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Sheh-fet Sheh-fet
Sheh-fet är en Kinahhi enhet. Kinahhi använder sheh-fet för att läsa tankar av sin människor och upptäcka eventuella potentiellt farliga tankar innan de kunde bli ett problem, med andra ord, folk inlåsta eftersom de kan göra uppror. Arxanti räddades när Daniel Jackson var ansluten till sheh-fet, hans unika inblick i De gamla bevisa att Arxanti var inget hot mot Kinahhi. (SG1: "Stargate SG-1: The Cost of Honor") kategori:Kinahhi teknologi Sheh-fet was an elaborate surveillance network created by the Kinahhi people on the planet Kinahhi. In involved channeling the neural energies of the subjects- typically convicted criminals- to create a complex semi-telepathic network, able to detect even the potential for rebellious actions against the government. Its existence was justified by the presence of the Mar'bahl, a race who had previously lived on this planet and were believed to have ties to Ba'al, who the Kinahhi had once served. Senator Robert Kinsey was able to set up his own sheh-fet on Level 17 of the SGC after forming an alliance with the Kinahhi while SG-1 were away for four months rescuing SG-10, but the system was shut down for good when Daniel Jackson linked himself to it, having determined that the 'Mar-bahl' actual
n10: n11: n12:
Sheh-fet was an elaborate surveillance network created by the Kinahhi people on the planet Kinahhi. In involved channeling the neural energies of the subjects- typically convicted criminals- to create a complex semi-telepathic network, able to detect even the potential for rebellious actions against the government. Its existence was justified by the presence of the Mar'bahl, a race who had previously lived on this planet and were believed to have ties to Ba'al, who the Kinahhi had once served. Senator Robert Kinsey was able to set up his own sheh-fet on Level 17 of the SGC after forming an alliance with the Kinahhi while SG-1 were away for four months rescuing SG-10, but the system was shut down for good when Daniel Jackson linked himself to it, having determined that the 'Mar-bahl' actually had ties to the Ancients, using his unique knowledge of them from his past Ascension to convince the Kinahhi that their alleged enemies meant them no harm. Colonel Jack O'Neill was able to use his superior Ancient gene to destroy the device for good and free those trapped by it. (SG1: "A Matter of Honor", "The Cost of Honor") Sheh-fet är en Kinahhi enhet. Kinahhi använder sheh-fet för att läsa tankar av sin människor och upptäcka eventuella potentiellt farliga tankar innan de kunde bli ett problem, med andra ord, folk inlåsta eftersom de kan göra uppror. När planeten först upptäcktes, Senator Robert Kinsey försökte ordna en allians med dem för sheh-fet teknologi, trots att Överste Jonathan J. O'Neill erkände det potentiella värdet av anti-gravitation teknologi som en mer värdefull långsiktig resurs, framför allt för att rädda den sedan länge försvunna SG-10 som hade fångats på P3W-451 som det drogs in i ett svart hål. (SG1: "Stargate SG-1: A Matter of Honor") Arxanti räddades när Daniel Jackson var ansluten till sheh-fet, hans unika inblick i De gamla bevisa att Arxanti var inget hot mot Kinahhi. (SG1: "Stargate SG-1: The Cost of Honor") kategori:Kinahhi teknologi