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Catalin family
The Catalin family was a political family on Naboo that rose and fell in power over the history of the planet. They were left weakened after the war of the tenth and ninth century BBY, but later, in the 7th century, they married into the Jafan dynasty and regained their old position for another century, before Queen Mollabelli's suspicions of them damaged their reputation and sent them back into decline. They began to rise again in the 3rd century BBY, and in 150 BBY, on the death of Queen Gradana, one of their members, Fromlissé Catalin, was elected to the throne. She abandoned the old family regal name of Votsandorsi for the simpler name of Votorina, which has been used by the family since.
n4: n6:
The Catalin family was a political family on Naboo that rose and fell in power over the history of the planet. They were left weakened after the war of the tenth and ninth century BBY, but later, in the 7th century, they married into the Jafan dynasty and regained their old position for another century, before Queen Mollabelli's suspicions of them damaged their reputation and sent them back into decline. They began to rise again in the 3rd century BBY, and in 150 BBY, on the death of Queen Gradana, one of their members, Fromlissé Catalin, was elected to the throne. She abandoned the old family regal name of Votsandorsi for the simpler name of Votorina, which has been used by the family since. Since then the family has been relatively prosperous. Their numbers included a Senator before the Old Republic fell, as well as a number or princes and princesses, and while during the time of the Empire they suffered as a result of one such princess, Lané Votorina, becoming wanted by the Imperials, at the end of the Galactic Civil war another member, Druné Votorina, was one of two ambassadors sent to request Naboo's liberation from Imperial forces and negotiate its admission into the New Republic.