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50 Ways to Annoy Major Monogram
1 out of 5 users is contributing on this article It's Here! 1. * Dissasemble OWCA 2. * make him make a oath to NOT stop evil 3. * make Perry look evil 4. * send him to the Academy 5. * inspire Doof for a new -inator 6. * Work for him and do a lousy job. 7. * Bonus if you're Carl. 8. * Ask him a lot of questions. 9. * Hold him hostage. 10. * Destroy his reputation. 11. * Refer to him as "some guy" instead of Major. 12. * Make him take a taxi instead of a town car. 13. * Touch him with unwashed hands. 14. * Make him say "I am Major Monogram. I dropped that water balloon. I have poopy pants." 15. * Enlist for the OWCA as a field agent if you aren't an animal. 16. * Expose his yearning to sing. 17. * Turn off th
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1 out of 5 users is contributing on this article It's Here! 1. * Dissasemble OWCA 2. * make him make a oath to NOT stop evil 3. * make Perry look evil 4. * send him to the Academy 5. * inspire Doof for a new -inator 6. * Work for him and do a lousy job. 7. * Bonus if you're Carl. 8. * Ask him a lot of questions. 9. * Hold him hostage. 10. * Destroy his reputation. 11. * Refer to him as "some guy" instead of Major. 12. * Make him take a taxi instead of a town car. 13. * Touch him with unwashed hands. 14. * Make him say "I am Major Monogram. I dropped that water balloon. I have poopy pants." 15. * Enlist for the OWCA as a field agent if you aren't an animal. 16. * Expose his yearning to sing. 17. * Turn off the stage lights on him while he's trying to sing. 18. * Double-Cross O.W.C.A. 19. * Trap him in O.W.C.A.'s jail 20. * Bonus if Dr.D is there with him. 21. * Say he's a bad singer. 22. * Break the fourth wall. * Bonus if you're Carl. 23. * Kill Carl 24. * Make Him Shut down OWCA 25. * say "OWCA Are for Humans not Cats and dogs and stuff like that!" 26. * Bonus if your Maver the Bullie 27. * Kill all the pets 28. * Make him a double ganger 29. * Bonus if ur P&F 30. * Make him cry