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Back to our story! Pesh: Explain how the challenge works. ML: Okay, Steel makes a machine that will challenge everyone. Steel: I'll make him so that only the assailant can win. ML: This machine will beat everyone, at any cost. Steel: He tries to let everyone bleed he challenges. He tries to KO everyone. Pashie: Eww, can't you just make a machine that just detects the culprit? ML: No, we want that everyone could see that the culprit's the culprit. Bloop: But everyone that's KO'd couldn't see anything! Xero: Plus, that it's even riskier than a normal machine... What if the non-culprit dies...?
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Back to our story! Pesh: Explain how the challenge works. ML: Okay, Steel makes a machine that will challenge everyone. Steel: I'll make him so that only the assailant can win. ML: This machine will beat everyone, at any cost. Steel: He tries to let everyone bleed he challenges. He tries to KO everyone. Pashie: Eww, can't you just make a machine that just detects the culprit? ML: No, we want that everyone could see that the culprit's the culprit. Bloop: But everyone that's KO'd couldn't see anything! Xero: Plus, that it's even riskier than a normal machine... What if the non-culprit dies...? ML: Hmm, you're right. Such machine could take more lives than the life of the victim. ML: Steel, stop the construction, and think about a safer plan. Steel: Awww... Pesh: Wait, where's Flame? Hark: I guided him to the telephone box. Pesh: I know, but he ISN'T there! Flame: (which finally sneaked into the camera room as he heard Pesh) SH*T, I'm missing. Flame: Bloody '*ll, if they find me, I get sent back to home. Flame: Wait that's EXACTLY I want! ML: A-HA! there you are Flame! Sneaking into the camera room, that earns something bad! Flame: May I go home now?! ML: No, you're a suspect. Nobody may go home until we found the culprit. Flame: Bloody '*ll!!! It was late in the evening as ML finally got an idea for finding the criminal. ML: I got it! We must get a Super Hound! Steel: HOW do we find such dog? Pesh: Steel's actually right, there doesn't exist a Super Hound. ML: I know, there's a Super Hound. You only don't know one. That's why you're going to find it, - McBoo: BOOBERRY! ML: ...Booberry? She isn't here, McBoo. Booberry: A-hum! McBoo: I only said her name because she's there. ML: Oh. But how'd you got here? Booberry: I just came here, and then went in. ML: Went in? And the forcefield? It should work for anyone but demons. Booberry: Never minded it. ML: Wait... doesn't that mean...? ML: (while running to the controlling room) nonononononononononononononononono... Locke went into the controller room. ML: OH NOOOO! F*CK, F*CK, F*CK!! Hark: What's up? ML: DON'T YOU SEE IT?! I forgot to turn the forcefield on, thanks to the pizzas! Hark: Ah... By the way, speaking of Pizzas, you need something to read: a letter I received from the delivery service. Locke read the letter: Dear Mr. Hark,We charged you the price, but we totally forgot that you said to charge on Mr. Metal Locked v2. Sorry for this. That's why we gave you $9020,- back in this message. Also, we added a bill for Mr. Metal Locked v2.Sincerely,The Pizza Delivery Service. ML: WTF! I'm NOT going to pay your order, Hark! ML: I'll force you to give those 9020 bucks back and send them back with a message! Hark: I shouldn't do that, read the postscript. PS: We sent spies, so they could see if Mr. Metal Locked v2 is REALLY paying the bill. If he's using your money, we repeat sending this message, money and bill. ML: ...So that means I've no other choice? Nice friend you are, Hark! Locke and Hark return to the gang. ML: The forcefield was still off. Pashie: So the culprit could also be from outside! ML: Probably. And it's revealed I've to pay a bill. Steel: So who's gonna to find that "Super Hound", you talk about, which probably doesn't exist? ML: YOU gonna find it, Steel. Steel: What, me!? ML: Yes, together with Hark. Hark: That's going to be fun. ML: You'll begin RIGHT NOW. Hark and Steel went outside Steel: I think we'll be back in 2 days or so. Bye. Steel and Hark went out the area. ML: I think we should add Booberry to the contestants Booberry: Nah. I'm already happy to see McBoo. I'm now saying goodbye. Booberry: (to McBoo) Goodbye honey. McBoo: Goodbye, sweetie. Booberry went back to her home. ML: Well, 48 hours before Steel and Hark are back. Let's do in the meantime a small challenge. Find it all out in Fandemonium/Eps.18!