discover the secrets of the Daleks’ time-travel technology. DL 5 - Dalek Crucible Check out the beating heart of Davros’ New Dalek Empire. DL 6 - Dalek Progenitor The Daleks are never quite defeated … DL 7 - Dalek Nanocloud Just when you thought you’d seen every Dalek trick in the book … DL 8 - Dalek Incubator Discover Davros’ grisly secret on Necros. DV 1 - Davros’s Chair Take a seat and look at the inner working’s of Davros’ travel unit. FB 1 - Family of Blood The technology of the Family was truly terrifying. GA 1 - Gangers Discover the secrets of a creepy 22nd century invention. GD 1 - Gadget A closer look at the robot from the ill-fated Bowie Base One. GM 1 - Genetic Manipulation Device Look at the inner workings of Professor Lazarus' machine ... GS 1 - The Game Station Your in-depth guide to the satellite controlled by the Daleks! GS 2 - Game Station Robots We lift the face-plates of the deadly droids and delve inside! HB 1 - Handbots Take a closer look at the robots who killed with kindness… HE 1 - Hesperus Take a look at the inner workings of this Vinvocci ship HH 1 - Heavenly Host Take a look at the inner workings of these angelic-looking robots IG 1 - Immortality Gate This Vinvocci device was deadlier than it seemed. IS 1 - Infospike Humans of the far future had holes in their heads! IW 1 - Ice Warrior Armour Discover the secrets of the Martian battle shell. JB 1 – Jabe’s Scanner Take a look at Tree People technology from the year five billion JD 1 - Judoon Translator Not very good at languages? The Judoon have just the thing ... JD 2 - Judoon Ship Get behind the controls of a vast prison ship … JS 1 - Jagaroth ship Check out the interior of this weird, spider-like spacecraft. K9 1 - K9 Mark ll Get the inside knowledge on how the Doctor’s robotic dog works. KR 1 - K1 Robot Get under the skin of the robot who fell in love with Sarah Jane … LO 1 - Time Station Take a look inside this vast piece of Time Lord technology … LO 2 - Time Lord Prison Ship Learn all about a dark secret from the Time War … LO 3 - The Gauntlet of Rassilon The Lord President ruled with an iron fist… LO 4 - Time Scoop Discover more about this forbidden Time Lord device. LO 5 - Time Lord Weaponarys Discover the military secrets of the Time War. LO 6 -The Moment The ‘Galaxy Eater’ was the Time Lords’ ultimate weapon. LS 1 - Laser Screwdriver Look at the nuts and bolts inside the master’s handy weapon … MA 1 - The Master’s Technology The renegade Time Lord had a fearsome arsenal of gadgets. MC 1 - Max Box Max Capricorn’s personal transport machine was unique. ME 1 - Mechonoid Find out more about the awesome firepower of these robots … MP 1 - SS Madame de Pompadour Take a peek at this gruesome spaceship run by Clockwork Robots... MP 2 Eye Camera How did a human eyeball end up in a security camera? MS 1 - Mr Smith Discover the secrets of Sarah Jane’s super computer. MU 3 - Mummy Peel back the bandages to find out how these robotic horrors work! NB 1 - Nerva Beacon Explore this ill-fated space station from the future. NC - 1 Nostalgia Trips Cruiser Would you buy a ticket for this terrifying bus ride? NW 1 - New New York cars Get behind the wheel of these futuristic flying vehicles ... OO 1 Ood Graft Never let an Ood buy you a drink … OK 1 - Osterhagen Key Martha Jones held the key to doomsday in her hand. PA 1 - Polyphase Avatron Look at the inner workings of the pirate captain’s wing-man. PD 1 - Parthenogenesis Detector Take a closer look at the Doctor’s ingenious Adipose tracker PH 1 - Peking Homunculus Look at the internal mechanics of the sinister Mr Sin. PI 1 - Project Indigo What was the purpose of this top-secret UNIT experiment? PL 1 - Platform One Travel to the end of the world in ultimate style and comfort. PM 1 - Progenation Machine Discover the future of alien warfare. PN 1 - SS Pentallian Step inside the ship that scooped out the heart of a living sun. PR 1 - Pandorica Climb inside the strongest prison in the universe. PS 1 - Psycho-chronograph The Doctor built this device for psychic Emma Grayling. PY - 1 Pyrovile pod Get behind the controls of the pod that made Vesuvius erupt! RA 1 - Raston Warrior Robot Discover the secrets of the perfect battle machine. RI 1 - River Song’s Tech Check out the weapons and gadgets belonging to Dr Song. RS 1 - Robot Spiders Take a look inside Cassandra's mechanical creepy-crawlies. RS 1 - Roboforms Beware of alien robot mercenaries bearing Christmas gifts. SB 1 - Sanctuary Base Six Peek inside the base on Krop Tor where the Ood loyally served! SC 1 - Sonic Devices Examine the inner workings of a squareness gun and more. SC 2 - Sonic Screwdriver Take a look inside one of the Doctor's handy tools ... SC 3 - River Song's Sonic Screwdriver Dig around inside the archaeologist’s tool… SC 4 - Sonic Screwdriver The early days of the handiest piece of Time Lord tech. SC 5 - Sonic Pen Its not only the Doctor that has sonic technology… SC 6 - Sonic screwdrivers Check out the toolbox of sonic devices. SC 7 - Sonic Cane The Doctor’s latest sonic gadget was very smart indeed, SC 8 - War Doctor’s Sonic Screwdriver The ‘forgotten’ Doctor had his own sonic device. SC 9 - Eighth Doctor’s Sonic Screwdriver Check out the inner workings of this Gallifreyan tech. SCA 1 - Scaroth’s Time Machine The last of the Jagoroth invented this device. SEC 1 - Plasmic shell Learn the secrets of the time travelling police box. SF 1 - Space Freighter Step inside the craft that housed thousands of Cybermen! SH 1 - SS Shadow Jump onboard the Edwardian yacht that sailed through space! SK 1 -Shakri cubes What is the secret behind the ‘slow invasion’? SL 1 - Slitheen Ship Everyone thought aliens were invading when it crashed into Big Ben! SM 1 - Smiler Find out about the inner workings of Starship UK’s Smilers. SN 1 - Sontaran Battle Pod Step inside the spherical ship for short, stocky aliens! SN 2 - Sontaran Warship Take a look inside a fearsome flagship from the shipyards of Sontar. SN 3 - Sontaran Swagger Stick Take a closer look at this piece of knock-out alien tech! SN 4 - Sontaran Clone Check out the slimy secret’s of the Sontaran pool … SN 5 - Meson Rifle The Sontarans used this heavy-duty blaster in their war zones. SO 1 - The Source Terraforming was commonplace in the 62nd century. SP 1 - Species matcher A gift from the Doctor’s godmother came in very handy … SU 1 - Silurian Blaster See the inner core of this formidable weapon… SU 2 - Silurian Ark This huge, prehistoric starship was going to crash into Earth. SU 3 - Hibernation Chamber The Silurians slept for millions of years … SY 1 - Sycorax Ship Step inside the spaceship the truly rocks! TC 1 – Tissue Compression Eliminator The weapon of choice for the early incarnation of the Master. TD 1 - Welcome To The TARDIS It looks like a police box but can travel anywhere in time and space! TD 2 - The TARDIS console (Tenth Doctor's) Your guide to the controls of the Doctor's amazing ship. TD 3 - TARDIS Interior Step into the past and see how the TARDIS used to look. TD 4 - Chameleon Circuit Find out more about this broken feature of the TARDIS. TD 5 - TARDIS console (First Doctor's) Look at the inner workings of the earliest known TARDIS console … TD 6 - TARDIS Defence System The TARDIS is practically indestructible – find out why and how! TD 7 - TARDIS Console Discover the secrets of the Eleventh Doctor’s eccentric ship … TD 8 - TARDIS console (Eight Doctor's) Peel back the panels of this steampunk version of the Doctor’s console. TD 9 - TARDIS Key Discover the secrets of the time machine’s key. TD 10 - TARDIS Console Take a look beneath the panels of the Fifth Doctor’s console. TD 11 - TARDIS console The Eleventh Doctor revamped his time machine … TD 12 - TARDIS: Architectual Configuration Find out how the TARDIS changes its internal shape… TE 1 - Teselecta Take a closer look at the time-travelling justice machine. TO 1 - Toclafane What is the dark secret of ’s deadly spheres? TR 1 - Tribophysical Waveform Macro-Kinetic Extrapolator Surf’s up with Margaret Slitheen’s pan-dimensional board! TS 1 – Torchwood Telescope This Victorian device did much more than just stargaze … TT 1 - SS Titanic Get onboard the fated spaceship for a technological ride! TV 1 - Tritovore Translator Discover the secrets of Tritovore technology. TW 1 - Timey-Wimey Detector Take a closer look at the Doctor's makeshift gadget... VA 1 - Valiant Read about the massive aircraft carrier that defended Earth. VL 1 - Validium The Time Lords invented this deadly ‘living metal’. VM 1 - Vortex manipulator Check out Captain Jack’s amazing time-hopping wristwatch. VR 1 - Voc Robot Look inside one of the robots that manned Storm Mine 4 WA 1 - War Machines These machines invaded 1960s London. WH 1 - Who-mobile Get behind the wheel of the Third Doctor’s amazing vehicle! YE 1 – Yeti An exclusive glimpse beneath the fur of these alien robots … ZE 1 - Anti-grav motorbike The Doctor’s motorcycle had a very special feature … ZG 1- Zygon Detector The Tenth Doctor had a machine that went ‘ding’! ZN 1- Z-neutrino Catalyser Take a closer look at the device that nearly defeated Davros.