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Specia possesses superhuman strength, enabling her to lift up to 50 tons under standard conditions. By absorbing the strength of the most physically powerful animals in the animal kingdom, her strength can grow exponentially, far pass the 100 ton benchmark.
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The Zoo, Animalia; the Hero Hood, New York City, NY
Specia possesses, in her natural, unaltered form, glowing bronze tan skin, beautiful yellow eyes with vertically-slitted irises and blue pupils; long, platinum blonde/white hair; pointed ears; elongated, razor-sharp canine teeth; razor-sharp claws in place of fingernails and toenails; webbed fingers and toes; blue feathers on her shoulders; platinum-blonde/white fur on her forearms and legs; scaly blue forearms; a pair of fins on the backs of her ankles and elbows; sealable gills on both sides of her neck; and two pairs of blue insectoid, butterfly-like wings on her back.
A former nature photographer and biological scientist turned into the Goddess and Queen of the Animal Kingdom, as well as personification of nature's and the animal kingdom's beauty, Chelsea Dianne Rose-Douglas fell in love with Dr. Alan Douglas after he saved her life from a mother grizzly bear. When her love was requited by the Zoologist, she begged him to return to civilization with her, but he steadfastly refused until she was kidnapped by his archnemesis, the Botanist. When she was subsequently killed, Chelsea was brought back to life through the efforts of the Zoologist and Mother Nature, but with the side effect of transforming her into an "Animal Woman". Deciding that this was the right thing to do for both her and Alan, Chelsea married Alan, dubbed herself Specia, and ran off into the wilderness with Alan to become protectors and rulers of the animal kingdom and the natural world. Chelsea, the Future Queen of the Animals Chelsea Dianne Rose-Douglas was born in Alberta, Canada, where she was raised by her Canadian-American parents. Quickly developing a love for nature, especially animals in general, at an early age, Chelsea would never realize that she would one day be the embodyment and physical incarnation of all of the animal kingdom and nature's beauty. Growing up in a natural park where her family worked, Chelsea began a love for photographing nature and quickly became the park's official nature photographer during her adolescent years, eventually going to college to earn a degree in photography. She later befriended elderly Inuit-American tour guide Billy Betopli, who would always give her an entertaining story during their time off. By adulthood, Chelsea had grown into an incredibly beautiful and talented photographer. A big science buff as well, Chelsea studied biological sciences for many years. She even held one Dr. Alan Douglas, one of the greatest and most famous zoologists of all time, as her role model. However, she was often stumped by his mysterious and unexplained disappearance many decades before. One day, she was preparing to venture out into the park to photograph some newlyborn grizzly bear cubs the park had been observing when Billy playfully warned her about the "Animal Man" and to not disturb the cubs. Never having heard Billy mention the Animal Man before, she asked him to tell her who that was. Billy then told her the tale of how the Inuit's believed in a "Lord of the Animals" who ruled, watched over, and protected the animal kingdom. Intrigued but doubting such a thing truly existed, she went out into the wilderness as planned. Love At First Sight Finding the bear cubs, she observed them from afar as she took pictures of the cute cubs playing together. However, little did she realize that the mother grizzly was nearby, who, being protective and territorial of her cubs, ambushed her and chased her down ferociously. Chelsea ran for her life, but suddenly ran into a tree and was cornered. The bear coming down upon her in a rapid fashion, Chelsea knew it would be the end. But suddenly a figure landed in front of her and the bear halted in her tracks. Chelsea was astonished as the bear slowly turned away and went back to her cubs. When the figure turned and faced Chelsea, she was in a state of shock as she saw "the Animal Man". She then fainted. Waking up hours later, she was shocked to find herself back in her bedroom at the natural park H.Q. Believing it to just be a dream at first, that changed when she found a strange blue feather on her pillow. Determined to find out who the "Animal Man" was, and find a way to thank him for saving her, Chelsea went to Billy to ask for his help. Believing at first that Billy would be skeptical, she soon realized that Billy wasn't just playfully joking when he told her about the "Animal Man". He knew she was telling the truth and told her the story about how the "Animal Man" went around the world protecting all life from dangers. He then told Chelsea that to find the "Animal Man", she would have to be in some sort of danger. Going out into the wild, Chelsea went to find some dangerous beast to mess with so she could be, hopefully, rescued. However, her plan changed when she stumbled upon a seemingly abandoned warehouse in the middle of the forest. Investigating, she soon heard an inhuman roar unlike anything she had ever heard before, as well as crates and boxes being smashed and torn to pieces. She went inside where she saw him fighting a gang of thugs who were stationed there. As she watched on, one of the gunmen pulled out a gun on the “Animal Man” and attempted to shoot him, but the “Animal Man” transformed into a swarm of bird-eating spiders to dodge the bullet, which ricocheted off an adjacent wall and shot Chelsea in the arm, alerting the “Animal Man” and the gang of thugs to her presence. Recognizing the beautiful woman, the “Animal Man” was now enraged to the brink of insanity and slew the gunmen and his partners. He soon brought the unconscious Chelsea to a nearby cave and quickly healed her with his powers. Chelsea soon awoke to the “Animal Man” and was frightened for a quick second before remembering his kind act from before. Believing he was unintelligible and incapable of speaking in human language, she tried to communicate with him and make him understand why she was out there before he startled her with his understanding and communicating with her in an eloquent style. Attempting to learn what he was and why he attacked those men, he showed her a dead raccoon that had been skinned alive and left for dead. He then told her that he was once a human like herself, a zoologist by the name of none other than Doctor Alan Douglas, Chelsea’s role model and idol. Amazed by this, she wondered how he became this amazing creature she saw before her. Douglas told her his tale of how many millions of years before, the goddess of Earth, Mother Nature, destroyed her two sons, creators of all life, and placed their power and life forces within two separate gems. He then told her how, many millions of years later, he was tricked by his former friend and colleague, Prof. Phineas P. Pines, into going on a romantic tour with his future wife Alyssa Dawson. However, it was actually a well-conceived plot by Phineas to murder Alan and win over Allison. Lost and succumbing to the elements during a tropical storm, Alan discovered a temple that withheld the gem that itself withheld the entire animal kingdom’s power and life force within it. Touching the gem, he was forever transformed into the creature Chelsea now saw before her. Then telling her of how Mother Nature had brought him here by fate and revealing that Phineas found the other gem and was destined to bring a terrible fate upon the world, Alan revealed that Phineas became a monster, killed his fiancé, and subsequently fought and apparently killed by Douglas himself. Heartbroken by his losses, Alan told Chelsea that he vowed to never return to civilization again, and subsequently learned that he had a responsibility that he must uphold. Feeling sympathy for the good doctor, Chelsea comforted him by telling him how much it meant to her that he saved her life, twice. Alan thanked her and offered to take her back as close to her home as he could. During their long excursion over several days, Chelsea noticed something in Alan that she had never noticed before: compassion, for all life. Soon, Alan saw something similar in her and soon began contemplating on admitting his newfound feelings for her. While resting for a night, Chelsea thought that she should call Alan a new name, one less brutish-sounding than the Animal Man. Alan didn’t believe he needed to, but Chelsea insisted and soon thought of how he was once one of the world’s greatest authorities on animals, a zoologist. And soon, Chelsea came up with the name the Zoologist. Alan liked it, and soon adopted it as his name. Leaving Chelsea to watch the fire he made for a bit while he secretly went to find her some flowers, Chelsea was thinking about admitting her own feelings for Alan before she was attacked by a vine and knocked unconscious. Soon, she was awoken, by none other than Alan’s archnemesis, Professor Phineas P. Pines, now a horrific-looking plant master. Telling her of his intention of using her as a weapon against Alan, Phineas knocked her unconscious, while placing a seed in her bosom, beginning a cellular transformation of her body. After Phineas informed Alan of Chelsea’s kidnapping and began his rampage throughout Manhattan, Phineas, now calling himself the Botanist in response to Alan calling himself the Zoologist, was attacked by the Zoologist. In the Future Some time later in the future, during the year 2086, Mother Nature is viciously attacked by the Botanist in a bid to once again take her power for himself. However, the Pack and the Maximums intervene and manage to defeat Phineas, but are not able to help Mother Nature. Chelsea, believing it was necessary, decided to take over Mother Nature's place for the good of all life and nature, much to Alan's, the Pack's, and the Maximums' dismay. But Alan finally agreed and said his goodbyes to her, and Chelsea promising Alan when his mission was complete, they would be together again forever. Empowered with Mother Nature's might, Chelsea kissed her loved one good-bye, then returned to the Tree of Life, to protect it. Family/Friends/Allies *The Zoologist: Chelsea Rose’s beloved husband and partner in crimefighting. She encountered the Zoologist after being rescued by him from a mother grizzly bear protecting her cub. After finding proof of his existence, she sought to learn more about the "Animal Man". After stumbling upon a fight between the "Animal Man" and a gang of illegal fur traders at a warehouse, Chelsea watched as the Zoologist dodged a bullet that ricocheted of an adjacent wall and shot her in the shoulder. After learning of her presence, the "Animal Man" killed the gunman and took her to his cave where she learned more about the “Animal Man”. After falling in love with Dr. Alan Douglas, whom she had admired when he was human, she thought that he deserved a better name and called him the Zoologist. However, after the Zoologist began secretly planning to propose to her, she was kidnapped and subsequently killed by the resurrected Botanist. However, Mother Nature, touched by Alan's love for her and as a reward for saving all of nature, granted Alan the power to bring her back to life. Revived, she then transformed into an animal goddess herself and was asked by the Zoologist to marry him. Father of Chimera and Kid Creature, leader of the Pack. *Chimera: Specia's and the Zoologist's beloved biological daughter, laid by Specia as an egg and hatched. *Kid Creature: Specia's and the Zoologist's beloved adopted son. *The Pack: Specia's surrogate family consisting of herself, her husband and children, and her husband's former colleagues, friends, acquaintances, and even enemies turned into a team of superheroic defenders of the Animal Kingdom. The team originally formed when Specia married the Zoologist after she was resurrected from her apparent death and transformed into his queen. They later gave birth to a baby girl who would rapidly age into adulthood and become the superhero Chimaera, as well as adopt a mutant feral son whom would become the Zoologist's sidekick Kid Creature. Shortly thereafter, Alan was forced to call on the help of old colleagues turned into defenders of the animal kingdom to defeat the newly-formed Anti-Animal Alliance and rescue the Zoologist's kidnapped children. Now the team has banded together as a family, as the Pack. ::*The Predator: ::*The Shell: ::*Grace: ::*Pincer: ::*Legs: *Mother Nature: Creator of all the natural universe, Gaia, also known as Mother Nature, conceived two sons, Faunos and Floros, from the Earth itself and granted them the power to create life on her new world many millions of years ago. However, after a savage war between the two bitter brothers, Mother Nature destroyed both of them and placed their life forces within two separate gems and cast them into two separate locations in what would become South America. Many millions of years later, however, Mother Nature and Father Time foresaw great evil on the horizon and knew she would need a protector. Learning of the birth of one Dr. Alan Douglas, who would hold an incredible love and interest for all animals, life, and nature, she allied with Father Time to set fate so that he would become the new god of the Animal Kingdom, and her protector. Helped the Zoologist revive Chelsea shortly after her death, and granted her the same powers as Alan, transforming her into his queen Specia. In the future, Specia takes over Mother Nature's place as the goddess of nature and the earth. *The Faunonites: A secretive tribe of ancient, immortal warriors who created the temple many millennia which housed the Gem of Faunos, that which contained the power, knowledge, and life force of the entire animal kingdom. Worship Specia, the Zoologist, and their Pack, and aid them in any way possible when they encounter them. Mortal enemies with the Floronites. *The Maximums: The Earth's greatest defenders, the Maximums formed after the mysterious disappearances of famed superheroes such as Maximum Man, Savior, and the Eagle to help bring hope back to the despaired planet. Specia and the Zoologist joined the Maximums shortly after they helped the team defeat the Treacherous Trio's massive invasion of Manhattan. Famous members include ghostly leader Stryker, the mightiest man in the universe Macho Man, the lightning lupine Bluemoon and his vampiric wife Hearttaker, the pyrokinetic martial artist Heatstroke and his werecheetah wife Cheetari, teenage boy-turned-technology master Lego Lad, shapeshifting beauty Shapeshifter, terrakinetic elemental of earth Terrain, hydrokinetic king of Atlantea Tidal Wave, magnetic ferrokinetic exile of the planet Magnikaimos Magnator and his vitakinetic wife Vitalla, electrokinetic powerhouse Amp'd, uncanny marksman the Green Marksman and his sister of flight Flutter, psychokinetic and telepathic master Psychodude, size-and-mass-changing Macroscopic Man, and master of air and wind Windbreaker. ::*Hearttaker: One of Specia's closest friends on the team, Hearttaker is a quiet-but-kind empathic vampire princess, or empyre, who controls, manipulates, and feeds on emotions. Both her and her husband, the werewolf superhero Bluemoon, quickly befriended Specia and the Zoologist shortly after they joined. ::*Cheetari: A werecheetah secret agent and husband of pyrokinetic martial artist Heatstroke, Cheetari befriended Specia and the Zoologist shortly after they joined the Maximums, seeing much in common with Specia and constantly trying to outdue one another in gymnastics and acrobatics. ::*The Shapeshiftress: A shape-shifting mistress and sister to superhero Bluemoon, the Shapeshiftress befriended Specia shortly after she and her husband joined. She also helped teach Specia how to further master her shape-shifting abilities. Enemies *The Creeping-Crawler: Created by the Animal Assassin originally as a wife for him, the Creeping-Crawler is a severely degenerated and mutated clone of Specia, as well as her archnemesis. She embodies all that Specia does not: the evil, ugliness, and cruelty of the animal kingdom. Able to mutate, devolve, and make any animal ugly, she will stop at nothing to destroy all of nature's beauty. Was abandoned by the Animal Assassin and blamed Specia for her ugliness. Fought Specia and the Zoologist several times before forming an alliance with the Exterminator, Princess Pollution, and De Miser. Still in love with the Animal Assassin, who does not love her. *The Zoophiliac: A psychopathic mutant zoophiliac sexually obsessed with Specia. Capable of emitting powerful pheromones that can sexually stimulate any female animal, especially Specia. Seduced Specia and attempted to rape her before encountering the Zoologist, whom he pitted Specia against. After managing to snap out of her state of mind with help from her husband, Specia viciously attacked the Zoophiliac before managing to get a hold of herself. Later fought him and the Beast Basher. *The Botanist: The Zoologist's greatest archnemesis, Professor Phineas P. Pines became god of the plant kingdom after touching a mystical gem containing the life force, power, and knowledge of the entire plant kingdom within, along with the fungi and algae kingdoms. Kidnapped Chelsea shortly after regenerating from an earlier bout with the Zoologist many years before, taking her with him to Manhattan where he began transforming her into a rose-human hybrid, which inadvertently began killing her. Soon after, she died in the Zoologist's arms, turning into a lush garden in the soil. Later revived after the Zoologist imprisoned the Botanist in the Mariana Trench with the help of Mother Nature, inadvertently transforming her into Specia. Would face him many times later alongside her husband, and alone. ::*The Queen of Green: The deceased Allison Dawson, former lover and fiance of Dr. Alan Douglas, revived and transformed into a plant goddess by the Botanist, the Queen of Green joined the Botanist as his “wife” after he coerced her to join him in destroying the Zoologist by lying to her that Alan had killed her and left him for his current lover and wife Chelsea, thus harboring jealous rage and contempt for both. However, she later learned the truth from the couple and sacrificed herself during their battle between the Pack and the reformed Anti-Animal Alliance, thus Allison was finally able to rest in peace. *The Beast Basher: A sadistic serial killer and animal abuser that possesses incredible superhuman strength and durability rivaling the Zoologist’s, as well as the ability to induce pain in any animal. Spent her childhood torturing and killing animals for fun. Suffers from several serious psychological disorders, including anti-social personality disorder, dissocial personality disorder, and, most prominently, zoosadism & zoophobia. Learned of the Zoologist during her time in the Superhuman Asylum for Criminals and Lunatics, and vowed to torture him in the most painful and humiliating ways, for no better reason other than for simple pleasure, as well as to prove her so-called superiority. Escaped and battled him and the Pack often. Currently back at the Asylum after being severely beaten by the Zoologist. Later joined an alliance with the Zoophiliac in attempting to get rid of the Zoologist and later still joined a group of supervillainesses led by the Creeping-Crawler in a plot to kill Specia. *Princess Pollution: An extraterrestrial princess from the planet Contamina, a filthy toxic waste dump, possesses the power to poison, contaminate, and decay anything she touches, as well as possessing shapeshifting abilities and the power of flight. Journeyed across the universe, polluting clean, pristine planets, eventually landing on Earth via a telekinetically-controlled asteroid of waste. Beginning to decay the environment around her, she encountered, not the Zoologist, but the Botanist. Enraged at what she was doing, the Botanist viciously battled her, but began to wither the second he touched her. Retreating, the Botanist located the Zoologist and pleaded for his help. Reluctantly, the Zoologist and his family agreed and battled the Princess with the Botanist, eventually sending her back into orbit. She subsequently returned to Earth and formed an alliance with the Creeping-Crawler, De Miser, and the Exterminator, whom she fell in love with. Later formed an alliance with other supervillainesses in a plot to kill Specia. *The Tamer: The second person to call themselves the Tamer, Yolanda Richards inherited the ability to control animals at a young age, using these gifts as a professional thief. She later joined the Trophy Hunters when the first, original Tamer, a trained male animal trainer, attempted to "tame" the Zoologist, only to fail and die on his first mission with the Trophy Hunters.
Bradley A. Dotson
Dr. Alan Douglas , Rose Kimera Douglas , Thomas "Tommy" James-Douglas ; unnamed father and mother; Drs. Austin and Andrea Douglas ; Mother Nature
The Pack; Partnership with the Zoologist, Chimera, and Kid Creature; Member of the Maximums
Possesses a superhuman intellect and virtual omniscience over all things animal; degree in photography
The Zoologist, King of the Animals #1
*Omniscient-level Intellect - Zoology: Specia, like the Zoologist, was a gifted researcher and scientist even before her transformation into the Goddess of the Animal Kingdom, although she was not as renowned or gifted as her husband. Now, like her husband, she is an unparalleled genius in all fields of zoology, veterinary science, and animal sciences, including mammalogy, ornithology, herpetology, ichthyology, invertebrate zoology, entomology, arachnology, acarology, astacology, malacology, conchology, planktology, paleozoology, cryptozoology, microzoology, magizoology, mythozoology, astrozoology, ethology, animal neuroethology, zoosemiotics, animal cognition, anthrozoology, animal physiology , animal molecular biology, animal molecular genetics, animal developmental biology, animal ecology, zooparasitology, zooarchaeology, animal evolutionary biology, zoophenology, animal systematics, cladistics, phylogenetics, phylogeography, zoogeography, animal taxonomy, and all forms of veterinary science. Also, as a result of her expanded intellect, she has become an expert in all fields of science, especially in all other biological sciences, such as botany, physics, etc. She is surpassed in knowledge of the animal kingdom only by the Zoologist. *Mistress of Martial Arts: She has been taught by the Zoologist in several forms of martial arts, especially in Shaolin. She has also been taught and mastered the martial arts that the Zoologist created utilizing all the different stances, movements, forms, and styles in the form of martial arts attacks. She has also learned special fighting techniques from the Zoologist for nearly every animal in existence, granting her amazing combat skills in any form she is currently in. Combined with her superhuman, animal-like physiology, beauty, grace, and powers, Specia is nearly unstoppable in hand-to-hand combat. ::*Stealth Expert: A master in the art of stealth, Specia is capable of breaching high security areas unseen and undetected, utilizing her shape-shifting abilities, camouflage and color-changing techniques, her mastery of distraction and seduction, and telepathic powers to optimum efficiency. ::*Master of Disguise: As well as being a master of stealth, Specia is a master of disguise, no surprise considering her level of shape-shifting prowess. Not only does her shape-shifting prowess aid in the effectiveness of her infiltration of areas and interacting with others, but so does her telepathic abilities and her own innate acting abilities. ::*Master Marksman: Specia almost never misses her target, utilizing her superhuman hand-eye coordination and dexterity to pinpoint and hit targets at optimum efficiency. Nine out of ten times, she is successful. ::*Weapons Expert: Specia is a highly adaptable combatant like her husband, able to efficiently utilize virtually any item or object in her surrounding environment in the utilization of combat. *Master Acrobat: Thanks to her superhuman agility, flexibility, dexterity, reflexes, equilibrium, and natural grace, Specia is a master athlete, gymnast, aerialist, and acrobat, far surpassing that of even the most accomplished acrobats, gymnasts, and aerialists in the history of gymnastics. She is a mistress of all forms of acrobatics and gymnastics, including artistic gymnastics, rhythmic gymnastics, trampolining and tumbling, aerobic gymnastics, & acrobatic gymnastics, and has the combined agility of the most accomplished Olympic gymnasts and the combined acrobatic prowess of the most accomplished circus aerialists and acrobats in history. She can walk a tightrope or a slack rope as easily as most people can walk on a sidewalk. She can walk on his hands for many hours, or perform any complicated sequence of gymnastic stunts such as flips, rolls, and springs imaginable. She can easily match or top any Olympic record at any gymnastics apparatus She is rivaled and perhaps surpassed only by fellow Maximum Specia. *Master Contortionist: Thanks to her superhuman flexibility, advanced nervous system, and shapeshifting abilities, Specia is a master contortionist. She can perform the most complicated bending and stretching maneuvers at almost any angle or direction, including frontbending , backbending , splitting , the art of enterology , and dislocation . *Mistress of Seduction: Specia is a mistress of seduction, utilizing her beauty, shapeshifting abilities , pheromone control, telepathy, and grace to utmost efficiency when infiltrating an area, for a distraction, or fighting in a battle. As a side note, she has natural eyelashes and lip color that is neither cosmetic or fake. *Photographer: Specia is also an expert photographer, especially of nature and landscapes. *Survival Expert: She is a mistress of survival, having been taught by the Zoologist. Specia is also one of the most skilled trackers, hunters, and foragers in existance, thanks in part to her superhuman senses, her telepathic ability to locate any species/specimen of animal, and her training by the Zoologist, utilizing these skills in the wild easily.
Specia the Animal Woman, Chelsea Douglas, Rose Douglas, Goddess of the Animal Kingdom, Queen of the Animal Kingdom, Princess of the Animal Kingdom, Animalia, Animal Princess, Animal Queen, Animal Woman, Beauty, the Beautiful Beast, Beastette, Fauna, Goddess of the Animals, Goddess of the Beasts, Goddess of the Creatures, Princess Animalia, Princess Chimera, Princess Creature, Princess Fauna, Queen Animalia, Queen Chimera, Queen Creature, Queen Fauna; "Chels", "Sweetheart" ; "Sheila" ; : Mother Nature, Gaia, other aliases
Alberta, Canada
Ruler of the planet Animalia with diplomatic immunity; former citizen of Canada with no criminal record
*Specia is able to be harmed, injured, and even killed by any living sentient being, member of the plant, fungi, and algae kingdoms, mineral, inorganic matter, or form of energy that wasn’t created or originated from an animal or is not animalistic in nature. *Specia can also be killed by completely depriving her of nutrition or sustenance of some sort for prolonged periods of time, causing her to starve or dehydrate to death. *Specia is also highly vulnerable to mystical forces and spells, due to the mystical nature of her powers. She can be “tamed”, injured, and even killed by extremely powerful spells and high amounts of mystical energies. *If any animal nearby is hurt, injured, or killed, or large groupings of animals are suddenly killed somewhere in the universe, it can cause Specia extreme pain, depending on the amount of life the animal possesses/possessed. *Specia is able to be tranquilized, sedated, suffocated, and even poisoned by any form of pesticides and/or tranquilizers if they were not produced by the toxins of an animal. The amounts of either pesticide and/or tranquilizer, the potency of either/or, the types of toxins or chemicals they possess, whether or not they possess some sort of toxins derived from an animal, and the ability to enter his body determines the effectiveness of such methods against Specia. *Specia’s superhuman senses, although highly efficient, can easily overload or cause her more distress if she were to be suddenly surprised by a painfully loud sound, a horrendous odor, an extremely sour or spicy taste, a blinding light, or a painful sensation of some sort than a being of normal senses would. Also, she can be overwhelmed by numerous odors, sounds, tastes, sensations, or sights if she is not sufficiently prepared. ::*Also, unlike her husband, Specia is much more susceptible to pheromones and thus easily manipulated after inhaling them.
As the Goddess of the Animal Kingdom, as well as the embodyment of beauty in nature, especially in the animal kingdom, Specia possesses all the same powers and abilities the Zoologist possesses, albeit her powers involve more grace and beauty, as well as her own unique style. As such, she possesses a physical, biological, mental, and spiritual connection to every and all species, variations, and breeds of animal in existence, be they living, extinct, real, imaginary , fictional, wild, domesticated, sentient, sapient, non-sentient/sapient, past/prehistoric, present/modern-day, futuristic , extraterrestrial, extradimensional, magical/mystical, mythological, microscopic, simple, supernatural, cryptic, monstrous, demonic, and even humanoid and semi-humanoid species, including homo sapiens. Her power also extends to both the Bacteria kingdom and the Protozoa portions of the Protista kingdom, granting her a physical, biological, mental, and spiritual connection to every and all species of protozoa, bacteria & zooplankton, granting her complete and total mastery and control over every and all species, variations, and breeds of animals, bacteria, and protozoa in existence, as well as all animal, bacteria, and protozoa-based powers and abilities on a maximum level. As such, she collectively refers to and classifies the two and a half kingdoms she co-rules, protects, and is goddess of as simply the kingdom Animalia. As further explained below, the animal, bacteria, and protozoa kingdoms are virtually unlimited in its range of variation, diversity, scope, and power, thus, combined with Specia's infinite imagination and knowledge on all things animal, makes Specia quite possibly one of the most powerful superhuman being in the Maximum Universe, if not one of the most powerful, alongside her husband. *Zoophysiology: Specia possesses a superhuman, animal-like physiology of godly levels, thanks to her physical, biological, mental, and spiritual connection to the animal kingdom and the Zoologist. Her connections grant her animal-like strength, stamina, durability, endurance, resistance, speed, reflexes, agility, dexterity, flexibility, balance, coordination, equilibrium, razor-sharp claws and teeth, superhumanly acute senses, an accelerated healing factor, instincts, pheromone secretion and emission, amphibious adaptations such as underwater breathing and superhuman swimming ability, and the power of flight. She can increase any or all parts of her physiology far beyond her normal limits by granting herself the combined, even proportional power of any animal she chooses. ::*Superhuman Strength: She possesses incredible superhuman strength . By absorbing and combining the strength of the most physically powerful species in the animal kingdom, including that of such powerhouses as the Tyrannosaurus rex, Elephas maximus , and Dynastes hercules , onto her own strength, her strength can increase exponentially to become virtually incalculable. She has demonstrated lifting objects 100,000,000 times her own weight and size, including buildings and mountains, running and smashing through reinforced titanium-steel walls with the force of an entire animal stampede, leaping great distances with superhuman leg muscles, up to 14 feet in a standing high jump, and 24 feet in a standing broad jump, etc. By combining the leaping ability of a member of the Siphonaptera order , she is capable of leaping 234 times her own length, and 174 times her own height. ::*Superhuman Stamina and Endurance: Specia’s physiology has been altered to the point that she no longer generates fatigue cells/toxins, the normal by-products of human locomotion which force the body to rest, granting her phenomenal stamina and endurance. She is able to exert herself at her peak capacity for days on end without succumbing to the effects of fatigue whatsoever and maintain continuous strenuous physical activity and action for an undefined period. Her accelerated healing factor helps contribute to regenerating energy quickly. However, she does require nutrition, sustenance, and sleep after about a week of continuous physical activity in order to maintain her peak strength capacity, and can presumably continue long after doing so. By taking on the stamina of a Sterna paradisaea , however, Specia can travel 24,000 miles without rest. ::*Superhuman Durability and Resistance: The compositions of Specia’s skeleton, inter-connected tissues and nervous system have all been greatly enhanced. As such, Specia possesses phenomenal durability and resistance, able to withstand large amounts of pain, injury, firearms, severe lacerations, temperature extremes, penetration wounds, exposure, burning, drowning and suffocation, electrocution, and even large explosions. By taking on the durability of a tardigrade , a Hemideina maori , a member of the Siboglinidae family, a member of the order Blattaria , and "extremophiles" , Specia is capable of surviving and thriving in temperatures as low as -328 degrees Fahrenheit, as high as 512 degrees Fahrenheit, 1000 times more radiation than any animal, in acidic conditions, extreme pressures, capable of tolerating high levels of dissolved metal solutions, and can even survive in the vacuum of space. ::*Accelerated Healing Factor: Specia is able to regenerate damaged or destroyed areas of her anatomy with far greater efficiency than any ordinary human or animal. Originally, the speed of Specia's healing factor was in proportion to the wound's severity; for example, she could fully recover from an ordinary gunshot wound within minutes. However, Specia's healing ability has dramatically increased in recent years due to her evolutionary powers. Specia can fully regenerate loss brain cells and tissue. She can even regenerate her entire body after having all of her bodily tissue incinerated down to her bare skeleton. This power even amends psychological wounds inflicted as a result of traumatic experiences. ::::*Weather Insulated Adaptation: Specia is able to withstand incredibly cold temperatures without sustaining bodily damage for great periods of time, even to the point of being nude in sub-zero temperatures. ::::*Immunity: Specia's natural and mystical healing also affords her virtual immunity to poisons and drugs. She possesses a highly efficient immune system, which is part of her accelerated healing factor, rendering her immune against all known Earthly diseases and infections. In addition, Specia’s healing factor provides her with an extended lifespan by virtually halting the effects of the aging process. ::*Superhuman Speed: Specia possesses incredibly enhanced speed, able to move at speeds up to 350 miles per hour while running bipedally and twice as fast when running on all fours, at speeds of up to 700 miles per hour. By combining the speed of the fastest species in the animal kingdom, including those such as an Acionyx jubatus , an Istiophorus platypterus , a Falco peregrinus , and a member of the subfamily Cicindelinae , Specia is capable of moving at speeds of up to 1,347 miles per hour on land, under the sea, and by air. ::*Superhuman Agility: Specia possesses incredible agility, due to being extraordinarily limber and her tendons and connective tissues being twice as elastic as the average human being's, despite their enhanced strength. She is a mistress of all forms of acrobatics and gymnastics, including artistic gymnastics, rhythmic gymnastics, trampolining and tumbling, aerobic gymnastics, & acrobatic gymnastics, and has the combined agility of the most accomplished Olympic gymnasts and the combined acrobatic prowess of the most accomplished circus aerialists and acrobats in history. She can walk a tightrope or a slack rope as easily as most people can walk on a sidewalk. She can walk on her hands for many hours, or perform any complicated sequence of gymnastic stunts such as flips, rolls, and springs imaginable. She can easily match or top any Olympic record at any gymnastics apparatus She is surpassed only by Cheetari in terms of agility, aerobics, acrobatics, and gymnastism and impresses even the Zoologist. ::*Superhuman Reflexes: Specia possesses incredible, lightning-fast reflexes and a superhuman reaction time that are far beyond those of normal humans and most species of animals, dodging bullets and other projectiles at point-blank range with ease, catching multiple objects simultaneously, and even defending against superhuman speedsters. Her reflexes are completely and always in synch with her kinesthesia and proprioception. Therefore, she is able to know exactly when and where danger will strike her, how to react to the danger, which direction she should move in order to avoid the danger and how to adjust her body’s position in order to safely avoid the danger without any harm becoming to any portion or part of her body. ::*Superhuman Kinesthesia and Proprioception: Specia’s ability to sense the position of any part of her body in correlation to any other part of her body is also enhanced far beyond human levels. This enables her to determine the status of any of her body’s parts in correlation to their position, which, in turn, aids her in evading and dodging enemies, obstacles, dangers, as well as aid her in aiming and projecting objects and projectiles. ::*Superhuman Dexterity: Specia possesses superhumanly adroit flexibility and sureness of the movements of her digits and limbs and can perform almost any task gracefully and flexibly with her hands and even prehensile feet as easily as a human would do with her hands, including manipulating and grasping objects. Her manual and pedal dexterity are so great that she can write using both hands at once or tie knots in rope with her toes. She is also ambidextrous and able to use both hands and both feet with equal proficiency. Her fine motor skills and hand-eye coordination have been enhanced far beyond human levels, granting her uncanny accuracy and making her a master marksman. ::*Bipedal/Quadrapedal: Specia’s physiology has been altered so that she is both a biped and a quadruped, able to run and maneuver on all fours as easily as on two legs comfortably and correctly. She is able to run twice as fast on all fours, running at speeds of up to 700 miles per hour under standard conditions. She is also both a digitigrade and a plantigrade, able to move on both the digits of her fingers and toes or the palms and soles of her hands and feet. As such, she sometimes walks in a gait reminiscent of a big cat. ::*Superhuman Flexibility: Specia possesses superhumanly-enhanced flexibility within her body, especially in her joints. All of the bones in Specia’s body, including her skull, are malleable and her muscle tissue is exceedingly resilient, making her body extremely flexible and pliant, even with her virtually indestructible bones. She is triple-jointed, enabling her to bend her body in anyway imaginable. It is nearly impossible for her to break a bone or tear a muscle. Hence, Specia can stretch and bend her body in ways that would tear ligaments and survive impacts that would kill or inflict major injury upon a normal human being with little or no injury to herself. Specia is extraordinarily limber and her tendons and connective tissues are four times as elastic as the average human being is, despite their enhanced strength. Her bone structure is also granted great flexibility, enabling her to stay in a crouched position for an indefinite amount of time and perform virtually any contortionist-type feats without any harm to her spinal column whatsoever. This greatly helps in combination with the rest of her physical prowess, as she is able to move and bend in ways that would normally harm someone without harm befalling her whatsoever. She can compress her body very tightly, so that she can fit through tight spaces, about 4 inches in diameter, without having to resort to changing her size. ::*Superhuman Equilibrium: Specia possesses the superhuman ability to achieve a state of perfect equilibrium in any position imaginable. She seems to be able to adjust her position by instinct, enabling her to balance herself on virtually any object, no matter how small or narrow. She can easily wake up without being groggy and is virtually immune to vertigo or becoming disoriented. ::*Indestructible Skeletal Structure: Specia possesses, like the Zoologist a virtually indestructible skeletal structure fortified by the energy that empowers the animal kingdom and the Zoologist & herself. Therefore, none of her bones are able to be fractured, broken, or shattered, yet they remain as flexible as the rest of her body and can be shaped with the rest of her body as easily. Her indestructible skeletal structure also provides her with virtually indestructible claws and teeth, as stated below, and also weighs her blows, dramatically increasing the effectiveness of her punches and kicks. ::*Razor-Sharp Indestructible Claws and Teeth: Specia possesses retractable claws in place of fingernails and elongated, razor-sharp, canine teeth. Her claws and teeth are naturally sharp and tougher than that of normal human bone structure, allowing Specia to cut and tear through most types of flesh and natural materials. Like her skeleton, Specia's claws and teeth have been infused with the power of the animal kingdom, making them virtually indestructible. Aside from being virtually unbreakable as well, Specia's claws and teeth are capable of cutting and tearing through any known substance. Specia's ability to slice completely through a substance depends on the thickness of the substance and the amount of force she can exert. By combining the venom glands, filled with the venoms and toxins of the most venomous creatures in the animal kingdom, including those of a Chironex fleckeri , a Carukia barnesi , Oxyuranus microlepidotus , and a member of the family Conidae , and connecting them to the roots of her saliva glands, the root canals of her razor-sharp teeth, and the claws of her fingers, Specia can poison even superhuman beings with almost certainly fatal bites and scratches. ::::*Wall-Climbing: Specia can climb, walk, and run on sheer, 90 degree-inclined surfaces without succumbing to the effects of gravity by wedging her fingers and toes within the smallest cracks in the wall and applying a vise-like grip on them. She can also utilize her razor-sharp, virtually indestructible claws on her feet and fingers to place cracks within such surfaces if there are none available, even the most durable, and get a grip on the surface. ::::*Superhuman Jaws: Her jaws are much stronger than any regular human's, enabling her to bite through much harder materials without harm to herself or her mouth, gums, and teeth. ::*Superhuman Senses: Specia’s physiology has been altered to the point that she possesses superhumanly acute senses of sight, hearing, smell, taste, and touch that are comparable to those of certain animals, including: ::::*Superhuman Sight: She can see at far greater distances, with perfect clarity, than an ordinary human. She retains this same level of clarity even in total darkness; her vision even extends into the ultraviolet and infrared areas of the electromagnetic spectrum, granting her perfect night vision. Her vertically-slit pupils allow a greater range of vision above and below her, enabling her to more easily detect the movements of an opponent and the flicker-fusion rate of her retinas is reduced to such an extent that she can easily perceive fast-moving objects that would appear to others as a blur. She can also see clearly through even the densest and murkiest conditions, including fog, murky waters, duststorms, etc. ::::*Superhuman Hearing: Her hearing is enhanced in a similar manner, allowing her to detect sounds ordinary humans cannot and hear at much greater distances. Specia detects sounds as low as the 8 to 15 Hz frequency range and as high as 100,000 to 140,000 Hz , and, in addition, she has a degree of ear mobility that helps her to rapidly pinpoint the exact point of origin of a sound. Eighteen or more muscles can tilt, rotate, raise, or lower her ears. She can hear a person's heartbeat at a distance of over twenty feet, a whispered conversation through a standard soundproof barrier and hear sounds from up to 5 miles in diameter. By listening to a person's heartbeat, she can detect whether or not they are lying. Her hearing is sufficiently acute to detect a sound pressure level change from 2 decibels to 8 dB at a range of 60 feet . Through practice, Specia is able to control her hearing acuity, mentally blocking out specific sounds like her own breathing and heartbeat, all ambient sounds to a normal human level of perception, or all sounds but a particular sound she is concentrating upon. If taken by surprise, Specia can suffer more distress from a painfully loud sound than an ordinary human would. Also, beyond a certain size, crowds of people tend to create too many sensory impressions for her to sort through. ::::*Superhuman Smell: She possesses a highly developed olfactory sense and memory. She has nearly two-hundred and twenty million smell-sensitive cells over an area about the size of a pocket handkerchief . She can detect odors of an atmospheric concentration of thirty parts per million. Furthermore, her ability to remember smells enables him to identify any person she has spent at least five minutes with by smell alone, no matter how he or she might try to camouflage his or her natural odor. Specia is able to recognize people and objects by scent, even if they are well hidden. Her powers of concentration are such that she can focus upon a single person's smell and locate them in a city of millions. She can track a target by scent and selectively sort through various odors, even if the scent has been greatly eroded by time and weather factors, or through simultaneously similar smells with an impressive degree of success. She can detect a subtle alteration in the composition of perspiration that reflect mood or emotions, and is highly sensitive to pheromones. Specia can also use her keen sense of smell to detect lies due to chemical changes within a person's scent. ::::*Superhuman Taste: Her superhuman sense of taste can detect 1 part of foreign matter in 10,000. Her ability to remember tastes enables her to determine every ingredient of a food or drink she tastes, as long as there are at least twenty milligrams of that substance present. She can even taste hints of chemical substances or tastes that have long been washed off. ::::*Superhuman Touch: Specia possesses a minute coat of fur covering her entire body that act as vibrissae , like a cat’s, granting her a superhuman sense of touch, which enables her to detect even the most minute changes in the temperature and pressure in her immediate environment, as well as minute vibrations traveling through the ground and the motion and/or disturbance of air currents surrounding her. She can even sense unnatural occurrences within her immediate environment, such as uneven ground, possibly suggesting a trapdoor or secret compartment. Even with her senses of sight, smell, and/or hearing blocked, she can sense the presence of another living being standing or approaching five feet away from her simply by his or her body heat and disturbance of air. ::::*Superhuman Spatial Sense: Specia also possesses a superhuman sense of spatial awareness. She can judge distances accurately, tell if an object can fit into a space, discern the speed, velocity, and momentum of objects, sense when and where a teleporter teleports, and determine the shape of things in her vicinity, even when she cannot see the object or being. Her proximity sense synchronizes perfectly with her superhuman equilibrium. ::*Flight: Specia possesses the superhuman ability to fly by means of her natural wings, which span 5 feet from wingtip to wingtip. Unlike most winged heroes, Specia's main wings are two pairs of blue, insectoid forewings and hindwings, reminiscent of a butterfly's, capable of beating at 50-80 times per second. They possess a very flexible skeletal structure, enabling her to press them to the back of her torso and legs with only the slightest bulge beneath them. She can retract and extract these into and from her body at will, as well as alter their shape into other types of wings, including bat wings, pterosaur wings, and, of course, bird wings of any kind. Specia maneuvers her wings with practiced precision. She can fly through narrow openings such as doorways and windows, and can squeeze up enclosed stairwells or into cramped tunnels. She can perform virtually any aerial acrobatic feat while flying, including gliding, soaring, hovering, flying backwards, corkscrews, and loop-de-loop maneuvers. Specia’s normal cruising speed averages around 100 miles per hour, although she is capable of diving swoops that reach up to 350 miles per hour. She can fly at speeds of up to 190 miles per hour at level flight. Though she generally flies beneath the height of the clouds , she can reach a height of 10,000 feet with little effort. With effort, she can attain the highest recorded altitude of a bird in flight . By absorbing the speed of a Falco peregrinus , a Hirundapus caudacutus , & a Mergus serrator , as well as the stamina of a Sterna paradisaea , a Gyps rueppellii , & an Anser indicus
Ruler, protector, and goddess of the kingdom Animalia, goddess of the animal kingdom's beauty, protector of the natural world/universe, costumed adventurer, mother, animal rights activist; former nature photographer, biological scientist
Chelsea Dianne Rose-Douglas
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