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{Serious / Conspiratorial} So maintaining proper security here and preventing any unnecessary delays is crucial. {Cautious, a little wary} If you don't know the answer to that already, I'm not certain I should tell you. If you're here about the missing caravan the contract's already been picked up. {Conceding the point} You're quite right. {Happy to give it} For all you've done you deserve it. {Rushed, intense / Afraid} But right now is a perilous time for any Railroad agents. {Salesman, spinning a tale } We're expecting a full shipment of geiger counters shortly. Some scavenger found them in an abandonned vault. {Hushed, confiding - accidentally says "Patriot" and realizes it} We have someone on the inside. He points them here. Why Patriot chose Bunker Hill, I'll never know. {Comfortable complimenting himself / Happy} It requires a degree of finesse. But I am happy to do my part. Best of luck to you and your endeavors, though. {Salesman pitch} Then today may be your lucky day. We're expecting a full shipment shortly. Remember: what you don't know, could kill you. {Troubled} Indeed, I do. {Coy double-speak, "Good op, let's do more missions together"} A pleasure doing business with you. I will recommend your services to others. I'm Stockton. You've heard of Old Man Stockton, yes? The mercenary I hired comes highly recommended. I'm certain I don't need further assistance. {Hushed, conspiratorial} Keep it down. Amelia's a synth though even she doesn't know that. {Hushed, wary / Worried} Everything looks clear. {Mildly giving orders} Secure the delivery site. Then we'll join you. {Choosing his words carefully, believes he's being overheard} When a package leaves the manufacturer they go to a specific location. The location changes, but for now it's here. {Very fretful, distracted - but trying to be gracious / Afraid} Thank you for saving Amelia. {Double speak, still doesn't trust the PC / Conspiratorial} You're with our mutual friends, yes? {Concerned for her} A runner has already picked her up. Hopefully the poor girl finds a safe new home. {Thinking aloud, firm} After what she went through with those monsters, maybe she suspects. But there's nothing to be done about that now. {Can't imagine it, sounds concerned for his daughter / Sad} From what she told me it sounds just... horrible. Just horrible. {Explaining himself, logically} Caravans are attacked all too often. I thought it was just an unfortunate coincedence. The evidence pointed to raiders. {Shrewdly appreciative} Exactly. {Moving to light a lantern} I'll fire up the signal. {Enticing} Come back later and perhaps you'll be able to purchase one of these life-saving devices. {Unphased by the player's annoyance, doesn't mind calling the player a tool / Friendly} Other problems I can solve myself. But sometimes you need a hammer. {Grim} So if I'm compromised, the whole supply chain dries up. {Slightly confused, double speak / Surprised} You? I was expecting someone a bit more... armed. {Salesman, laced with double meaning / Friendly} Welcome, my friend. Might I ask, do you have a geiger counter? {Patting himself on the back / Happy} Arguably, it's the most important. {Opening up, double-speak / Friendly} You've just joined, haven't you? All you need to know is this is the first stop for all our new... packages. {Quick introductions, trying to reassure H2 / Friendly} This is H2-22. H2, here's the person I talked to you about. {Explaining} We're supposed to make the delivery at night. So once you clear out the undesirables, we'll meet after the sun sets. {Friendly / Friendly} One I am grateful for. You deserve this for all you've done. {Sharing a joke, super friendly and thankful} I had hired a mercenary to do the job, but clearly I should've hired you instead, eh? Thank you. {Sigh at the beginning, hushed but talking straight, urgent / Irritated} This... synth... is fresh from the Institute. He's disoriented, he's never seen anything like our world. I can't hide him here forever. {Transition from hushed to normal conversational level. Double-speak again. End of sentence is "Kill the raiders"} I've tried to deliver him at the rendezvous location, but raiders have made that impossible. So if you could...? {Wary} I think I've said too much already. {Very cordial, thankful / Grateful} There you are. You're the one that rescued my Amelia. I run three caravans that travel throughout the Commonwealth. {Explaining} The rendezvous site has worked for flawlessly many times. Introducing variables is always dangerous. {Appreciative of the player's shrewdness} Of course. {Sounds shocked - but he's so suave it's hard to tell if he's acting / Sad} Is that what they said? That whole Compound sounds... insane. Amelia's my daughter and that is that. {Double speak, the end of his leading question "kill them".} I'm supposed to deliver the package to someplace nearby. But raiders have complicated matters. So if you could...? {Hushed and annoyed / Irritated} Yes, I am talking about synths. {Genuine, maybe a half chuckle at the start} I like you already. {Scared, warning to someone he respects / Afraid} I'm leaving the Commonwealth, and I recommend you do, as well. {Salesman, friendly} What a fortunate soul you are. Never will you have to worry about walking into a hot spot unawares. {Happy to give it} Of course she did. And you'll be paid, never you fear. {Happy to give it / Grateful} You've helped my family out dearly and for that, you deserve a reward. {Said carefully, referring to another previous important conversation they had} Remember what I told you, H2. You ever buy anything from Goodneighbor or Diamond City? Odds are, it's been delivered by my men. {Explaining} It's scheduled to be a nighttime delivery. So if you can clear out the undesirables before dawn, we can do this tonight. See you soon. {Urgent} Window is open for a heavy to make contact but they should act now. {Salesman, trying to be convincing} If you're ever in the market to sell that handy device, please let me know. {Very nervous} Update. Observed unusual activity has ceased. {Thoughtful} And with all of us still recovering from the mishap with the Facility. Well, I didn't want to call for assistance unless I knew it was required. {Double meaning / Conspiratorial} It's bad for business. {Annoyed at himself} Someone I really shouldn't have mentioned. {Double speak} It's always nice to make new friends. {nervous / Conspiratorial} My current package has been in my possession far too long. {Happy to see the PC, daughter is said mockingly - she isn't his daughter and the player should know that / Conspiratorial} There you are. You're the one that rescued my "daughter," yes? You look thirsty. Enjoy an iced cold Nuka-Cola on me, friend. {Serious, urgent} The package is still in my possession. It cannot remain here safely for much longer. Out. {Evasive} Let's just stick to business, shall we? {Thankful / Grateful} I hadn't asked for help from... our mutual friends. But I'm glad you were there, nonetheless. {Slightly confused, double speak / Surprised} You? I was expecting someone of the... feminine persuasion. I hope you find your visit here profitable. {Salesman, laced with double meaning / Friendly} Ah, are you here about the geiger counter? {Happy to give it} But it turned out well. So well, that you deserve to be rewarded. {Happy to give it / Grateful} Here's your amply deserved reward. {Some fire in here, he's passionate about the cause / Irritated} The Institute doesn't bother to name their property. Synths are just numbers and letters to them. {Amused, friendly} I had hired a mercenary to do the job, but clearly I should've contacted you instead, eh? Thank you. If you ever find yourself needing to buy or sell something, especially in bulk, talk to one of my employees in the market. {Said carefully, referring to another previous important conversation they had / Friendly} Remember what I told you, H2. {Just did a task} And... There. {Hushed, annoyed. The player just said something that could get them both in trouble if overheard. / Irritated} Perhaps you should lower your voice? And choose your words with greater care. {Translation of double-speak: "Raiders are trivial, the Institute is way more scary", serious} So clearing out the raiders is overall safer than risking our package being intercepted by our competitors. {Wary, serious - "I wish you well" in tone} Time for me to go. Keep H2 safe. Someone will be here shortly.
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Player Default: Why do all packages start here? Player Default: I like you already. NPCMOldManStockton: Thank you for saving Amelia. Player Default: Helping you is becoming a habit. Player Default: Quick. Got it. Player Default: One I am grateful for. You deserve this for all you've done. Player Default: Another person actually happy to meet me. This'll take some getting used to. Player Default: Yeah, I'm with the Railroad. Player Default: Just tell me what you mean. Player Default: She mentioned a reward. OldManStockton: And... There. Player Default: Window is open for a heavy to make contact but they should act now. Player Default: Sounds like Bunker Hill's important. Player Default: If it's such a problem, why not just change the delivery site? Player Default: Amelia said something about a reward. Player Default: That's right. OldManStockton: Remember what I told you, H2. Player Default: This isn't an ice cream social, Stockton. Player Default: Happy to help. Player Default: I have a geiger counter built into my Pip-Boy. Player Default: Doctor Chambers said Amelia was a synth. Was she right? NPCMOldManStockton: There you are. You're the one that rescued my Amelia. Player Default: A trader always has to move his merchandise efficiently. Player Default: Why do you ask? OldManStockton: But right now is a perilous time for any Railroad agents. Player Default: Here's your amply deserved reward. Player Default: No one likes delays. Player Default: Let's say I am. Player Default: It's always nice to make new friends. Player Default: You're talking about synths, right? Player Default: How do they know where to go? Player Default: You're the one that needs help, right? Player Default: If you're ever in the market to sell that handy device, please let me know. Player Default: You've got a tough job here. Player Default: So I just need to wipe out a few raiders. Done. NPCMOldManStockton: Everything looks clear. Player Default: I'm surprised you didn't contact Dez about this. Player Default: So I'm just muscle. NPCMOldManStockton: There you are. You're the one that rescued my "daughter," yes? Player Default: No, I don't have one. Player Default: Well, she's safe now. Player Default: Doctor Chambers said Amelia was a synth. Is that true? Player Default: It's my designation. Player Default: "Mine is in the shop." OldManStockton: It's bad for business.
OldManStockton: My current package has been in my possession far too long. OldManStockton: This is H2-22. H2, here's the person I talked to you about. OldManStockton: I had hired a mercenary to do the job, but clearly I should've hired you instead, eh? Thank you. Player Default: Happy to help. OldManStockton: It's scheduled to be a nighttime delivery. So if you can clear out the undesirables before dawn, we can do this tonight. See you soon. OldManStockton: You're with our mutual friends, yes? OldManStockton: I'll fire up the signal. OldManStockton: You've just joined, haven't you? All you need to know is this is the first stop for all our new... packages. OldManStockton: I'm leaving the Commonwealth, and I recommend you do, as well. Player Default: No one likes delays. OldManStockton: From what she told me it sounds just... horrible. Just horrible. OldManStockton: I had hired a mercenary to do the job, but clearly I should've contacted you instead, eh? Thank you. Player Default: The package is still in my possession. It cannot remain here safely for much longer. Out. Player Default: So I just need to wipe out a few raiders. Done. Player Default: Helping you is becoming a habit. OldManStockton: But right now is a perilous time for any Railroad agents. Player Default: I have a geiger counter built into my Pip-Boy. Player Default: Nice to meet you, H2. OldManStockton: I hadn't asked for help from... our mutual friends. But I'm glad you were there, nonetheless. Player Default: You've got a tough job here. OldManStockton: Time for me to go. Keep H2 safe. Someone will be here shortly. Player Default: That's right.
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