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Land Raider Redeemer
After this, a task force of the Fire Lords Chapter, under the command of Captain Jaric Phoros, was despatched to bring order to the war-torn planet. The Space Marines found the rebels of Grissen firmly entrenched within their sprawling cities and fortifications, and despite Imperial Navy bombardments on a near-apocalyptic scale, the rebels had been able to hold out, even as their cities burned and their bastions fell about them. In fact, Munitorum Strategio-savants eventually realised that the more the Imperial Navy vessels pummelled Grissen from orbit, the more cover the rebels were afforded by the twisted and anarchic ruins, and that only the deployment of the elite Space Marines could root the enemy from their positions.
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After this, a task force of the Fire Lords Chapter, under the command of Captain Jaric Phoros, was despatched to bring order to the war-torn planet. The Space Marines found the rebels of Grissen firmly entrenched within their sprawling cities and fortifications, and despite Imperial Navy bombardments on a near-apocalyptic scale, the rebels had been able to hold out, even as their cities burned and their bastions fell about them. In fact, Munitorum Strategio-savants eventually realised that the more the Imperial Navy vessels pummelled Grissen from orbit, the more cover the rebels were afforded by the twisted and anarchic ruins, and that only the deployment of the elite Space Marines could root the enemy from their positions. An Imperial Decree was issued by the High Lords of Terra that stated that Grissen must be brought back into the Imperium, as it would prove to be a useful recruiting ground for the Imperial Guard. After this decree was issued, the Fire Lords doubled their efforts to defeat the defenders, rather than order the Exterminatus of the planet. Having answered the Munitorum's call for aid in ending the war, the Fire Lords Chapter soon determined that conventional battle rites would prove insufficient to defeat the enemy. The Chapter's commanders saw straight away that Grissen represented a city fight on a planetary scale, a type of warfare known for the high casualty ratio it inflicts on both sides. Though each Space Marine was the equal of ten or more of the mortal rebels, each was a precious resource that could not be expended in such an urban meat-grinder. If strategy dictated that the city must be taken, then an entirely new tactic would have to be developed to do so. Captain Phoros directed his Techmarines to construct a weapon that would win the war. The answer for how to scour the enemy forces form the dense ruins of Grissen was realised in the adaptation of the Fire Lords Chapter's Land Raider Crusaders, replacing their Hurricane Bolters with deadly Flamestorm Cannons. Fuelled by large Promethium reserves, these vast Flamers proved peerless weapons in the hellish chaos of an urban battle. The Land Raider is a formidable vehicle in its own right, but one able to transport a Space Marine squad directly into the heart of a battle and unleash direct twin blasts of withering alchemical fire at the foe, proved invaluable in such a conflict. Its flame weapon completely negated any benefit the defenders might otherwise have derived from taking cover in the midst of a ruined building or fortification, penetrating even the smallest gap to consume those hiding within. Armed with this fearsome combination of armour, firepower and troop-carrying capability, the Fire Lords launched their campaign. The victories came thick and fast, and within only solar days the largest rebel faction was suing for peace. Those who refused to surrender to Imperial justice were burned alive in the wreckage of their own cities, and soon the planet was restored to the rule of the Imperium. Within a solar month of the Astartes' deployment, the world's ruling faction was suing for peace and Grissen was soon after reintegrated into the Imperium. Following the success of the Land Raider Redeemer pattern at Grissen, the Fire Lords made it a standard element of their arsenal. Furthermore, the rituals of modification were disseminated to Chapters with close ties to the Fire Lords. With the eventual dissemination of the design schematics for the Land Raider Redeemer across the Adeptus Astartes, it was accepted as an official variant of the Land Raider Crusader rather than a new design in its own right, avoiding the problem of needing official recognition for its use by the Adeptus Mechanicus, and it soon entered the canon of war machines of the Adeptus Astartes. The vehicle is to be found in service with almost every Space Marine Chapter and is the weapon of choice for strike force commanders faced with a determined enemy deeply entrenched within a dense city or similar battlescape. Countless enemies have preferred to surrender and face the inevitable wrath of the Emperor's servants than the horrific end they would otherwise meet should the Land Raider Redeemer be deployed against them. Captain Phoros, having always been possessed of a sardonic mind, named the first Land Raider Redeemer variant Prometheus after the ancient Titan from Terran history who gave the gift of fire to Mankind. Unfortunately the designation Prometheus was already taken by a Land Raider variant designed by the Salamanders Chapter, and thus the variant was named the Land Raider Redeemer instead. The original Land Raider Redeemer, known as the Prometheus, is still part of the Fire Lords' Armoury and is greatly honoured in the Chapter's history.