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PvP world PvP World
When logging into a PvP world, players were warned and given the option to return to the lobby to select another world. * The first time you logged to a PvP world you would appear at Lumbridge, future login attempts would allow you to stand where you last logged out before you entered a PvP world. * The PvP worlds manual would appear in the inventory, and if lost, could be replaced by talking to Mandrith, found in Edgeville bank or his brother Nastroth (both appear only in PvP or Bounty Hunter worlds). * No borrowed items were allowed into a PvP world. If a player tried to log in to a PvP world with a borrowed item in their inventory, it would tell the player to bank it first before logging onto a PvP world. * The Period of Immunity is only about 5 seconds, during this time, PvP Worlds are worlds where players can fight other players (World 2). People go into PvP worlds for a number of different reasons; You can get items that can be sold for a high price, high level of entertainment and adrenaline for some, you will get double experience in PvP worlds, this can be used to get your levels up faster. The only PvP world at this time is world 2, but more PvP worlds could be added at a later date.
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PvP Worlds are worlds where players can fight other players (World 2). People go into PvP worlds for a number of different reasons; You can get items that can be sold for a high price, high level of entertainment and adrenaline for some, you will get double experience in PvP worlds, this can be used to get your levels up faster. The only PvP world at this time is world 2, but more PvP worlds could be added at a later date. There is a lot of money to be made from PvPing, and that is one of the reasons as to why people enjoy Player Killing. You will be given an EP level (Earned potential) when in a PvP world, the higher this number, the greater chance of you obtaining a good item upon killing someone. There are a couple of rules to getting a good drop, firstly you and the person you are fighting will need to be risking more than 76k (Coins do not count towards risk). Secondly, if you have killed the same player in the last 4 hours, you will not get a good drop from killing the player. When logging into a PvP world, players were warned and given the option to return to the lobby to select another world. * The first time you logged to a PvP world you would appear at Lumbridge, future login attempts would allow you to stand where you last logged out before you entered a PvP world. * The PvP worlds manual would appear in the inventory, and if lost, could be replaced by talking to Mandrith, found in Edgeville bank or his brother Nastroth (both appear only in PvP or Bounty Hunter worlds). * No borrowed items were allowed into a PvP world. If a player tried to log in to a PvP world with a borrowed item in their inventory, it would tell the player to bank it first before logging onto a PvP world. * The Period of Immunity is only about 5 seconds, during this time, you were unable to be attacked. The "immunity" also worked during teleportation and travel (such as while in a boat). However, to prevent abuse, this would not work for a short period of time whenever it was used too often.