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Tulaberry wine
Tulaberry wine is an alcoholic drink made from tulaberries that is made by the Karemma and the Dosi. In 2370, Grand Nagus Zek had Quark begin negotiations with the Dosi to purchase tulaberry wine. In reality, Zek cared little about the tulaberry sale, as the Ferengi leader was hoping the Dosi would reveal information about the Dominion. (DS9 episode: "Rules of Acquisition") The Ferengi later established a regular supply of tulaberry wine with the Karemma. (DS9 episode: "The Search, Part I") Quark also obtained tulaberry wine for his own profit. (DS9 episodes: "The Jem'Hadar", "Family Business") In 2370, Grand Nagus Zek assigned Quark to open trade negotiations with the Dosi to purchase 10,000 vats of tulaberry wine, in the first Ferengi business venture in the Gamma Quadrant. However, he later sabotaged the negotiations by changing the order to 100,000 vats, well beyond what the Dosi could produce. Zek's true goal was to do business with the Dominion, and his plan succeeded when the Dosi businesswoman Zyree referred Quark to the Karemma. (DS9: "Rules of Acquisition") Neelix also once suggested Seven of Nine add curtains to her quarters in a "Tulaberry blue." (VOY: "Human Error")
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Tulaberry wine is an alcoholic drink made from tulaberries that is made by the Karemma and the Dosi. In 2370, Grand Nagus Zek had Quark begin negotiations with the Dosi to purchase tulaberry wine. In reality, Zek cared little about the tulaberry sale, as the Ferengi leader was hoping the Dosi would reveal information about the Dominion. (DS9 episode: "Rules of Acquisition") The Ferengi later established a regular supply of tulaberry wine with the Karemma. (DS9 episode: "The Search, Part I") Quark also obtained tulaberry wine for his own profit. (DS9 episodes: "The Jem'Hadar", "Family Business") In 2376, Quark served tulaberry wine at a reception for Bajoran and Cardassian delegates. (DS9 - Mission Gamma novel: This Gray Spirit) In 2370, Grand Nagus Zek assigned Quark to open trade negotiations with the Dosi to purchase 10,000 vats of tulaberry wine, in the first Ferengi business venture in the Gamma Quadrant. However, he later sabotaged the negotiations by changing the order to 100,000 vats, well beyond what the Dosi could produce. Zek's true goal was to do business with the Dominion, and his plan succeeded when the Dosi businesswoman Zyree referred Quark to the Karemma. (DS9: "Rules of Acquisition") The Ferengi did establish a tulaberry wine trade with the Karemma that year, and, possibly as a reward for his service, Quark gained ownership of several tulaberry wine franchises. (DS9: "The Search, Part I", "Family Business") Neelix also once suggested Seven of Nine add curtains to her quarters in a "Tulaberry blue." (VOY: "Human Error")