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Bonds Bonds
Bonds are things that are very important to a character. A bond can be mortals, Chancels, cities, items, Familia, Imperators, Anchors, concepts, projects, or nearly anything else. Each character has 20 points to divide amongst bonds. Each bond receives a rating, its Bond Strength, that reflects how important that Bond is to the character. These assignments are flexible, but should not be abused. Bonds are often kept secret and well guarded. They are the targets of the Nettle Rite, which allow other Powers to siphon off miraculous power by harming that bond in some way. The lonely Uchiha colony, formerly a prison district, but now an home to a single Uchiha family headed by famed Kage adviser Densetsu, stayed ignorant to the chaos that filled the entire village. Either they had not received any news or they didnt care was left to speculation. It was a known fact that the man named Densetsu had been missing for a few days. Many anti-governmental theorist had come forward to link the two events into a single picture whilst many famed ones linked these pictures to the annihilation and destruction of Iwagakure and Kumogakure respectively. Bonds are something of a telepathic link between a pair of creatures. Unicorns, Fae, Elves, and those who reside in the Divine Realms are the only creatures who can see a bond in a physical sense. It was a full moon. Not that it mattered. The only think he could see for miles around was this endless white desert. Lucio looked down at the body lying in his arms. He did not know her name; his mind told him it didn't matter anymore. But he knew it should have. She had saved him; all he had done was shamelessly let her die in his arms. And there was no one around who could have seen what she had done for him. That shame would be his alone to bear. No one would know of it, but bear it he would. He owed her that much. Bonds es el cuadragésimo soundtrack de la pelicula Naruto: Las Ruinas Ilusiorías en lo Profundo de la Tierra compuesto por Toshio Masuda. Categoría:Banda sonora Categoría:Soundtracks Looted bonds can be found in your vault, located in the Estate of your First Neighborhood. Bonds is the second novel in the first half of the Vesal Chronicles, better known as TVC. Again following the lives of Salovan, Vidril and Ciniriel as they go into the galaxy, Bonds is the first book to unite the trio together, as they discover who they really are. {| class="box headnote" |- |This is the article on the episode. For the movie, head to Naruto Shippūden the Movie: Bonds. |} is episode 48 of the Naruto: Shippūden anime. Bonds es el cuadragésimo soundtrack de la pelicula Naruto: Las Ruinas Ilusiorías en lo Profundo de la Tierra compuesto por Toshio Masuda. Categoría:Banda sonora Categoría:Soundtracks The ultimate in safety these are issued by federal governments. Setsuna had found his targets and began his attack. Michael pulled up his sword to defend himself. Johann tries to reason with Setsuna that they are working to eradicate war, but the young man denies it, declaring they are not Gundams. With no choice left, the Trinitys have to defend themselves. Michaels unleashes his Fangs, which Setsuna quickly destroys with his beam sabers and physical swords. Just as two were about to strike him in the back, they were annihilated by Virtue. In Antarctica, scouts from each superpower discover a warehouse full of GN drives. Bonds represent the character's connections to people, places, and events in the world. The fight with Zola and Killer Bat rages on. Even when Blue Dragon successfully attacks Zola, she then absorbs Killer Bat and transforms into a demonic version of herself. Bonds is prologue six of Fire Emblem: Shin Monshō no Nazo ~Hikari to Kage no Eiyū~. Bonds is the twenty-second episode of .hack//Roots.
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Ogma or Draug
2009-01-26 2010-08-18
2008-02-16 2008-02-28
Ogma or Draug
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Mobile Suit Gundam 00
Tsunagari Kizuna
A screenshot of New Companions with Ogma as the boss
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Bonds Option 6A=250px
48 19
Tenchi Bridge Reconnaissance Mission
Rout enemy Rout
It was a full moon. Not that it mattered. The only think he could see for miles around was this endless white desert. Lucio looked down at the body lying in his arms. He did not know her name; his mind told him it didn't matter anymore. But he knew it should have. She had saved him; all he had done was shamelessly let her die in his arms. And there was no one around who could have seen what she had done for him. That shame would be his alone to bear. No one would know of it, but bear it he would. He owed her that much. Looking back at the past few weeks he realized just how much she had given him. They had traveled together for over two weeks. Shouldn't he have asked her name. She had known his, his fame preceded him in this dark corner of Hueco Mundo. At least she had known in her last moments who she was saving. He did not know who she was, never would. He had never let himself get to know her. She had been kind to him, smiled at him. She was his friend. Friend? Yes, she had been his friend. But only on loosing it was he beginning to realize just how much he had enjoyed this sense of camaraderie. He bowed his eyes and closed his eyes. His friend was dead. His first and only friend was dead. Eternal Tag wasn't fun anymore. Not as much as it used to be. Pesche knew Nel missed Ichigo, but he wasn't coming back. They had told him after he left that he was not a shinigami anymore. So there was no chance he could return. But he didn't have the heart to say that to Nel. After returning to her child form she had forgotten what had happened when she had transformed. But she remembered the rest, remembered meting Ichigo, becoming friends with him. She had been hurt when they told her that he had left Heuco Mundo. Sad that he didn't even said goodbye. They had told her that lie to appease her then. Saying that he had to leave to save his home but would one day return to meet then. That had cheered her up. Something to look forward to. But she often became glum like she was now. She was worried about him and so she would be until she saw him again with her own eyes. But he couldn't tell her that Ichigo was never coming back. That would break her. All Dondochakka and he could hope for now was that over time she would start to forget Ichigo and return to how she used to be. That she could break the bonds she had made with him. Kori was having a bad day. When he was assigned to go on a mission with the battle loving 11th Division goons, he thought it would be fun. When they informed him the mission was in Heuco Mundo, he thought it would be a learning experience. Maybe when the freaking squad leader started suffering from dementia he ought to have understood that his luck was just not with him on this one . But optimist that he was, even that didn't seem to bother him much. It took half the squad loosing their minds to make him begin worrying. With the mission compromised and no way to know what might be causing the dementia, there were not many options left. The battle hardened 11th Division members were starting to loose their cool. They wanted to return to Seireitei but Kori couldn't allow that. They might all be affected by some new disease for all he knew and he could not risk taking it back to Seireitei. Some understood, others didn't. By the time the fight finished he was the only sane one left. A couple of days later, at the designated place and time their way home arrived, a garganta opened from Soul Society. But he was surprised when the captain of the 12th Division, Haru Saito stepped out of it. He had not been informed of this. He hardly had time to utter a greeting before Haru stabbed him. He could do nothing as Haru picked up the sick shinigami one by one and slowly told him of the tale of Kori's betrayal that he would tell Soul Society. As Haru stepped into the Garganta, leaving Kori to die in disgrace in this barren desert, Kori was left with nothing but a sickening sense in his gut, a ruptured spleen and this sense of betrayal from a man who once called him his friend. {| class="box headnote" |- |This is the article on the episode. For the movie, head to Naruto Shippūden the Movie: Bonds. |} is episode 48 of the Naruto: Shippūden anime. Looted bonds can be found in your vault, located in the Estate of your First Neighborhood. Bonds are something of a telepathic link between a pair of creatures. Unicorns, Fae, Elves, and those who reside in the Divine Realms are the only creatures who can see a bond in a physical sense. Bonds es el cuadragésimo soundtrack de la pelicula Naruto: Las Ruinas Ilusiorías en lo Profundo de la Tierra compuesto por Toshio Masuda. Categoría:Banda sonora Categoría:Soundtracks The lonely Uchiha colony, formerly a prison district, but now an home to a single Uchiha family headed by famed Kage adviser Densetsu, stayed ignorant to the chaos that filled the entire village. Either they had not received any news or they didnt care was left to speculation. It was a known fact that the man named Densetsu had been missing for a few days. Many anti-governmental theorist had come forward to link the two events into a single picture whilst many famed ones linked these pictures to the annihilation and destruction of Iwagakure and Kumogakure respectively. The silence of the Colony now laid disturbed by the knock on the door of the adviser. It was the former Hokage, Shinzui, who had come for an unexpected visit. Shinzui would hear the sounds of footsteps behind the tall and thick door, as it swung backward and a girl peeped out at the visitor. It was Hanako Uchiha, the only female child in the household, having also been blessed with the good looking genes of both her parents. "Oh, Grandpa Shinzui!" She exclaimed, moving aside to grant him passage, "come in, please!" She ushered him into the cozy, well furnished home, towards the thick couches opposite the television. The house was filled with pictures, the proud parents and their full house; together with individual pictures of the children on different occasions. There were also pictures with friends, and one of Densetsu, Teishi, Juro and Shinzui together hung near the television. In the meantime Hanako had already called the other members of the house to the living room, and Juro, Shinzui's own godson was the first to descend from the stairs. "Godpa, what brings you here? There whole place has been pretty messed up after you announced you're quitting..." Juro asked, referring to Shinzui's leaving of office inquisitively. Shinzui slowly took steps inside the house, his eyes scanning at every corner of the room. It had been days, since he had last arrived here. Shinzui could see the changes since he had last came to the place despite not much major changes happening since last time. However, everyone present there knew of one big difference, that was, the disappearance of Densetsu. Shinzui's wandering thoughts, disturbed by the questions asked by Juro. The answers to them, even Shinzui didnt know. "I felt like meeting my Godkids," Shinzui replied, while making his way to the sofa. "So do you have any news on where he may be, Shinzui-san?" A voice asked from further down the hall. A woman emerged from the darkness, Densetsu's wife, Hitomi. Though she was in her early fifties r husband, she had gracefully aged, and she had no wrinkles or creases on her thin, sharp visage.mher eyes had now grown wiser with the years, having cooled off all the brash exuberance they displayed in her youth, when Densetsu had first courted her. While he was always devoted to his family, Densetsu had always drawn the line between service to the village and what his family could know. In fact the less people close to him knew about his missions, the better. Densetsu's disappearance lately had been on important grounds, but it was such a well guarded secret that even Juro, a high ranked member of the Special Missions Division had no idea of his father's whereabouts. Hanako and Juro turned to face their mother, their faces sharing her concern. Shinzui knew that question would be coming, but he was not ready to face it, "He ?" Shinzui said giving a puzzling look. Looking at Juro, he patted the young mans back, "You father has recently started to gamble, he might be in one of those pachinko centres right now" Shinzui laughed. "A while back, he told he to take you south Konoha forests, he wanted too show you something." Shinzui spoke, going out of the house, signalling Juro to follow him, "Oh! Hanako, you can come to." The family understood Shinzui's joke. As a regular visitor to the house before he had become a Hokage, the family were used to the alcohol loving man. Alongside faces like Shin Hayata, Kaoru Shin'ya and Akuhei Iwao, Shinzui was a family friend that was pretty much considered well, family. Hanako and Juro followed promptly, as their mother nodded, returning to the inside of the house, as they shut the door behind. The journey to the forest was shrouded in silence, all three were sharp enough to avoid talking about potentially shady matters in the open. Exchanging greetings with the familiar faces in Konoha as they passed, they reached the forest after a pleasant walk on the cool, windy day. It was an open area, grassy and beautiful, but a spot that Juro and Hanako hadn't been to before, as they spent their time training in the northern forests. The northern forests hadn't been too badly affected after the Akatsuki attack all those years back, so it's ancient beauty had been well preserved. "This'd ya come across it, godpa?" Juro asked, as Hanako knelt beside a huge sunflower, growing rather isolatedly. Shinzui was walking nonchalantly as the site gave him memories. "Long time ago, when the Saviour was still unknown to the world at large, and the certain village was ruled by a gambling addicted big breasted grandlady, there existed a man......" But there was suddenly a loud rustling sound in the leaves ahead of them, and a small toad sprang forth, one of the legendary two stages of Myoboku; the wise and ancient Shima. She looked very worried, but upon seeing them, her face suddenly looked hopeful and vibrant, as though a great load had been lifted off her back. "Shinzui Uchiha!! Thank goodness, thank goodness I ran into you here, if been sent here directly by our Densetsu-boy—" Her words were interrupted by a gasp from Hanako, followed by Juro. "Dad?! Where is he, is he ok—" but he never finished. The usually docile Shima was aggressive this time. "Not now Juro-boy, this is a matter of grave importance. Konoha will be attacked soon, Shinzui, Densetsu has informed us that you need to set up a barrier around Konoha immediately," her eyes squinted as her seriousness shine through, "your creation ability should be able to ensure that it nullifies all space time ninjutsu, or teleportation into and out of the village, immediately, or he will break in." She croaked desperately. "Grandma Shima, what's going on, where's dad?!" Hanako now interjected, the shock spreading among the young shinobi children of Densetsu. "Your father is fighting against Shenron Uzumaki, and we have all been compromised." Shima stated gravely, as Juro's blood ran cold. Shenron Uzumaki. "Oh ! Shenron Uzumaki, I have heard his name somewhere," Shinzui thought out loud, ""Anyways, I will have whatever Densetsu ordered to be done." Shinzui spoke has he took hold of Shima, "Juro, Hanako, you can head home, looks like your papa is won you a lottery with his pachinko." Teleporting to the dark secret chambers within the Konohagakure facilities, away from the eyes of the crows that watched for trouble. Shinzui sneaked in to what was a strict correctional facilities dark prison chambers. The eyes of the prisoners glowed as they saw Shinzui. The priosners were all physically weak and had grown insane thanks to the best of the best facilities (torture) they received in the prison. Shinzui had made sure the children of his advisor didn't follow him to the darkest corners of Konoha. One of the prisoners gave a evil laugh, at Shinzui, "The mighty man couldn't handle the throne ? Gah, I have better administrative skills, then you will ever have." the prisoner chuckled causing Shinzui to show one of his rarest emotions, anger. "Shut Up!" Shinzui shouted as his eyes put the smart ass prisoner under a lifelong Genjutsu torture, effective paralyzing him. Looking at the other prisoners, Shinzui said, "I need your help, volunteers may even get freedom." As Shinzui said the word the prisoners had been longing for freedom, all the prisoners raised their hands to volunteer, many fighting among themselves in order to reduce competition. One of the prisoners spoke out loud, "I will even take a grenade for freedom, tell me, your highness, what do you need ?" Shinzui's mind raced with thoughts, "With chakra levels with high, I may need around six volunteers." Scanning the chakra levels of every prisoner, Shinzui handpicked six volunteers who had among several other competitors the best chakra levels and the control over it as defined by the prisoners log. "You six, all you got to do, is go unconscious." Shinzui spoke out authoritatively has his eyes pierced the soul of the volunteers into a paralyzing world of uncontrollable dizziness. Carrying the prisoners into another part of the underground chambers without causing ruckus for the security system to catch a blimp of him. Shinzui lined the paralyzed bodies in a glass room. They were tied to what looked like an sophisticated electronic device. After doing some mathematical calculations on the top of his head, Shinzui activated the device, which activated an unknown invisible barrier throughout Konohagakure, "One of my inventions as an Hokage, finally got into some use," Shinzui laughed. Shinzui had effectively nullified the usage of space time jutsu throughout the village. After closing the chambers from outsiders. Shinzui began walking towards the outskirts of the village. After a few minutes of walking, Shinzui kept his hands over Shima, "Forget whatever you saw, but remember I did what your master told me to do." the Uchiha said, rewritting the memories within the Mother of the Toadway. "Shima-san, take me to the land of Toads, I know, it is the only place, where my friend will go to, I need to get to him immediately." "That will be quite unnecessary, Shinzui, I believe he will be with us very shortly." Shima stated in response, just as there was commotion at the gate further up. A large toad leaped directly over the gates, as the guards stepped aside, seeing the being upon the titanic creature's back. With gentle grace the toad bent over, whom Shinzui would now recognise to be Gamamōra, Densetsu's personal summon for decades, using its tongue to reach behind and place a very spent and dusty, haggard looking Densetsu off its back. The middle aged Uchiha staggered forward, and Shinzui would see instantly how colossal the battle his friend had fought was, as the marks of a ferocious battle latched onto Densetsu's skin and clothing, along with the heavy smell of smoke. Densetsu hobbled forward, unable to go any faster than a limp, an irony considering he had his name etched among the fastest shinobi to have ever lived; limping along with great pain upon his visage as he brushed a nearby medical nin off. Upon seeing Shinzui further upwards, he attempted to make his way forward even faster, a look of urgency replacing his initial tired features. Bonds is the second novel in the first half of the Vesal Chronicles, better known as TVC. Again following the lives of Salovan, Vidril and Ciniriel as they go into the galaxy, Bonds is the first book to unite the trio together, as they discover who they really are. Bonds es el cuadragésimo soundtrack de la pelicula Naruto: Las Ruinas Ilusiorías en lo Profundo de la Tierra compuesto por Toshio Masuda. Categoría:Banda sonora Categoría:Soundtracks The fight with Zola and Killer Bat rages on. Even when Blue Dragon successfully attacks Zola, she then absorbs Killer Bat and transforms into a demonic version of herself. Bonds are things that are very important to a character. A bond can be mortals, Chancels, cities, items, Familia, Imperators, Anchors, concepts, projects, or nearly anything else. Each character has 20 points to divide amongst bonds. Each bond receives a rating, its Bond Strength, that reflects how important that Bond is to the character. These assignments are flexible, but should not be abused. Bonds are often kept secret and well guarded. They are the targets of the Nettle Rite, which allow other Powers to siphon off miraculous power by harming that bond in some way. Bonds is the twenty-second episode of .hack//Roots. The ultimate in safety these are issued by federal governments. Bonds represent the character's connections to people, places, and events in the world. Setsuna had found his targets and began his attack. Michael pulled up his sword to defend himself. Johann tries to reason with Setsuna that they are working to eradicate war, but the young man denies it, declaring they are not Gundams. With no choice left, the Trinitys have to defend themselves. Michaels unleashes his Fangs, which Setsuna quickly destroys with his beam sabers and physical swords. Just as two were about to strike him in the back, they were annihilated by Virtue. On the Ptolemaios, the crew can't believe that such a thing is happening. If the Gundams destroy each other, then things will be bad. Sumeragi orders Lockon to assist Tieria and Setsuna and if things get complicated, use whatever means necessary. Christina deletes the picture of her and Johann. Allelujah stays behind to protect the ship. On Earth, Lockon and Haro prepare to head off, Lockon comments that Setsuna plans on becoming a Gundam, a being whose sole purpose is to eradicate war. Deciding to work together, Setsuna and Tieria use special formations that they didn't think they'd ever use. Johann and Nena try linking up, only for Tieria to interfere. But the siblings figure his lack of mobility to strike him, only for his to release the Virtue armor, revealing Nadleeh's Trial system, a system that disables any mobile suit linking with Veda, which immediately shuts down Eins and Drei. He then prepares to strike, only for the system to shut down unexpectedly. The Thrones regroup, only to be shot at by Dynames. To prevent a full fledged battle, Johann reveals Lockon's real name, Neil Dylandy, which explains why level 7 of Veda is locked. He also reveals that Setsuna was a child soldier and part of KPSA, who were responsible for the death of Lockon's family. Meanwhile, the three superpowers prepare to surrender to the Gundams when they are contacted by a mysterious benefactor from within Celestial Being. In Spain, Louise pleads Saji to return to Japan to complete his dream of being an aerospace engineer. Elsewhere, Kinue learns that 'Laguna', is Laguna Harvey, a well-known linear train developer. Though her colleague advises not to investigate a powerful individual, Kinue is willing to take the chance. Back on Celestial Being's secret island base, Lockon demands that Setsuna explain his involvement in KPSA. It was because of that organization, he lost his parents and sister. Because of the solar generation system, it plunged the countries that depend on fossil fuels into poverty. People then began fighting for religious reasons Setsuna confesses to Lockon that he was fighting for God. But he soon learned that there is no God in this world. His group was lead by Ali al-Saachez, a mercenary who was addicted to war. In Moralia, he wanted to confirm that that man still existed, which is why he got out of the cockpit. Now he wishes to eradicate war in his Gundam. In Antarctica, scouts from each superpower discover a warehouse full of GN drives. Bonds is prologue six of Fire Emblem: Shin Monshō no Nazo ~Hikari to Kage no Eiyū~.
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