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The Basics The basics
Here is some basic information about the game play of Lost Odyssey to get new players started. Dragon's Prophet is very large and can be complicated to understand. Many features go very in depth, this will be a guide to scratch the surface of the many questions a new player may ask. This game is about surviving. Surviving the longest. That means other tribes must fall before you do, and you are allowed to kill the other trolls yourself. To do so, you will need to get some weapons using material found on the ground. The process is the same for buildings, find material on the ground, place them in the right order in your inventory and they will automatically combine into a building if the recipe exists. So, you've just made a new nation on NationStates. You've never had a nation before, and everything is so confusing it hurts. You could probably look at some YouTube video, but you don't really have the time or patience. And looking through forums? That will take forever and a day, plus, you don't even really know where the forums are and where to go to find help. This is why this here article exists, just for you. So now that you've stumbled across this article you might be asking yourself, what is this "WowMOD"? WowMOD ( short for World of Warcraft Mod ) is a Counter-Strike 1.6 plugin which incorporates many of the RPG aspects from the popular online mmorpg World of Warcraft. WowMOD combines many aspects of WoW with the style and game play of Counter-Strike 1.6. Now that you have learned about your hud, there are some other aspects you should learn about. The I button in public rooms will tell you the name of the room and a description of the room. The I button in other players rooms will display the Title of the room, the owners names, and the room description. The I button in your room has several features: The Basics of game play for the online hockey game, MetroHO are important to consider as your decisions in the beginning will effect your team for many seasons into the future. Description Learn about the skills of your Citizens, including basic movement, construction and gathering natural resources. Briefing The Early Phoenicians: 3000-2000BC (Citizens/Resource Gathering) Late in the third millennium BC, the Canaarites from the area near Galilee traveled to the Mediterranean coast looking for new land. There began a settlement which would become the great Phoenician trading city of Tyre. * Move your Citizens west and build a Capitol on the flagged hill. * Gather enough Food to create three additional Citizens, for a total of six.
Rycharde wants you to deliver a dish to Valgeir in Selbina, and report on how he liked it.
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Rycharde - Mhaura I-8
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Five-star Purveyor
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Here is some basic information about the game play of Lost Odyssey to get new players started. The I button in public rooms will tell you the name of the room and a description of the room. The I button in other players rooms will display the Title of the room, the owners names, and the room description. The I button in your room has several features: * Room Title - In this box you can type the title of your room all titles may only include words in the VFK dictionary. The title of your room can affect what players enter your room so type wisely. * Description - In this box you can type a description for your room. The description is just a place to tell a little bit about the room so others can read before entering. * Max Occupents - This is a drop down menu of 4 numbers 10, 15, 20, and 25. The numbers represent the amount of players you allow into your room. Remember less people = less crowding and lag but it also menas less people can see your room so choose wisely. * Allow Everyone - This is a check box if there is a check in it everyone who wants to enter can enter. Un-checking the box means that only you can enter. * Code - Here you can enter a code for your room. In other words the only way others can get into your room is to type a code. This is helpful in many ways one way you can use this is to tell your friends the code then only your friends can enter. Dragon's Prophet is very large and can be complicated to understand. Many features go very in depth, this will be a guide to scratch the surface of the many questions a new player may ask. So now that you've stumbled across this article you might be asking yourself, what is this "WowMOD"? WowMOD ( short for World of Warcraft Mod ) is a Counter-Strike 1.6 plugin which incorporates many of the RPG aspects from the popular online mmorpg World of Warcraft. WowMOD combines many aspects of WoW with the style and game play of Counter-Strike 1.6. So lets say you just began playing on a WowMOD server, the first thing that you should see is the main WowMOD menu. You might be thinking to yourself "what is this, maybe I should leave". Don't be so quick to judge a book by its cover, look around at some of the menu options that are available. The first thing you must do to be able to start earning experience and gold is to choose a class and race (see WowMOD Races and WowMOD Classes for more info about the available races and classes). After choosing your race and class there is one crucial thing you should learn which is the command that accesses important menus - that command is /wowmod (you can either say /wowmod or enter the command in the console). You can see all of the important commands that you can access by saying /commands - please take some time to try some of them. After poking around and scoring a few frags while getting comfortable with the server there are some basics you should learn about your hud; Level, Race and Classes: These are basically self explanatory, level shows your current level, race shows your selected race and class shows your selected classes (you start with a primary class and after earning some levels you may select your secondary class). Gold: gold can be used to buy things like spells and equipment from the merchants (items merchant, armourer, and spell merchant ). Mana: Mana comes straight from WoW and it is used to cast spells, which in turn can benefit you, your team or cause damage or negative effects to your opponent. Effects: Your hud also shows what effects are currently cast on you, these can be positive (buffs) or negative (damage or debuffs). Now that you have learned about your hud, there are some other aspects you should learn about. * Gold - the more you have the more stuff you can afford like new equipment and spells, though you can only buy these things from merchants, if you type wow or wowmod, you can access the merchants and buy equipment or spells from them. * Spells - they are based on your level, the more gold and levels you have the more levels you can buy. Most spells require mana as well, mana regenerates slowly over time, and some spells even allow you to steal it from other players! However some spells constantly drain mana so watch it and use it carefully. * Racial Ability - each race has a special trait which can be bound to a key using the command 'wow_racial'. When the 'wow_racial' command is bound to a key and that key is pressed your racial ability goes into effect. Some racials have their duration extended as you gain levels, some become more powerful. Each race and class has its own ups and downs, but go with what you are comfortable with, level up and have fun. You can change your race and class anytime you like but keep in mind when you do you will have to buy all new spells and your old spells are no longer castable, even if you change back to your original race/class. Description Learn about the skills of your Citizens, including basic movement, construction and gathering natural resources. Briefing The Early Phoenicians: 3000-2000BC (Citizens/Resource Gathering) Late in the third millennium BC, the Canaarites from the area near Galilee traveled to the Mediterranean coast looking for new land. There began a settlement which would become the great Phoenician trading city of Tyre. In this scenario, you play the Phoenicians who are about to found their new civilization. When the game begins, you will have control over 3 Citizens - the first Citizens of the Phoenician civilization. You must lead these early Phoenicians west to the sea, and learn the basic skills of survival. These skills include basic movement, constructing a Capitol, and gathering natural resources, which your civilization will need to grow. The fate of the Phoenicians is in your hands. * Move your Citizens west and build a Capitol on the flagged hill. * Gather enough Food to create three additional Citizens, for a total of six. This game is about surviving. Surviving the longest. That means other tribes must fall before you do, and you are allowed to kill the other trolls yourself. To do so, you will need to get some weapons using material found on the ground. The process is the same for buildings, find material on the ground, place them in the right order in your inventory and they will automatically combine into a building if the recipe exists. The main thing that noobs need to learn is that the basic idea behind survival is to keep all three of your vital stats above zero. Failure to do so will result in instant death. The stats are Health, Energy and Heat. Each of these stats will decrease by one every 2 seconds, and must be replenished to keep you alive. To restore health, eat meat, which can be obtained by cooking(at a fire) raw meat picked up from corpses. To restore energy, you can either use a tent, mud hut or troll hut that your team owns, to cast sleep on you. This will replenish a large portion of your energy. If you have nowhere nearby to sleep, you can use your own default sleep ability on yourself, but this will result in some loss of health. Heat is replenished simply by standing near a fire your team owns. In a game of Island Troll Tribes, it is possible to survive with only a campfire, and so the formula for that will be provided here: Tinder, Flint, Stick, in that pick up order. So, you've just made a new nation on NationStates. You've never had a nation before, and everything is so confusing it hurts. You could probably look at some YouTube video, but you don't really have the time or patience. And looking through forums? That will take forever and a day, plus, you don't even really know where the forums are and where to go to find help. This is why this here article exists, just for you. The Basics of game play for the online hockey game, MetroHO are important to consider as your decisions in the beginning will effect your team for many seasons into the future.
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