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Pearl of Great Price
The Pearl of Great Price is a collection of sacred writings and one of the four standard works that are accepted as scripture by the members of the Mormon Church (Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints). The Pearl of Great Price includes these individual books: * The Book of Moses * The Book of Abraham * Joseph Smith-Matthew * Joseph Smith-History * The Articles of Faith The Book of Moses or Selections from the Book of Moses consists of several revelations given to Joseph Smith while he was revising the Bible under inspiration, beginning in June 1830. The Pearl of Great Price was the object of a story about a merchant recounted by Montgomery Scott. The merchant, who when he found one pearl of great price, went and sold all that he had and bought it. Scott referred to the story when he was told of Gem and the Vians, comparing Gem to the pearl. Captain Kirk acknowledged the comparison and noted that "whether the Vians bought her or found her makes little difference – she was of great value." (TOS: "The Empath" ) The story was a parable by Jesus, recounted in the Bible at Matthew 13:45-46.
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The Pearl of Great Price is a collection of sacred writings and one of the four standard works that are accepted as scripture by the members of the Mormon Church (Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints). The Pearl of Great Price includes these individual books: * The Book of Moses * The Book of Abraham * Joseph Smith-Matthew * Joseph Smith-History * The Articles of Faith This book of scriptures was first published at Liverpool, England, in 1851 by Franklin D. Richards, who was then the president of the British Mission and a member of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles of the Mormon Church. Reason for the publication was the request from converts for further information about the Mormon Church. The Book of Moses or Selections from the Book of Moses consists of several revelations given to Joseph Smith while he was revising the Bible under inspiration, beginning in June 1830. The Book of Abraham contains writings of Abraham, and it is a translation from some Egyptian papyri that the Church obtained in 1835. It includes a record of the life of the patriarch Abraham and also a description of the creation of the world that is similar to that recorded in Genesis and in the Book of Moses. Joseph Smith-Matthew is an extract from the testimony of Matthew taken from Joseph Smith's translation of the Bible. Joseph Smith-History includes excerpts from Joseph Smith's official testimony and history, which he prepared in 1838. The Articles of Faith of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints include thirteen untitled statements previously published in the Times and Seasons in March 1842. The Pearl of Great Price was the object of a story about a merchant recounted by Montgomery Scott. The merchant, who when he found one pearl of great price, went and sold all that he had and bought it. Scott referred to the story when he was told of Gem and the Vians, comparing Gem to the pearl. Captain Kirk acknowledged the comparison and noted that "whether the Vians bought her or found her makes little difference – she was of great value." (TOS: "The Empath" ) The story was a parable by Jesus, recounted in the Bible at Matthew 13:45-46.