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Doctor Nemesis Doctor Nemesis
Doctor Nemesis was originally the Blockbuster Buster's best friend, Panda Bear, the only other person worthy to wield his hammer, but who turned down the offer of becoming the second Blockbuster Buster in order to direct his own work (the actor's actual occupation). However, the experience of watching Michael Bay's Transformers alone drove him to gouge out his own left eye and turn evil. Panda Bear is slightly chubby, with short curly hair and clear hispanic skin. The character's outfit consists of a brown trenchcoat, a black necktie, a black eyepatch over his left eye, and black leather gloves. When he defects back to the side of good, he removes the gloves, trench-coat and eyepatch, revealing his panda t-shirt. Although primarily trained as a medical physician, Dr. James Bradley began working in the late 1930s with Professor Phineas T. Horton in developing the original android Human Torch of World War II. While mostly a silent partner in this endeavor, he began building a second android during this time. The two scientists were unable to correct the design flaw that would cause their android to burst into flames upon exposure to oxygen. Bradley had preferred they resolve this issue before revealing their work to the public. However, Horton, eager for both fame and further financial backing held a press conference in late 1939 debuting their work. This turned into a public relations disaster, as Bradley had predicted, when the android caught on fire, causing the press to label it a menace. Bradley
Doctor Nemesis(James Bradley); X-Club Vol 1 4 Textless.jpg
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Although primarily trained as a medical physician, Dr. James Bradley began working in the late 1930s with Professor Phineas T. Horton in developing the original android Human Torch of World War II. While mostly a silent partner in this endeavor, he began building a second android during this time. The two scientists were unable to correct the design flaw that would cause their android to burst into flames upon exposure to oxygen. Bradley had preferred they resolve this issue before revealing their work to the public. However, Horton, eager for both fame and further financial backing held a press conference in late 1939 debuting their work. This turned into a public relations disaster, as Bradley had predicted, when the android caught on fire, causing the press to label it a menace. Bradley broke off their partnership thereafter and took his unfinished second android with him. Sometime before 1941, Bradley completed his work and the second android acted as the superhero, Volton, the Human Generator, from late 1941 to early 1942. Unaware of its artificial origins, Bradley led Volton to believe it was a scientist named Guy Newton who had discovered how to utilize his body's power to generate static electricity. Around this time, Bradley also decided to become a masked crimefighter, too. While working by day at Mercy Hospital in New York City, he would don a surgical mask and arm himself with a hypodermic gun to fight corruption and crime as Dr. Nemesis. After a number of adventures, Dr. Nemesis was approached by agents of the Third Reich to form a group of costumed beings. Signifying a change in tactics, Bradley changed his alter-ego to Dr. Death and recruited Human Meteor, Spider Queen, Strongman and Volton for the group, Battle-Axis. The members of Battle-Axis did not, necessarily, agree with the Nazi policies and agenda but, for a variety of reasons, sought to force the United States to pull out of World War II. Dr. Death started work on "Project Mojave". Using an experimental device called an oscillotron, Battle-Axis would cause a severe earthquake on the U.S. west coast. Besides causing much damage to American cities, it would destroy the war industry plants and release poison gas from underground storage. With such devastation, the U.S. would be forced to withdraw from the war in order to deal with its homefront crisis. On June 22, 1942, Battle-Axis made their public debut protecting a German U-Boat from the Invaders attack. The two teams battled several times as the Invaders slowly unraveled Dr. Death's secret plans. In their final confrontation, Dr. Death was able to get the oscillotron activated when he was struck down by Volton. The android had learned of its origins and Dr. Death's own role in keeping it secret. The Sub-Mariner was able to shutdown the machine and Dr. Death was left for dead. Somehow surviving the attack, Bradley returned to New York City. Apparently repentant, he assumed his original costumed persona of Dr. Nemesis. Continuing on his war on crime, he became engaged to his co-worker, Nurse Mary Strong. The majority of his wartime activities remain unchronicled. After the war, Dr. Nemesis moved to Buenos Aires, Argentina to hunt down any Nazi superscientists and any of their clones. Panda Bear is slightly chubby, with short curly hair and clear hispanic skin. The character's outfit consists of a brown trenchcoat, a black necktie, a black eyepatch over his left eye, and black leather gloves. When he defects back to the side of good, he removes the gloves, trench-coat and eyepatch, revealing his panda t-shirt. Doctor Nemesis was originally the Blockbuster Buster's best friend, Panda Bear, the only other person worthy to wield his hammer, but who turned down the offer of becoming the second Blockbuster Buster in order to direct his own work (the actor's actual occupation). However, the experience of watching Michael Bay's Transformers alone drove him to gouge out his own left eye and turn evil. He began sending bad movies to the Blockbuster Buster as revenge, finally appearing to force ERod to review three bad finishes to blockbuster trilogies: The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor, Terminator: Rise of the Machines, and Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End. Forcibly preventing the busting of the three movies, Doctor Nemesis finally attacked the Blockbuster Buster along with two clones, but was met by Nerdlinger, Fedora Freddy, Cartoon-E and El L0ver. They defeated the villain, who vanished out of his clothes upon being struck with Lucille. It was later revealed that this was just another clone, and that ERod had known this all along. Doctor Nemesis returned in ERod vs Episode I, now working for the Hooded Man. Because he was still considered worthy, he was able to take Lucille from the Blockbuster Buster. Later, the imprisoned ERod tried to talk him out of it, but Doctor Nemesis left. He later returned with ERods wife SHERod to help him escape, wanting to defeat his arch-nemesis himself. When the Blockbuster Buster insisted that he still wasn't giving up on his friend, appeared and told Nemesis to "let it go." Nemesis removed his costume, revealing his Panda T-shirt beneath it and rejoined the side of good, dueling Evil-E with a lightsaber. However, he was banished to the null void in the same fight. Despite several attempts, ERod has not been able to bring him back yet.